Title: Community Land Trusts
1Community Land Trusts
- Barbara Inman, Executive Director
- Habitat for Humanity of Pinellas County (Florida)
- Phone 727-536-4755
- Email execdir_at_phfh.org
- Technology and Financial Health session
- Habitat Focus on the Future Conference, Oct. 07
2What are CLTs?
- Modeled after land conservancy trusts established
for ecological reasons - Separate non-profit corporation that holds land
for the purpose of providing affordable housing
in perpetuity - Takes the cost of land out of the cost to the
buyer - Sells the buildings on the land and establishes a
long-term lease (typically 99 years) with the
3The Land Lease
- Assignable to heirs of the leaseholder
- A new land lease would be established if the home
was sold to a new income-eligible buyer - Florida just passed a law to exempt CLTs from
paying taxes on land - Not a Real-Estate Trust, which are closed
arrangements with no public input
4Who owns the CLT?
- The CLT is owned by the public
- Board is made up of housing professionals and
community representatives - Democratically-controlled
- No personal ownership
- Homeowners cannot be more than 49 of the board
5How land is acquired by the CLT
- Must be some funding mechanism besides state and
federal monies - Land donated to HfH or purchased by us can be
bought by the CLT after construction is
complete - Agencies/municipalities will contribute land to
the CLT - Private donations
6Options for a Habitat affiliate
- Participate with an established CLT
- Be involved in the start-up of a local CLT
- Form your own CLT OR merge with an existing CLT
- Habitat for Humanity of Key West and the Lower
Keys - Bob Calhoun, Executive Director
- 305-872-4456 phone
- execdirector_at_habitatlowerkeys.org
7How Habitat affiliates can participate with an
outside CLT
- Be involved in formation of the CLT
- Make certain lease or resale clauses are ones
that your affiliate will accept - Retain right to repurchase homes you have
constructed - Decide how you will handle equity caps or resale
amounts - Perhaps a Master Lease from the CLT to Habitat,
and sub-leases to your owners
8Advantage of a CLT working with a Habitat
- Can be difficult to get banks to write the
mortgagesnot an issue with HfH - Habitat can potentially provide a pool of buyers
- For HfH-constructed units
- For other units in the CLT
- Habitat has land that it might/will sell or
donate to the land trust
9Advantages of CLT
- HfH retains better control of any units it
constructs - Relief for HfH for the cost of land probably
more land available to us as well - Maintains affordable housing units in perpetuity
- Might eliminate the need for a homeowners
association HfH controls maintenance of
multi-family projects
10Advantages of CLT
- Pools some of the best players in affordable
housing together to address issues/needs - Synergistic development of funding sources and
accountability - Will likely garner wide-ranging support
municipalities, corporations, congregations,
11Advantages of a CLT, contd
- Popularity should increase land pool
- CLT will be doing the purchasing of land
- A certain portion may be set aside for 80 and
below of AMI (our market) - Relief from land loans/grants, etc. and the
resulting administrative work - Homeowners pay less overall for their housing,
and leave with some appreciation (although not as
much as in fee-simple homeownership)
12Drawbacks to a CLT
- Homeowner realizes less appreciation (over
fee-simple ownership) - The public has little common knowledge of CLTs
- Homeowner Candidates may resist CLT property over
the possibility of fee-simple ownership - This is a non-issue if all of the affiliates
properties are land trust properties
13Comparison of Current(fee-simple) vs. CLT
Equity-sharing model
Assumed future value annual increase of 4 for
improvements, 10 for land
14Homeownership in a CLT
- Increases affordability to the homeowner in
return - Limits the equity available to the homeowner upon
sale of the home - Our agreement will require that the homeowner
will sell the improvements back to us for sale to
another qualified applicant - Requires that the resale price be affordable
- Each homeowner needs to have their own legal
representation at closing usually local legal
services will have several attys versed in CLTs
and will provide pro bono services
15CLT Resources
- The National CLT Network
- www.cltnetwork.org/
- Join their ListServ
- http//groups.yahoo.com/group/NACLTNetwork
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge,
Massachusetts - www.lincolninst.edu
- Institute for Community Economics
- Model ground lease widely used
- www.iceclt.org