Computer Science 026a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer Science 026a


Any given piece of pseudo-code can then be translated into any number of ... However, we can 'cheat' and change a value's type by typecasting it. For example: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Computer Science 026a

Computer Science 026a
  • Module 1 Introduction and Definitions
  • Module 2 Algorithms
  • Module 3 Primitive Data Types - Numeric
  • Module 4 Primitive Data Types - Boolean
  • Module 5 Iteration
  • Module 6 Modularity
  • Module 7 Object-Oriented Design
  • Module 8 Equivalence
  • Module 9 Strings
  • Module 10 Arrays

Purpose of This Review
  • Not a substitute for good, hard studying of your
  • 3 hours is very little time to go over all of the
    material in the course. Well be moving fast.
    Remember this is a review session.
  • Feel free to ask questions as we cover the
  • At the end, well open up the floor to more in
    depth questions, and revisit topics that are
    still unclear.

Computer Science 026a
Module 1 Introduction
  • Computer Science
  • The creation and investigation of a scientific
    foundation for the study of computing.
  • Computing
  • Computing is simply problem solving
    particularly problems that deal with data.
  • Data
  • Data is just another word for information.
    Computer programs process data to accomplish some
  • In a computer, data is represented by binary
    digits (bits) 1s and 0s.
  • Computer
  • A device that executes and follows a set of
    instructions to carry out some computing

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Also known as the processor
  • Executes instructions.
  • Main Memory (RAM)
  • Internal storage that holds the programs
    (instructions and data) currently being executed
    by the CPU.
  • Volatile information not retained when the
    computer is turned off.

  • Secondary Memory
  • Diskettes, hard disks, CDs, DVDs, USB sticks
  • Long-term (persistent) storage for programs and
    other information.
  • Organized as files each of which has a file
    name and a folder or directorythat contains it.
  • Input/Output (I/O) Devices
  • Keyboard, mouse, screen, printer, webcam,
  • Used for communicating information from the user
    to the computer and the computer to the user.

  • Computer program
  • A sequence of statements which specifies how to
    accomplish a particular task in a specific
    programming language.
  • Comprised of instructions that tell the computer
    what to do, and data that the computer uses to
    accomplish the task at hand.
  • A computer will always do exactly what it is
    instructed to do by a program it does not think
    on its own!

  • Programming
  • The process of creating, representing, and
    implementing tasks on a computer to solve a
    particular problem and produce a computer
  • Requires a language that can be translated into
    machine language for the computer to execute.

  • Programming Language
  • A special language that allows a computer program
    to be written.
  • All programming languages can be classified under
    one of the following types
  • Compiled A special program called a compiler
    translates the program into an executable
  • Interpreted Each line of the program is compiled
    on the fly and executed as the program runs.
  • Hybrid More on this later.

  • Source code
  • A file (or files) containing the program written
    in a high-level language (e.g. Java, C, Pascal).
  • Cannot be executed by the CPU (must be translated
  • Executable (or binary) code
  • A program that has been translated into machine
    language code.
  • This translation occurs by running the source
    code through a compiler or assembler.
  • Can be executed by the CPU.

  • Pseudo-code
  • An outline of a program, written in English, that
    can be easily translated into a real computer
  • Programming-language independent
  • Any given piece of pseudo-code can then be
    translated into any number of different computer
    programming languages (Java, Visual Basic, C,
    C, etc.)
  • Gets you to think about the logic of the problem
    before worrying about the finer details of

  • Software
  • Refers to computer programs. Types of software
  • Operating Systems Control the hardware and
    software of a computer. Examples Windows XP,
    Linux, Mac OS.
  • Application Software Word processors,
    spreadsheets, web browsers.
  • Compilers Translates high-level language
    programs into a form (machine language) that can
    be executed by the CPU.

