Title: Class today
1Class today
- Logon and
- Plug in portable USB disk (if you have one).
- Open Windows Explorer (Right-click Start ?
Explore) and find your removable disk on
left-hand navigational bar. - Open MS FrontPage from All Programs (Left-click
Start ? All Programs ? MS Office ? MS FP). - Open Internet Explorer and several windows to
- Open your ICCSD e-mail, check your messages
2Items to do Today
- Setting up your USB disk for course web pages.
- Customize your course web pages with Microsoft
FrontPage - Introduce the MSLUV Process.
3Setting up your USB disk
4Notes re your web folder set-up
- label all folders and files w/ lower case
- folder and file labels should have NO spaces or
/, \, , (), etc.
- folder file labels can have hyphens or
underscores to separate words.
- ALWAYS back up your folders files on some
external or portable disk (USB, CD, etc.).
5Setting up your USB disk course folder structure
6Customizing your course web pages with Microsoft
- Open MS FrontPage (for personalizing of your
course web pages) - Find and open your USB disk and your web ?
course_folder ? class_folder(s). - Create the following new web pages
- class_1.html (note lower case sensitivity)
- class_2.html
- class_3.html
- class_4.html
7Customizing your course web pages (contd.)
- Once class_1 web page is open, click File ? Save
As - Click Change Title and change the page title to
your class name (e.g., Sophomore Science, Class
1). - Click Save As ? class_1.html (type no spaces in
lower case) - BEWARE Save as Web Page w/ .html as delimiter,
not as Single File Web Page w/ .mht!! - Links will be broken, otherwise!
8Creating a new web page
9Creating a new web page (contd.)
10Correctly saving your course web page
Click on change title, then type in Pages title
Click Save As
Save As .html, not .mht!
11What you new page looks like
Code Mode for HTML editing
Design Mode for editing most prefer to edit in
Design Mode
This is my course page.
View modes for editing
12Setting up web pages Properties
13Setting up web pages Properties (contd.)
14Setting up web pages Properties (contd.)
15Setting up web pages Properties (contd.)
- You can modify mouse over effects via
- Font type
- Font color
- Font style
- Font size
16Editing creating content for your course web
Or in here Code mode.
Now you can begin editing your page here in
Design mode.
17Advanced Features for Web Pages
- Adding MS FP Themes for a nicer look.
- Other Navigational tools w/in web page
- Bullets
- Buttons
- Additional hyperlinks
- Insertion of Tables to maintain formatting from
MS Word - Insertion of Images / Pictures
- Insert into tables to maintain formatting.
18(No Transcript)
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25The MSLUV Process
- Make a file in MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, FP)
- Save as a web page
- Beware of single file web page!
- In the conversion of an assignment / artifact to
a webpage, be sure to save as web page, NOT as
single file web page! - Link the .html file(s) to and from other .html
file(s) / web pages. - Upload .html file(s) (Bldg. Webmaster will likely
do this). - Verify that all hyperlinks work