Title: Wildlife Officer
1Wildlife Officer
By Amber Moore
2Education Requirements...
A High School diploma or a GED
and 4 year Collage Courses
Suggested Courses...
-Principles of Police patrol -Criminal
Procedures -Criminal Investigation -Criminal
Law -Constitutional Law -Botany -Zoology -Conserva
tion and Ecology
3 Salary
Starting Salary - 15.14 per hour
(31,608overtime) After 6 months- 15.59 per
hour (32,556overtime) Overtime can be up to
404 hours! Rate of pay may be determined by job
position Salaries range from 115,811 to
4How to apply...
1.) Application 2.) Physical Fitness
Assessment 3.) reading comp., math, and language
skills test 4.) Oral
interview 5.)Thorough Background check 6.)
Medical check-up and eye exam
5What is the labor involved with being a Wildlife
They are trained criminal investigators who
enforce wildlife laws throughout the US. It
includes activities such as surveillance,
undercover work, seizing contrabands, making
arrest, and preparing cases for work. Front line
of defense against the illegal wildlife trade.
6How it relates to Rosebay and where is it in
-Wildlife Officers watch out for poachers, and
protect the animals of the Park. -Wildlife
Officers are EVERY Where! -They mainly serve in
Wildlife parks and Wildlife reservations.
7Work Sited...
Html www.DNR.state.wi.us/org