  • Computer network
  • A group of interconnected computers.
  • Internet
  • A world-wide interconnection of computers.
  • World Wide Web
  • An application running on top of the Internet.
    The web is not the same as the Internet.
  • Hosts web pages that can be viewed through a web
    browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox)

Types of Languages
  • Machine language
  • The set of instructions that the computers CPU
    can execute directly.
  • Machine dependent. Cannot execute machine
    language for a PC on a Mac, and vice versa.
  • Difficult for programmers to use. Imagine
    writing a program like this

Types of Languages
  • Assembly language
  • Mnemonic representation of machine language.
  • Easier than machine language, but still
  • Assembler Software that translates assembly
    language programs into machine language.
  • One to one correspondence exists between assembly
    language instructions and machine language

Types of Languages
  • High-level language
  • English-like language that makes programming
  • One to many correspondence exists between
    high-level language instructions and machine
    language instructions.
  • Machine-independent. A program written in Java
    can be executed on a PC, and also a Mac.
  • High-level language program segment example

if ((numberOfStudents) MAX_STUDENTS)
fullCourse true
von Neumann Architecture
  • In old computers, programs were wired directly
    into the hardware.
  • Todays computers are based on the von Neumann
  • Refers to a computer design model that uses a
    single storage structure (main memory) to hold
    both programs and data.
  • This storage structure is main memory it
    contains programs written in machine language
    and the data for the programs.

von Neumann Architecture
  • Employs a simple fetch-execute cycle
  • do
  • get next machine language instruction execute
    the instruction
  • while there are no more instructions

The Java Language
  • A high-level language
  • Developed in the mid 1990s
  • Object-oriented
  • Portable
  • Java is a hybrid language. It is compiled, but
    not directly into machine language. Instead, it
    is compiled into an intermediate language called
    Java bytecode.

The Java Language
  • The Java interpreter (aka Java Virtual Machine)
    then translates and executes the bytecode on the
    computer, one bytecode instruction at a time.
  • This makes Java very portable create one
    compiler, and then create an interpreter for each
  • Java bytecode is machine independent.

Computer Science 026a
Module 2 Algorithms
What is an Algorithm
  • An ordered set of effective, unambiguous
    instructions which, when executed, terminates.
  • Ordered Steps are executed in a clear,
    sequential order (one after another).
  • Effective Each step is possible (can be done)
  • Unambiguous There is no uncertainty as to what
    to do, or how to perform the step
  • Terminates The set of instructions will
    terminate in some finite amount of time.
  • If you write a set of instructions that does not
    meet the above criteria, it is not an algorithm!

What is an Algorithm
  • Once an algorithm is written, we can just blindly
    follow it we dont have to know how it works.
  • A recipe is a good example of an algorithm. If
    youre baking bread, you dont have to know how
    the yeast works at a biological level. You just
    have to follow the steps of the recipe as they
    were given to you, and voilà! You have bread.

Algorithmic Constructs
  • Data storage/retrieval (aka input/output)
  • Information (data) is stored in variables so that
    it can be retrieved and used later.
  • Pseudo-code keywords
  • GET
  • Obtain a value (e.g. from the user) and store it
    in main memory
  • Display a value stored in main memory to the user
  • LET
  • Store a value in a location in main memory

Algorithmic Constructs
  • Conditional execution
  • Instructions may or may not be executed,
    depending on some condition at time of execution
    (run time).
  • Pseudo-code keywords
  • Decides whether or not some sequence of
    instructions will be executed
  • Selects one of two sequences of instructions to
    be executed

Algorithmic Constructs
  • Repetition
  • A sequence of instructions is executed 0, 1, or
    more times
  • Also called a loop
  • Pseudo-code keywords
  • FOR

Feeling Loopy Yet?
  • There are 2 types of loops
  • Pre-tested
  • Body executed 0 or more times
  • Two main forms
  • FOR DO body statements

Feeling Loopy Yet?
  • Post-tested
  • Loop body executed 1 or more times
  • Continues to repeat the execution of the body statements as long as is true

Feeling Loopy Yet?
  • Other ways to classify loops
  • Deterministic (Definite) We know before the
    loop starts how many times it will execute.
  • The for loop is deterministic.
  • Non-Deterministic (Indefinite) We cannot know
    before the loop starts how many times it will
    execute. It just loops until its condition
    becomes false.
  • The WHILE and DOWHILE loops are

From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Data storage/retrieval
  • GET
  • Consists of two Java statements a prompt
    statement and an input statement

System.out.println("The average of the numbers is
" (float) sum /
System.out.print("Please enter number " i "
")aNumber Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine()
From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Data storage/retrieval (contd)
  • LET
  • is the assignment operator it does not
    represent equality in the mathematical sense!

