Title: Mathematical Modeling and Optimization: Summary of Big Ideas
1Mathematical Modeling and OptimizationSummary
of Big Ideas
2A schematic view of modeling/optimization process
assumptions, abstraction,data,simplifications
Real-world problem
Mathematical model
makes sense? change the model, assumptions?
optimization algorithm
Solution to real-world problem
Solution to model
3Mathematical models in Optimization
- The general form of an optimization model
- min or max f(x1,,xn) (objective function)
- subject to gi(x1,,xn) 0 (functional
constraints) - x1,,xn ? S (set constraints)
- x1,,xn are called decision variables
- In words,
- the goal is to find x1,,xn that
- satisfy the constraints
- achieve min (max) objective function value.
4Types of Optimization Models
Stochastic (probabilistic information on data)
Deterministic (data are certain)
Discrete, Integer (S Zn)
Continuous (S Rn)
Linear (f and g are linear)
Nonlinear (f and g are nonlinear)
5What is Discrete Optimization?
- Discrete Optimization
- is a field of applied mathematics,
- combining techniques from
- combinatorics and graph theory,
- linear programming,
- theory of algorithms,
- to solve optimization problems
- over discrete structures.
6Solution Methods for Discrete Optimization
- Integer Programming
- Network Algorithms
- Dynamic Programming
- Approximation Algorithms
7Integer Programming
- Programming Planning in this context
- In a survey of Fortune 500 firms, 85 of those
responding said that they had used linear or
integer programming. - Why is it so popular?
- Many different real-life situations can be
modeled as IPs. - There are efficient algorithms to solve IPs.
8Topics in this class about Integer Programming
- Modeling real-life situations as integer programs
- Applications of integer programming
- Solution methods (algorithms) for integer
programs - (maybe) Using software (called AMPL) to solve
integer programs
9IP modeling techniques
- Using binary variables
- Restrictions on number of options
- Contingent decisions
- Variables (functions) with k possible values
- Either-Or Constraints
- Big M method
- Balance constraints
- Fixed Charges
- Making choices with non-binary variables
- Piecewise linear functions
10IP applications
- Facility Location Problem
- Knapsack Problem
- Multi-period production planning
- Inventory management
- Fair representation in electoral systems
- Consultant hiring
- Bin Packing Problem
- Pairing Problem
- Traveling Salesman Problem
11Difficulties of real-life modeling
- The problems that you will encounter in the real
world are always a lot messier than the clean''
problems we looked at in this class there are
always side constraints that complicate getting
even a feasible solution. - Most real world problems have multiple
objectives, and it is hard to choose from among
them. - In the real world you must gain experience with
how to adapt the idealized models of academia to
each new problem you are asked to solve.
12Utilizing the relationship between problems
- Important modeling skill
- Suppose you know
- how to model Problems A1,,Ap
- You need to solve Problem B
- Notice the similarities between Problems Ai and
B - Build a model for Problem B, using the model for
Problem Ai as a prototype. - Examples
- The version of the facility location problem as a
special case of the knapsack problem - Transshipment and Assignment problems as special
cases of Maximum Flow Problem
13Complexity of Solving Discrete Optimization
- Two classes
- Class 1 problems have polynomial-time algorithms
for solving the problems optimally. - Examples Min. Spanning Tree Problem,
- Maximum Flow Problem
- For Class 2 problems (NP-hard problems)
- No polynomial-time algorithm is known
- And more likely there is no one.
- Example Traveling Salesman Problem
- Most discrete optimization problems are in the
second class.
14- Three main directions to solve
- NP-hard discrete optimization problems
- Integer programming techniques
- Approximation algorithms
- Heuristics
- Important Observation Any solution method
suggests a tradeoff between time and
accuracy. - On time-accuracy tradeoff schedule
Integer programming
Approximation algorithms
Brute force
Least accuracy
Most accuracy
Worst time
Best time
15Solving Integer Programs (IP) vs solving Linear
Programs (LP)
- LP algorithms
- Simplex Method
- Interior-point methods
- IP algorithms use the above-mentioned LP
algorithms as subroutines. - The algorithms for solving LPs are much more
time-efficient than the algorithms for IPs. - Important modeling consideration Whenever
possible avoid integer variables in your model.
16LP-relaxation-based solution methods for Integer
- Branch-and-Bound Technique
- Cutting Plane Algorithms
17Basic Concepts of Branch-and-Bound
- The basic concept underlying the branch-and-bound
technique - is to divide and conquer.
- Since the original large problem is hard to
solve directly, - it is divided into smaller and smaller
subproblems - until these subproblems can be conquered.
- The dividing (branching) is done by partitioning
- the entire set of feasible solutions into
smaller and smaller subsets. - The conquering (fathoming) is done partially by
- (i) giving a bound for the best solution in the
subset - (ii) discarding the subset if the bound
indicates that - it cant contain an optimal solution.
18Summary of branch-and-bound
- Steps for each iteration
- Branching Among the unfathomed subproblems,
select the one that was created most recently.
(Break ties according to which has larger LP
value.) - Choose a variable xi which has a noninteger
value xi in the LP solution of the subproblem.
Create two new subproblems by adding the
respective constraints xi ? ? xi? and xi ?
xi? . - Bounding Solve the new subproblems, record their
LP solutions. Based on the LP values, update the
incumbent, and the lower and upper bounds for
OPT(IP) if necessary. - Fathoming For each new subproblem, apply the
three fathoming tests. Discard the subproblems
that are fathomed. - Optimality test If there are no unfathomed
subproblems left then return the current
incumbent as optimal solution - (if there is no incumbent then IP is
infeasible.) - Otherwise, perform another iteration.
