Title: CS315B Parallel Computer Computing Research Project
1CS315BParallel Computer Computing
Bill Dally, Christos Kozyrakis and Kunle
Olukotun Stanford University http//www.stanford.
2End of Uniprocessor Performance
From Hennessy and Patterson, Computer
Architecture A Quantitative Approach, 4th
edition, October, 2006
The free lunch is over! Now in the multicore era
3The Evolution in the Multicore Era
4Life in the Multicore Era
- The move to multicore will be a disruptive shift
- Declining single thread performance
- Heterogeneity many thin, few fat, few vector
- A forced shift in the programming model
- New Architecture Opportunities
- A chance for radical redesign of the
microprocessor - What are the innovations that will
reduce/eliminate the extra burden placed on the
5Novel Opportunities in Multicores
- Dont have to contend with uniprocessors
- Performance plateau
- Perfect scalability not required
- Not your same old multiprocessor problem
- How does going from Multiprocessors to Multicores
impact programs? - What changed?
- Where is the Impact?
- Communication Bandwidth
- Communication Latency
6Communication Bandwidth
- How much data can be communicated between two
cores? - What changed?
- Number of Wires
- Clock rate
- Multiplexing
- Impact on programming model?
- Massive data communication is possible
- Data movement is not the bottleneck ? processor
affinity not that important
100 Giga bits/sec
100 Tera bits/sec
7Communication Latency
- How long does it take for a round trip
communication? - What changed?
- Length of wire
- Pipeline stages
- Impact on programming model?
- Fast synchronization communication
- Finer grained parallelism
- Can run real-time apps on multiple cores
200 Cycles
20 cycles
8Good News High Throughput
- Sun Niagara 2
- 8 cores x 8 threads 64 threads
- Simple cores gt low power
- High throughput/Watt
- Commercial servers
- Request level parallelism
- Performance/Watt important
- Scientific
- Data-level parallelism
- Dense and sparse matrix
- Performance/Watt important
9Bad News Parallel Programming Gap
- By 2010, software developers will face
- CPUs with
- 20 cores
- 100s hardware threads
- Deep memory hierarchies
- Integrated GPUs with general computing
capabilities - 100s hardware threads
- Parallel programming gap Growing divide between
the capabilities of todays programmers,
programming languages, models, and tools and the
challenges of future parallel architectures and
applications - MPI, Pthreads, OMP wont suffice
- Automatic parallelization is not general or
scalable - parallelism is the biggest challenge since
high-level programming languages. Its the
biggest thing in 50 years because industry is
betting its future that parallel programming will
be useful. David Patterson
10Needed Innovations in Parallel Computing
- New application areas that can take advantage of
parallelism - Games and virtual worlds
- Data mining
- Cognitive reasoning and machine learning
- New high-level programming models/languages
- Domain specific gt just do it
- Admit high performance implementations
- New medium-level programming paradigms
- Small increase in programming complexity
- Easy to debug functionality and tune performance
- 10 more effort for 90 of potential parallel
performance - New architecture support for parallel computing
- Beyond cache coherence
- Easier programming
- High performance
- CS315B Goal generate new ideas
12Course Information
- Instructors
- Bill Dally
- Christos Kozyrakis
- Kunle Olukotun
- E-mail cs315b-spr0607-staff_at_lists.stanford.edu
- Office Hours After class or by appointment
- CA
- Jared Casper
- E-mail cs315b-spr0607-staff_at_lists.stanford.edu
- Course Support
- Darlene Hadding
13Course Information (cont)
- Lectures
- Thursday 415pm-530pm
- Grading
- Class participation 20
- Midterm assignment 40
- Final assignment 40
- Assignments
- 10-15 slides, subset for 5-10 minute
presentation - Put slides on Wiki before presentation
- Midterm
- High-level programming languages/models
- Groups of two
- Final
- Application or algorithm analysis
- Individuals
14What Will You Get Out of CS315B?
- What you put into it
- Research project course
- You do the research
- Little or no traditional lectures gt discussion
- You should be engaged and ready to contribute to
discussion - If you have opinions express them!
- Brainstorming we wont be critical