int howmany3
From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Conditional execution
  • Note If more than one statement appears below
    the if or the else, they must be enclosed in

if (jeffShutsUp true) System.out.println(
Hurray!) else if (jeffFaints true)
System.out.println(Haha!) else
From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Repetition
  • Note If more than one statement appears below
    the for, they must be enclosed in braces.

for (int i 0 i System.out.println(Hello!)
From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Repetition
  • Note If more than one statement appears below
    the while, they must be enclosed in braces.

int i 0 while (i System.out.println(Hello!) i
From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Repetition
  • Note If more than one statement appears between
    the do and the while, they must be enclosed in

int i 0 do System.out.println(Hello!)
i while (i
From Pseudo-code to Java
  • Each Java file has to have the same name
    (case-sensitive) as the class it contains.
  • This would have to be in a file named
  • To compile this class, we use javac
  • This produces the file Test.class our compiled
    bytecode. To run this program, we use java

public class Test . . .
java Test
Stepwise Refinement
  • The process of breaking a problem down into
    smaller sub-problems.
  • Each sub-problem is implemented in a separate
  • The main algorithm then uses each module to
    accomplish its task.
  • We say that the main algorithm is at the highest
    level of abstraction, while modules are at lower
  • This all leads to the notion of modularity, which
    makes our code easier to modify, maintain, and

Computer Science 026a
Module 3 Primitive Data Types - Numeric
Primitive Types
  • Store simple data values. Primitives can only
    store 1 value at a time. If we assign a value to
    a primitive type, it overwrites (replaces) the
    value that was already there.
  • Type of primitives
  • Integers (int)
  • , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,
  • Real numbers (float, double)
  • , -2.12, -2.101, -1.999, 0.0, 1.5, 2.2789,
  • Booleans (boolean)
  • true or false

Primitive Types
  • The values stored in primitives are called
  • -1 is an integer literal
  • 112.0 is a floating-point literal
  • true is a boolean literal
  • Each different primitive type is represented in
    memory in a different way. So, we have to
    declare the types of our variables so that
    compiler knows how to represent our variable in

Primitive Types
  • Declaring a variable Reserving a named space in
    main memory where a value will be stored, and
    explicitly specifying its data type.
  • Syntax
  • Example

int myInteger
Primitive Types
  • int
  • Used to store integral values
  • Stored in 32 bits
  • Can store numbers up to approx. 2 billion
  • long
  • Used to store larger integral values
  • Stored in 64 bits
  • byte, short
  • Used to store smaller integral values
  • Stored in 8 bits and 16 bits, respectively

Primitive Types
  • float
  • Used to store smaller floating point values
  • Stored in 32 bits
  • Has a precision of approximately 7 digits
  • double
  • Used to store larger floating point values
  • Stored in 64 bits
  • Has a precision of approximately 15 digits.
  • Used more commonly in Java to avoid rounding

Java Arithmetic Operators
  • Addition
  • Subtraction -
  • Multiplication
  • Division /
  • When performed on integers, returns an integer
  • 9 / 2 4 (not 4.5!)
  • When performed on doubles, returns a double
  • 9.0 / 2.0 4.5
  • When performed on a mix of both, returns a double
  • 9.0 / 2 4.5
  • Modulus
  • Remainder of a division
  • 12 7 5

Precedence Rules
  • Java evaluates arithmetic expressions in the same
    order as we do normally in mathematics
  • Parentheses
  • Multiplication, division, modulus from left to
  • Addition, subtraction from left to right
  • Examples
  • 12 6 5 13
  • 10 2 5 / 3 10
  • 10 2 5 / 3.0 10.66

Named Constants
  • Magic Numbers
  • A number in source code that means something to
    the programmer, but looks like gibberish to other
    readers. Example
  • The reader is left wondering what does the 28
  • Solution named constants!

if (i 28) System.out.println(Hello!)
Named Constants
  • We can declare a named constant using the keyword
    final to make the code more readable
  • Constants must be declared and assigned in the
    same line. After they are declared, they cannot
    be changed at a later time. They are constant.
  • Convention is to use capital letters and separate
    words by underscores.

final int HELLO_MENU_OPTION 28 if (i
HELLO_MENU_OPTION) System.out.println(Hello!)

