Title: Round15J Results
1ISO TC184/SC4 Meeting 2006-06-27, Toulouse
CAx - IF
Status and Progress
CAx Implementor Forum E-Mail cax-test-admin-l_at_ca
x-if.orgWWW http//www.cax-if.de/ http//www.ca
2Current CAx-IF Members
New member!
Now maintaining OpenCascade data exchange
Continues to test Alias products
3Round17J Schedule
CAx-IF and Review meeting in conjunction with
PDES,Inc. Spring offsite
4Round17J Participants
- Autodesk (Inventor)
- CoCreate (SolidDesigner)
- Dassault Systèmes (CATIA V5)
- DataKit (OpenCascade)
- ITI Transcendata (CADfix for CATIA V4, V5, Pro/E
and UG) - T-Systems (COM/FOX for CATIA V5)
- Theorem Solutions (CADverter for CADDS and UG)
- Kubotek (Creator) are new members in the CAx-IF
(Welcome!) and started in Round17J with some
informal testing
B4 Benchmark Model
6Round17J Benchmark Model Results
The Assembly got shifted during some exchanges
issues are being investigated
Torque Converter Assembly
63 exchanges
7Round17J B4 Basic Validation
As should be the case, the shifting is captured
by the Centroid Validation Property
Torque Converter Assembly
17 exchanges
8Round17J B4 Assembly Validation
The shifting issue is not reflected here because
the respective system does not support Assembly
Torque Converter Assembly
6 exchanges
9Round17J B4 Comments Conclusions
- Looking at the raw numbers, results are better
than in Round16J - A CATIA V4 model was also tested, but the native
model showed significant issues, so it was
dropped from the evaluation - Resources at PROSTEP are allocated to rework the
model - This test case was tested with Extended
Validation Properties - Not all vendors supporting this participated in
this round - Minor syntax and structure issues have been
identified - Will be re-tested in Round18J with Extended
Validation Properties
K1 Surface Validation Properties
11Round17J Surface Model Results
This problem wasnt captured by the ValProps
because the vendor causing it does not support
13 exchanges
12Round17J K1 Comments Conclusions
- Only minor geometric issues
- Exchange of Surface Validation Properties now
stable - Since the issues that were the motivation for the
recent tests have been resolved, this will not be
tested again in Round18J.
GD3 Geometric Dimensional Tolerances
14Round17J GD3 General Results
- 3 STEP files submitted (I-DEAS, T-Systems, and
Theorem UG) - Results submitted by Theorem and OpenCascade
- I-DEAS and T-Systems do not support GDT import
due to API restrictions - Tolerance information could be processed
- Close cooperation of the participating vendors
with the GDT module team to resolve issues - Re-test in Round18J with additional functionality
Screenshot of I-DEAS STEP file imported into
Theorem with manually placed tolerances
Outer face of Head_Front is colored red
This edge is blue
S1 3D Annotation
16Round17J S1 General Results
- Main motivation for testing 3D Annotation is the
preparation for GDT presentation - Participation by I-DEAS and CoCreate, additional
import by Theorem - Some structural issues have been identified and
need to be resolved - Some existing implementations have not been
updated since the last tests in 2001 - Some vendors supporting this did not participate
in this round - Re-test in Round18J using simple geometrybut
more annotations with different styles - Also formally test colors to give Kubotekthe
chance to verify their implementation
Nose Landing Gear CATIA V5 New Model Courtesy
of Airbus
Transmission Casing Pro/E New Model Courtesy of
ZF Friedrichshafen
PM15 Production Model(s)
18Round17J PM15 CATIA V5
A component with voids in it caused a lot of
trouble because the STEP processors handled it
Nose Landing Gear CATIA V5 Assembly
30 imports
19Round17J PM15 Pro/Engineer
Transmission Casing Pro/Engineer Assembly
6 imports
20Round17J PM15 Comments Conclusions
- Nose Landing Gear
- Most problems were caused by the Voids in the
model - Some STEP files had a wrong orientation for the
shell, so the volume was added instead of
subtracted - Or it was just represented as a duplicate solid
- Even if it is questionable if a brep_with_voids
is a real world test case (manufacturability),
its out there and should be handled correctly - Transmission Casing
- No big issues
- New Production Models needed!
- From next round on, Production Models will always
be tested with (Extended) Validation Properties - Minimal extra effort
- Might render useful information for transfer
21Round18J Schedule
CAx-IF and Review meeting in conjunction with
PROSTEP Workshop STEP Data Exchange
22Round18J Scope (1)
- Colors 3D Annotation
- Simple Model (Cube) with various annotations
- Validation with target stats plus screenshots
- Also includes formal testing of colors to give
Kubotek a chance to verify their implementation - GD T
- Continued testing with extended scope
- Steve Yates / Ed Paff will provide input on new
test case - BREP with Voids
- BV1 model (block with two rectangular voids in
it) - Old roundtable agreements will be checked
- Has not been tested with a number of current
23Proposed Round18J Scope (2)
- Benchmark Assembly
- Continued testing with as much Validation
Properties as supported by the systems - Improved CATIA V4 model
- Test according to updatedRecommended Practices
- Use simple model in first testto get syntax
right - Production Models
- Models needed!!
- Put in as much ValidationProperties as supported
bythe systems
24Even more bar charts...
25System / Vendor Testing Participation
26Vendor Meeting Participation
27Implemented Functionalities