Title: Social, Moral
1Social, Moral Legal Obligations of Culturally
Competent Diabetes ProvidersSeptember 14, 2005
- John Molina, M.D.
- Medical Director
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
2Diabetes is an Epidemic
- 6.5 of American Adults (5.5 in 2001)
- 12 Million dx with DM
- 5 Million undiagnosed
- Health U.S. 2003, CDC, National Center for Health
3Minority GroupsProportion of U.S. Population
- 1970 16
- 1998 27
- 2050 50
- Source U.S. Census Bureau
4Racial/Ethnic Disparities
- Racial and ethnic minorities
- Higher rates of disease, disability, and death
- Receive lower quality health care
- Disparities persist after controlling for
access-related factors, such as insurance status
and income -
- Institute of Medicine. Unequal Treatment
confronting racial and ethnic disparities in
health care. 2002
5Why Cultural Competency in Diabetes
- Demographic changes in population
- Health care disparities
- High cost of disease management
- 132 Billion
- 192 Billion over next 15 years
- Hogan, Nichols, Blauber, Bakst. Economic costs of
diabetes in the US in 2002. Diabetes Care.
6What is cultural competency?
- In clinical practice, cultural competence
implies ability by health care providers and
planners to understand and respond effectively to
the cultural and linguistic needs of patients in
the health care setting. - http//www.betterdiabetescare.nih.gov/ISSUEScultur
Respect is really the essence of cultural
7Social, Moral and Legal Obligations for cultural
- What is fair?
- What is right?
- What is mandated?
8Social ObligationsWhat is fair?
- Social Justice
- What is due and owed
- Distributive Justice
- Equity of care
- Similar treatment of similars
9Moral ObligationWhat is right?
- Relating to the conscience or principle of right
conduct - Beneficence Hippocratic Oath
- Compassion
- Act in the patients interest
- Utilitarian Principle
- The most good for the most people (affected)
10Legal ObligationsWhat is mandated?
- No constitutional right to healthcare
- A right to healthcare can only be derived from
bioethical principals - Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Discrimination
- Tort Law (Medical Malpractice)
- -Informed consent
- The social, moral and legal obligations for
providing culturally competent healthcare serves
as the basis for addressing racial and ethnic
health care disparities