Assignment Rules
  • An integer value can be assigned to
  • An integral variable type
  • A floating point variable type
  • A floating point value can only be assigned to a
    floating-point variable type
  • However, we can cheat and change a values type
    by typecasting it. For example
  • i will now store the value 5

int i 5
double i 5
double i 5.0
int i (int)5.4
Computer Science 026a
Module 4 Primitive Data Types - Boolean
Conditional Execution
  • Recall that our if statements have the
    following form
  • is nothing more than a Boolean
    expression (an expression that evaluates to true
    or false)
  • If it is true, then statement is executed.
  • If it is false, then statement is not executed.

if ( ) statement
Comparison Operators
  • Boolean expressions compare values using
    relational operators

Logical Operators
  • Boolean expressions can be combined using the
    logical operators
  • Although not explicitly required, good style
    dictates that we should put parentheses around
    each individual condition, as well as around the
    entire compound condition.

Logical Operators
  • Truth table for the logical operators

Logical Operator Precedence
  • Java evaluates logic operators according to the
    following precedence
  • Parentheses
  • ! (Negation)
  • (AND)
  • (OR)
  • Example
  • A B !C
  • evaluates as
  • A (B !C)

Primitive Type boolean
  • In Java, boolean is a primitive type that have
    can a value of either true or false.
  • We can declare variables of type boolean and
    assign values to them
  • Shortcut when using boolean variables in
    conditions, we can say
  • This is equivalent to

boolean isThisOverYet false
if (isThisOverYet)
if (isThisOverYet true)
Nested If Statements
  • if statements can be nested within other if
  • Notice that we dont need braces in this case.
    This is because an entire if-else block is
    considered to be one statement.

if (age 16) if (hasLicense) System.out.pri
ntln(Turn on the car!) else System.out.pri
ntln(Sorry, go get a license!) else
System.out.println(Youre not even old enough!)
The Evil Dangling Else
  • Consider the following code
  • Problem Do we associate the else with the outer
    if statement, or the inner if statement? We call
    this the dangling else problem.

if (age 16) if (hasLicense) System.out.pri
ntln(Turn on the car!) else
System.out.println(Youre not even old enough!)
The Evil Dangling Else
  • Solution Java implements the dangling else
    rule. This rule states that an else will be
    associated with the nearest if statement.
  • So, in the previous example, the else will be
    associated with the inner if statement
  • Result Not what we wanted!

if (age 16) if (hasLicense) System.out.pri
ntln(Turn on the car!) else System.out.pri
ntln(Youre not even old enough!)
The Evil Dangling Else
  • Solution Use braces to explicitly tell Java the
    if statement with which the else should
    be associated.

if (age 16) if (hasLicense) System.out.p
rintln(Turn on the car!) else
System.out.println(Youre not even old enough!)
Switch Statement
  • Sometimes, we have so many conditions to test
    that we have a long chain of if-else statements.
  • We can use a switch statement to replace this

if (month 1) else if (month 2)
. . .
switch (month) case 1 case
3 break case 2 break
Switch Statement
  • Case values must be integers
  • We can put multiple cases above the same block of
  • The default case is equivalent to an else
    statement. If no other cases match, then the
    code under the default case is executed.
  • Important every case must end with a break!

Switch Statement - Example
switch (menuOption) case
1 System.out.println(Rock, Paper,
Scissors) break case 2 System.out.println(
One Two Penny Pickup) break case
3 System.out.println(Quit!) break
default System.out.println(Invalid choice,
please try again.) break
Computer Science 026a
Module 5 Iteration
Control Structures
  • Statements are executed in sequential order.
  • Problem How to execute statements multiple
  • Solution Use a loop!
  • Java has 3 loop structures
  • for (pre-tested, deterministic)
  • while (pre-tested, non-deterministic)
  • dowhile (post-tested, non-deterministic)

The for Loop
  • Performed once before loop
  • Checked before loop starts and after
    the end of each iteration. Loop starts/continues
    as long as it is true.
  • Performed at the end of each
  • Statement performed each iteration.

for ( )