19Importance of tight lower and upper bounds in
- Having tight lower and upper bounds on the IP
optimal value might significantly reduce the
number of branch-and-bound iterations. - For maximization problem,
- A lower bound can be found
- by applying a fast heuristic algorithm to the
problem. - An upper bound can be found by solving a
relaxation of the problem (e.g., LP-relaxation). - If the current lower and upper bounds are close
enough, we can stop the branch-and-bound
algorithm and return the current incumbent
solution - (it cant be too far from the optimum).
20General Idea of Cutting Plane Technique
- Add new constraints (cutting planes) to the
problem such that - (i) the set of feasible integer solutions
remains the same, i.e., we still have the same
integer program. - (ii) the new constraints cut off some of the
fractional solutions making the feasible region
of the LP-relaxation smaller. - Smaller feasible region might result in a better
LP value (i.e., closer to the IP value), thus
making the search for the optimal IP solution
more efficient. - Each integer program might have many different
formulations. - Important modeling skill
- Give as tight formulation as possible.
- How? Find cutting planes that make the
formulation of the original IP tighter. -
21Methods of getting Cutting Planes
- Exploit the special structure of the problem
- to get cutting planes
- (e.g., bin packing problem, pairing problem)
- Often can be hard to get
- Topic of intensive research
- More general methods are also available
- Can be used automatically for many problems
- (e.g., knapsack-type constraints)
22Branch-and-cut algorithms
- Integer programs are rarely solved based solely
on cutting plane method. - More often cutting planes and branch-and-bound
are combined to provide a powerful algorithmic
approach for solving integer programs. - Cutting planes are added to
- the subproblems created in branch-and-bound
- to achieve tighter bounds
- and thus to accelerate the solution process.
- This kind of methods are known as
- branch-and-cut algorithms.
23Network Models
- Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
- Traveling Salesman Problem
- Maximum Flow Problem
- Min. Spanning Tree and Maximum Flow Problems are
in Class 1 (have polynomial-time algorithms for
solving the problems optimally). - Traveling Salesman Problem is in Class 2 (NP-hard
24Methods for solving NP-hard problems
- Three main directions to solve
- NP-hard discrete optimization problems
- Integer programming techniques
- Heuristics
- Approximation algorithms
- We gave examples of all three methods for TSP.
- 2-approximation algorithm for TSP was given and
analyzed in details.
25Some Characteristics of Approximation Algorithms
- Time-efficient (sometimes not as efficient as
heuristics) - Dont guarantee optimal solution
- Guarantee good solution within some factor of the
optimum - Vigorous mathematical analysis to prove the
approximation guarantee - Often use algorithms for related problems as
subroutines - The 2-approximation algorithm for TSP used the
algorithm of finding a minimum spanning tree as
26Performance of TSP algorithms in practice
- A more sophisticated algorithm (which again uses
the MST algorithm as a subroutine) guarantees a
solution within factor of 1.5 of the optimum
(Christofides). - For many discrete optimization problems, there
are benchmarks of instances on which algorithms
are tested. - For TSP, such a benchmark is TSPLIB.
- On TSPLIB instances, the Christofides algorithm
outputs solutions which are on average 1.09 times
the optimum. - For comparison, the nearest neighbor algorithm
outputs solutions which are on average 1.26 times
the optimum. - A good approximation factor often leads to good
performance in practice.
27Maximum Flow Problem
- We gave a linear program for the problem
- which can be solved by a special type of the
Simplex method, called Network Simplex. (covered
in Math 442/542) - In this class, we covered
- a more efficient algorithm for the Maximum Flow
Problem, - the Augmenting Path Algorithm.
- Features of the algorithm
- Finding augmenting paths
- Residual capacities and residual networks
- Reversing flow when necessary.
28Primal and Dual Problems in Optimization
- For many optimization problems,
- there is a dual problem
- associated with the primal (original)
problem. - The relationship between the primal and dual
problems proves to be extremely useful in a
variety of ways. Particularly, it - helps to find efficient algorithms for solving
the primal problem - provides arguments for proving the optimality (or
close-to-optimality) of a primal solution. - There is a dual linear program associated with
each primal linear program. One of key uses of LP
duality theory is Sensitivity Analysis (discussed
in Math442/542). - In this class, we discussed the dual of Maximum
Flow Problem, known as Minimum Cut Problem.
29Minimum Cut Problem
- A cut may be defined as a set of directed arcs
- such that if we remove the arcs of that set,
- no directed path from the source to the sink
will be left. - Weak duality property Maximum flow value ?
capacity of any cut , i.e., capacity of any
cut is an upper bound on the maximum flow. - Strong Duality Property
- Maximum flow value Capacity of minimum cut
- Why do we care about minimum cuts?
- Minimum cuts provide an intuitive argument for
proving that - our current flow is maximum.
- There are many applications where we need to find
- not a maximum flow but a minimum cut.
- Minimum cuts give the bottleneck (weakest links)
of a system. - Observation Identifying the bottleneck of a
system (industrial, transportation, etc.) is
an important goal in Engineering.
30Applications of Maximum Flow and Minimum Cut
- Transshipment Problem
- Assignment Problem
- Baseball Elimination Problem
- Each of these problems can be solved by creating
and solving a related instance of maximum flow
problem. - On the other hand, the infeasibility of these
problems can be shown using minimum-cut-based
intuitive arguments.