Title: HappyFace Cancellation of OldYear Checks
1Happy-Face Cancellation of Old-Year Checks
How to Cancel Stale-dated Checks and Keep a Smile
on Your Face
Russ ElliottMgmt Information Systems
CoordinatorCentral Washington University
2Central Washington University
- Main campus is located in Ellensburg, WA
- Approximately 7,500 fulltime students
- Running PeopleSoft Financials 7.52
- Approximately 400 Users
3CWU FMS (Financial Management System)
- Financials 7.52
- General ledger
- Payables
- Purchasing
- Asset Management
- Go-live on PeopleSoft was July 2001
- Currently in planning phase for upgrade to 8.x
4PS Delivered Process for Cancelling Stale-dated
- As-delivered, stale-dated checks are cancelled in
the originating budget period.
- This old budget period is closed and should
have no more transactions.
- PeopleSoft does not have an acceptable delivered
5Typical Stale-dated Transaction
6Cancel Payment
7Close Voucher
8Voucher Accounting Entries
- Budget Period and Fiscal Year mismatch
9Deficiency of Delivered Process
- After the Year-End close, no more transactions
should occur to a closed budget period.
- The delivered process generates accounting
entries for stale-dated checks in the original
budget period.
- There is no delivered process to correct the
budget period.
10CWU Process to Cancel Stale-Dated Checks
- Simple bolt-on customization
- Easy to implement and use.
- Allows the user to cancel stale-dated checks
without impacting closed budget periods
11CWU Custom Panel
- Changes Accounting Date and Budget Period.
12Cancel Payment
13Close Voucher
14Reset Accounting Date and Budget Period
15Voucher Accounting Entries
- Budget Period and Fiscal Year Agree
16Contact Information
- Russ Elliott, Management Information Systems
509-963-2384, elliottr_at_cwu.edu
- Nancy Jo Tutino, Accounting Supervisor
- 509-963-1991, tutinon_at_cwu.edu
- Greg Coles, Programmer
- 509-963-2967, colesg_at_cwu.edu
17Download files
- Powerpoint Presentation
- http//www.cwu.edu/acctng/peoplesoft_procedures/c
heck_cancel.ppt - Word Document Detailed Process including SQR
code, panel set-up and query - http//www.cwu.edu/acctng/peoplesoft_procedures/p