The for Loop
  • Example Executing a statement 3 times.
  • Lets examine the flow of execution

for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
The for Loop
Declare a variable i and set it to 0
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
i 0
The for Loop
Check is i less than 3?
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
i 0
The for Loop
Yep, lets execute the loop!
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
i 0
The for Loop
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0
i 0
The for Loop
Increment i by 1
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The for Loop
Check is i less than 3?
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The for Loop
Yep, lets execute the loop!
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The for Loop
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 1
The for Loop
Increment i by 1
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The for Loop
Check is i less than 3?
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The for Loop
Yep, lets execute the loop!
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The for Loop
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 2
The for Loop
Increment i by 1
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The for Loop
Check is i less than 3?
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The for Loop
No sir, were moving on!
for (int i 0 i System.out.println(This is iteration i)
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The while Loop
  • Checked before loop starts and after
    the end of each iteration. Loop starts/continues
    as long as it is true.
  • Statement performed each iteration.
  • Note The body needs to contain a statement that
    will eventually make the condition false.
    Otherwise, we will have what is known as an
    infinite loop.

while ()
The while Loop
  • Example Executing a statement 3 times.
  • Lets examine the flow of execution

int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
i 0
The while Loop
Check Is i int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
i 0
The while Loop
Yep, lets execute the loop!
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
i 0
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0
i 0
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The while Loop
Check Is i int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The while Loop
Yep, lets execute the loop!
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 1
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The while Loop
Check Is i int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The while Loop
Yep, lets execute the loop!
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 2
The while Loop
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The while Loop
Check Is i int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The while Loop
No sir, were moving on!
int i 0 while (i This is iteration i) i
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The dowhile Loop
  • Checked after the loop has executed
    once, and after each subsequent iteration. Loop
    continues as long as it is true.
  • Statement performed each iteration.
  • Note The body needs to contain a statement that
    will eventually make the condition false.
    Otherwise, we will have what is known as an
    infinite loop.

do while ( )
The dowhile Loop
  • Example Executing a statement 3 times.
  • Lets examine the flow of execution

int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output
i 0
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output This is iteration 0
i 0
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Check Is i Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Yep, lets execute the loop!
Output This is iteration 0
i 1
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 1
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Check Is i Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Yep, lets execute the loop!
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration 1
i 2
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 2
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i Check Is i Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
The dowhile Loop
int i 0 do System.out.println(This is
iteration i) i while (i No sir, were moving on!
Output This is iteration 0 This is iteration
1 This is iteration 2
i 3
Computer Science 026a
Module 6 Modularity
Benefits of Modularity
  • By breaking up a problem into modules, we make it
    easier to modify and maintain
  • Dont have to spend time wading through mountains
    of code just edit the module containing the code
    to be changed
  • Allows for easier code reuse
  • Modules can be designed generically so that they
    are applicable to many different programs. We
    can then just plug them in to new applications
    as needed
  • Result Less time spent developing code!
  • Corollary More time spent sleeping!

Modularity in Java
  • In Java, there are 3 main types of modules
  • Packages
  • Contain related sets of classes
  • Can be imported into a program and used,
    achieving code reuse
  • Example
  • Recall the line from your Java programs import
  • is a package containing many different
    classes (including BufferedReader)
  • The asterisk means that we want to import all
    classes in the package

Modularity in Java
  • Classes
  • A collection of related data (state) along with
    methods (behaviour) to act upon that data
  • Variables of class types are called reference
  • This is in contrast to variables of primitive
    types, which are called simple variables
  • Example
  • BufferedReader is a class you used in your
    assignments to retrieve input from the user.
  • More on classes later

Modularity in Java
  • Methods
  • Contained within classes
  • Implement the behaviour of a class that is, they
    perform actions (like calculating how much longer
    Im going to talk)
  • Example
  • The BufferedReader class has a method with which
    you are all familiar readLine()
  • It waits for the user to enter data and press
    Enter. Upon doing so, it returns the String
    entered by the user.
  • Another Example
  • The main method is a method.
  • It is a special method that serves as the
    starting point of every program.

  • Two types of methods
  • Static methods
  • Defined by using the keyword static in the method
  • Recall public static void main(String args)
  • Called on a class not on an object
  • Math.abs(-1)
  • Here, were using the class name (Math) not the
    name of a variable.
  • However, if were invoking (calling) static
    methods that exist in the same class, we dont
    need to specify the class name
  • Recall from assignment 3 searchForCompany(compan
  • This is a static method, but since were calling
    it from the same class, we dont need to say

  • Two types of methods
  • Instance methods
  • Defined without the keyword static in the method
  • public void setCompanyName(String newName)
  • Called on an object not on a class
  • More on these methods a bit later

