Title: EdShare: Repositories for Teaching and Learning
1- EdShare Repositories for
- Teaching and Learning
- Debra Morris and Jessie Hey
- Edinburgh
- Repository Fringe
- 31 July 1 August 2008
- edshare.soton.ac.uk
2Who is involved in EdShare?
- JISC funded bid Institutional Exemplars
Programme - EdSpace Project building EdShare
- 1 October 2007-31 March 2009
- Project Director
- Hugh Davis, University Director of eLearning
- Led by
- Learning Societies Laboratory, School of
Electronics - Computer Science with EPrints software team
- University Library
- Information Systems Services (ISS) and Learning
Teaching - Enhancement Unit (LATEU)
- Partnerships with
- University Pro-Vice Chancellor Learning and
Teaching - Associate Deans Education,
- Deputy Heads of School (Education)
- Educational networks
- Individuals
3What is EdShare about?
- managing, gathering educational resources
- collaborating to develop or extend learning and
teaching resources - working with all the parties involved to discover
how they will best benefit - showcasing resources for teaching and learning
- institutional practice for small scale re-use of
4The context for EdShare
- e-Prints Soton institutional research
- repository
- Virtual Learning Environments, University
- Portal, intranets
- eLearning strategy and drive
- University learning teaching initiatives
- reward and recognition
5EdShares practical approach
- EdShare supports access within the whole
- institution, Schools, across groups and
- disciplines
- making resources visible
- with a relaxed approach to adding more
- detail
- courses, tags, level, re-use
- a citation of the item
6EdShare look and feel
EdShare moves from the formality of the research
repository to the look and feel of Web 2.0
7 Context of a School Psychology
- Blackboard (VLE)
- PsyWeb (Intranet)
- SUSSED (Portal)
- Which others?
- EdShare fits
- with these
8Context of a Service the Library
Gathering, managing and making visible
9Increasing visibility for re-use
Generic material
10Promoting specific content
Material which is freely accessible
EduServ projects
Biomed Image Archive
HEAcademy resources
11Some assumptions and requirements
- Institutional practice of re-use is for small,
unbundled sections/assets/objects/activities - Teachers rarely finish materials for teaching
- Lightweight, nimble and portable service
- Simple workflow for adding content
- Easy sharing and finding
12Adding and describing content
13Adding content
- Add actual document/resource or web link
- Items get a persistent URL
- Owner gets the option to add descriptions and
- tags
- Owner can decide visibility of document
- Users can also bookmark/describe for others
- Resources will be automatically indexed by
- Google etc.
14What stage is EdShare at now?
- EPrints software platform
- .soton.ac.uk URL institutional status
- New lightweight interface
- Intuitive and minimal description of
- material required
- Working with a range of practitioners to
- use and develop EdShare
- Spreading the word!
15EdShare access and contact
EdShare the service edshare.soton.ac.uk Email
us at edshare_at_soton.ac.uk Your contacts Debra
Morris and Jessie Hey The Project is
16Grander sites of relevance
Open University Open Learn openlearn.open.ac.uk/
The JORUM www.jorum.ac.uk
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm
17Use your EdShare card to jot down ideas for Shares