// instantiate (create) a new Person
object Person me new Person(Jeff) // method
is called on variable me not on the Person
class me.setEyeColour(Green)
Defining a Static Method
  • Syntax
  • The type of the value returned by
    the class. Some possible types
  • int, String, double, float
  • void Class doesnt return anything
  • An identifier associated with the
    method that will be used to call it.
  • A list of variable types
    that the method expects callers to pass in, along
    with names that will be used for those variables
    in the method.

public static (
Defining a Static Method
  • Example
  • getAverage is the name we will use to call this
  • This method expects callers to pass in 3 integer
  • It returns a value of type double the average
    of values of the 3 parameters
  • How do we know what it returns?
  • Is it because of the return statement?

public static double getAverage(int num1, int
num2, int num3) return (double)(num1 num2
num3) / 3
Invoking a Static Method
  • Example
  • We invoke a static method by using its name
    followed by parentheses. If the method takes
    parameters, we put the values were passing into
    the method in the parentheses.
  • Actual parameters The values were passing in
  • Formal parameters The value types expected by
    the method (the contract of the method)

public static double getAverage(int num1, int
num2, int num3) return (double)(num1 num2
num3) / 3 public static void main (String
args) double avg getAverage(1,2,3)
Formal vs. Actual Parameters
  • Formal parameters
  • The contract of the method
  • The method definition says, Hey! It you want to
    call me, this is what youre going to have to
    give me!
  • If you pass in variables of types that are not
    defined in the formal parameters of the method,
    you get a compile error.
  • Actual parameters
  • The actual values that you pass into the method.
    These could be literals (-1, 1.201, etc.),
    constants (MAX_AGE), or variables (myAge)

Formal vs. Actual Parameters
  • Example

/ This method declares 3 integers as its formal
parameters. It will refer to them using the
identifiers num1, num2, and num3 in the
method body. / public static double
getAverage(int num1, int num2, int num3)
return (double)(num1 num2 num3) /
3 public static void main (String args)
// 1, 2, and 3 are the actual
parameters double avg getAverage(1,2,3) /
Compile error! Not only does getAverage not
allow Strings, but it requires 3 parameters!
/ double avg2 getAverage(1)
Passing Parameters
  • Passing by value
  • When we pass primitive variable types (int,
    float, double, boolean, etc.) into a method, we
    pass them by value.
  • This means that a copy of the variables get
    passed not the variables themselves.

public static void doSomething(int myParameter)
myParameter 4 public static void main
(String args) int i 5 doSomething(i) //
What will i equal here?
Passing Parameters
  • Passing by reference
  • When we pass class variable types (Rectangle,
    Person, etc.) into a method, we pass them by
  • This means that the objects themselves get passed
    not copies of the objects.

public static void doSomething(Person p)
p.setName(Jeff) public static void main
(String args) Person me new
Person(Bob) // create a new Person named
Bob doSomething(me) // What will me equal
Method Overloading
  • Defining multiple methods with the same name in
    the same class.

public static int max(int num1, int num2)
if (num1 num2) return num1 else return
num2 public static double max (double num1,
double num2) if (num1 num2) return
num1 else return num2
Method Overloading
  • Each overloaded method has to take different
    parameters. Either
  • Different parameter types
  • A different number of parameters
  • Different parameter types and a different number
    of parameters.

public static int max(int num1, int num2)
public static double max (int num1, int num2)
public static void main(String args)
/ Java has no way to know which version of
max you want to call since both version
takes 2 integer parameters / double d
Method Prototypes
  • The prototype of a method is comprised of the
    following information
  • Return type
  • Method Name
  • Number and types of parameters
  • A few method prototypes
  • A methods prototype is also called its signature

public static int max(int num1, int num2) public
static double max (int num1, int num2) public
static float max(float num1, float num2)
Computer Science 026a
Module 7 Object-Oriented Design
Object-Oriented Design
  • Java is considered an object-oriented programming
  • Everything we wish to model in the program can be
    represented by an object.
  • Objects have
  • A type (i.e. Person, Rectangle, )
  • Properties (i.e. Hair colour, height, weight,
  • Behaviour (i.e. speak(), eat(), run(), walk(), )

  • Class
  • Formal definition Collection of data (state /
    properties) and methods (behaviour) that act upon
    that data.
  • Informal definition A blueprint that defines a
    group of objects that have common attributes and

  • For example, think back to high school biology
    when you learned about biological classes
  • The canine is a class of mammals that have common
    state and behaviour
  • State 4 legs, 1 tail, fur
  • Behaviour bark, run, howl, yelp, sleep, eat
  • Each individual dog (instance of the canine
    class) will have these attributes and behaviours.
  • However, they will be distinct objects, and
    will have different state values. One dog might
    have brown fur, while the other has white fur.

Classes vs. Objects
  • Consider a blueprint of a house.
  • We cannot open the blueprints door, or close the
    blueprints window.
  • It is not a concrete house, but merely an
    abstract representation of a house.
  • But we can create as many houses as well like
    based on the blueprint.
  • Each house will share common attributes since the
    same blueprint was used.

The blueprint is analogous to a class. The
houses are instances (objects) of the class.
Types of Classes
  • Pre-defined Classes
  • The Java API
  • Other classes written by other programmers /
  • Reduce development time since code is already
  • Three pre-defined classes we have seen in class
  • Math
  • Rectangle
  • String
  • User-defined Classes
  • These are classes that you create yourself.
  • In assignment 3, you created the PopcornCompany
    class. Because you wrote it yourself
    (hopefully!), we call it a user-defined class.

Defining a Class in Java
  • For example, we might define a Person class
  • We are then required to save this class in a file

public class
public class Person
Instance Variables
  • Each object has its own attributes
  • Fred is 175 cm tall, weighs 70 kg, and is 20
    years old.
  • Jane is 150 cm tall, weighs 45 kg, and is 23
    years old.
  • Attributes are represented by instance variables
    in a class.
  • Instance variables are normal variables that are
    declared in a class, but outside of any method.
  • Every object then has its own set of instance
    variables in which it stores its attributes

Instance Variables
  • Lets add name and age instance variables to our
    Person class
  • Notice that our instance variables are declared
    inside the class body, but outside of any method
  • We use the keyword private when declaring them to
    prevent any outside classes from
    accessing/modifying them directly.

public class Person private String name
private int age
Instance Methods
  • Instance methods are used to model the behaviour
    of an object.
  • They are called on objects not on classes
  • Person.setName(Jeff) // bad! Person is a
  • myPerson.setName(Jeff) // good! myPerson is
    an object
  • They are declared exactly the same way as static
    methods, except without the static keyword

public ( parameters )
Instance Methods
  • We classify instance methods as one of two types
  • Accessor Methods
  • Retrieve (access) data from the objects instance
  • Do not change the objects state
  • Examples
  • getName()
  • getAge()
  • Mutator Methods
  • Change (mutate) data in the object.
  • Generally do not return anything.
  • Examples
  • setName(String newName)
  • setAge(int newAge)

Instance Methods
  • Lets start by adding getName() and getAge()
    accessor methods to our Person class
  • Notice the return types on our accessor methods
    they correspond with the types of the variables
    they access.
  • There is no static keyword on instance methods.
  • No data is being changed it is simply returned
    to the user.

public class Person private String name
private int age public String getName()
return name
public int getAge() return age //
end of class
Instance Methods
  • Now we need a way to change the objects state.
    Well declare setName() and setAge() mutator
  • Notice the parameter types on our mutator methods
    they correspond with the types of the variables
    they change.
  • No data is being returned, so the return value is

public class Person private String name
private int age public void setName(String
name) name
public void setAge(int age) this.age
age // accessor methods omitted //
end of class
Instance Methods
  • Notice in our mutator methods that we used the
    keyword this.
  • Because the parameter names are the same as the
    instance variable names, we have to use the
    keyword this to distinguish between the two.
  • refers to the instance variable name.

public class Person private String name
private int age public void setName(String
name) name
public void setAge(int age) this.age
age // accessor methods omitted //
end of class
  • Now we have data and methods, but we also want a
    way to initialize our Person objects with some
    data upon creating them.
  • To do this, we can declare one or more
  • Special methods that have the same name as the
  • No return value
  • Can take 0 or more parameters, just like any
    other method
  • Not called directly by the programmer Java
    calls the constructor when the object is created
    using the new keyword
  • Parameters to constructors are normally the
    initial values for the object

  • A constructor that takes no parameters is called
    the default constructor. It generally
    initializes the object to some pre-defined set of
    default values.
  • For example, a default constructor for our Person
    object might look something like this

public class Person private String name
private int age public Person() NO NAME this.age 0
  • The default constructor would be called if we
    created a new Person object using the following
  • What would the following output?
  • Answer The string NO NAME
  • Why? Because our default constructor was coded
    to initialize the Person objects name to NO

Person p new Person()
Person p new Person() System.out.println(p.getN
  • We usually overload constructors (specify
    multiple constructors, each taking different
    types and/or numbers of parameters).
  • Lets create a more useful constructor that takes
    a name and age as parameters

public class Person private String name
private int age public Person(String name,
int age) name this.age
age // mutators and accessors omitted
  • We can now create and initialize a new Person
    object all in our line
  • What would the following output?
  • Answer The string John

Person p new Person(John,12)
Person p new Person(John,12) System.out.print
Computer Science 026a
Module 8 Equivalence
Identity vs. State
  • Lets see what insight Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
    can offer to help clarify the finer subtleties of
    identity and state in the context of
    object-oriented programming.

Identity vs. State
Identity vs. State
Identity vs. State
Crickets Chirping
Crickets Chirping
Crickets Chirping
Crickets Chirping
Crickets Chirping
Identity vs. State
I have sandy blonde hair!
Identity vs. State
Like, so do I!
Identity vs. State
I have blue eyes!
Identity vs. State
Whoa! Me too!
Identity vs. State
We have state equality!
We have state equality!
Identity vs. State
But Im not the same person as her!
Identity vs. State
Ewww! No way!
Identity vs. State
We dont have identity equality!
We dont have identity equality!
Identity vs. State
  • Thanks, ladies. Well take it from here.
  • Recall is the equality operator
  • For primitive types, is unambiguous it just
    compares two variables to see if they store the
    same value.

int i 5 int j 5 if (i j)
System.out.println(Theyre equal!)
Identity vs. State
  • For reference types, however, we have 2 different
    types of equality
  • State The data contained in the reference types
    are the same.
  • Mary-Kate and Ashley both had the same state
    (hair colour, eye colour). In other words, they
    had the same instance variables.
  • Identity The reference types point to the same
  • Mary-Kate and Ashley are two different objects.
    They do not point to the same Person object, so
    they do not have identity equality.

Identity vs. State
  • Example of Identity Equality
  • The first line creates a new Person object.
  • The second line merely creates a new variable
    that points to the Person object created in the
    first line.
  • These variables have identity equivalence.
  • A change made in one (i.e. by calling a mutator
    method) will affect the other variable since they
    both point to the same object.

Person p new Person(John,12) Person q p
Identity vs. State
  • When dealing with reference types, the equality
    operator () compares identity equality.
  • Line 3 will evaluate to true since they point to
    the same object.

Person p new Person(John,12) Person q
p if (p q) System.out.println(Theyre
Identity vs. State
  • If we want to check state equality, we need to
    use the equals() method
  • Line 3 will evaluate to true since they have the
    same state, even though they point to different
    objects in memory.

Person p new Person(John,12) Person q new
Person(John,12) if (p.equals(q))
System.out.println(Theyre equal!)
Computer Science 026a
Module 9 Strings
What is a String?
  • A string is simply a sequence of characters a
    combination of any of the following
  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Symbols
  • Spaces
  • In Java, a string literal is enclosed in quotes
    (but the quotes are not part of the string they
    merely delimit it!)
  • Hello, World!
  • When we use strings in Java, were actually using
    objects of the String class (defined in the Java

Using Strings
  • Normally, we need to use the keyword new to
    create a new object
  • The String class, however, is special. We can
    use string literals without having any object
  • We can declare String variables without using the
    keyword new (we could technically create them
    using the new keyword if we wanted to)
  • Despite these differences, String variables are
    still reference variables that is, they point to
    objects in memory

System.out.println(Hello, world!)
String myString Hello, world!
Using Strings
  • If we want to clear a String variable, we can
    assign to it the empty string
  • We could check a Strings length using the
    length() method
  • We could convert all letters in a String to

String myStr
System.out.println( myStr.length() )
myStr myStr.toUpperCase()
Changing Strings
  • Strings are said to be immutable. This means
    that they cannot be changed. Every method in the
    String class returns a new String object it
    does not modify the String on which the method
    was invoked.
  • But sometimes we want to change the values of
    String variables!
  • No problem
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