Title: Use of the Internet
1Use of the Internet
2The world is not the same place...
- Currently the Worlds Body of Knowledge doubles
every 7 years.
- 85 of what we know today, we did not know in
- 10,000 web pages are published daily.
- In 2015 the Worlds Body of Knowledge will double
every 35 days.
3Thus . . . . . . .
- Access to Information via the Internet is Vital!!!
4What students can do? (Activities need to
correlate with AZ Technology Standards!)
- Research unique sources of information on the
Internet. (Standard 5)
- Communicate with other students from around the
world. (Standard 4)
- Collect real time data. (Standards 3 and 6)
- Join collaborative projects (Standard 4)
- Publish their work - Certain web pages
specifically host student work. (Standard 3)
5Student Internet Use
- How do we protect ourselves legally if students
have undesirable Internet encounters?
- A District must
- Provide a filter
- Use an AUP
- Train their teachers
- If a district does the above, they are not liable
for objectionable material discovered by a
6Internet Safety Issues
- In order to create internet safe students,
teachers need to be informed of Internet Safety
issues and techniques.
7Potential Problems
- Non-Educational Websites
- Sex
- Chat Rooms
- Hate Prejudice Groups
- Religious Dogma
- Gambling
- Kooky Sites
Source Potholes on the Infobahn Hazardous
Conditions Ahead? MultiMedia Schools, May, 96
- File Transfer Protocol allows downloading of
- Can download objectionable material
- Can download LARGE files
- Clog others from getting into sites
- Give clear guidelines what can and cant be
- Only adults should be downloading anything from
the Internet. Not students!
9Non-educational Web Sites
- Sex
- Sexual topics
- Sex cyberzine(magazines)
- You must be over 21 to access this site.
(Impossible to enforce. Often too late!)
- Filters blocks most items but too many websites
are coming on-line. You cant solely rely on
- YOU are the first-line of defense!!!
10Chat Rooms Real Time Conversations
- Students may not be use chats at school but do so
at home. They need to know the dangers.
- Pedophiles lurk in chat rooms
- People in chat rooms are often not who they claim
to be
- Students can join a channel and chat with others
from around the world
- Similar to hanging out at the local all-night
convenience store
- Can go into a private chat room
- May want to arrange to meet a child
- Student become victim of harassment
11Non-educational Web Sites
- Hate Prejudice Groups
- Often more frightening than sex
- Strong white supremacist movement
- Remember Columbine, CO!
- Check the Hate Directory ifyou question a
certain site
12Non-educational Web Sites (cont.)
- Gambling
- More than 250 sites
- Online wagering
- Interactive casinos
- Credit cards are gladly accepted
13Non-educational Web Sites (cont.)
- Just Plain Kooky Sites
- Conspiracy Theories
- Search for meaning and truth
- Pseudo-science sites
- Some can be dangerous
14How To Be Safe
- Use the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) (Look at CSD
Student and Administrator/Teacher Guidelines)
- Have students and parents sign agreement yearly
- Keep in students cum folder
- Must describe
- acceptable uses conditions of use
- rules of etiquette
- online behavior
- consequences, if violation occurs
- This is a must! It is a good idea to have a
classroom contract to keep parents informed.
- (See example)
15Using the Internet in the Classroom - Teacher
- Have a clear plan for using the Internet
- Create and teach a brief Internet Safety lesson
(See Internet Safety handout for suggestions.)
- DO NOT allow students to do free searching
- Use only bookmarked sites to be searched
- Use only safe search engines for kids
- Yahooligans - http//www.yahooligans.com/
- Ask Jeeves for Kids - http//www.ajkids.com/
- SuperSnoop - http//www.supersnooper.com/
- Lycos for Kids - http//www.lycoszone.com/
- KidsClick - http//sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!
16Teacher Tips (cont)
- Provide keywords to search or a hotlist of
websites for them to explore
- Try out all websites before you ask students to
use them.
- Have students sit at the same computers each
time they go to the lab
- MBWA Management By Walking Around
- Check histories on computers
17Teacher Tips (cont)
- Check filter reports to see what computers keep
trying to access questionable material
- Keep computers visible in the classroom, not
out-of-sight of teacher
- Supervise, supervise, supervise!!!
- Filter software can only do so much.
- The only effective filter is vigilance and
teacher supervision!
18What if An Inappropriate Website is Found?
- Dont Panic! Remain calm.
- Turn off the monitor (not the computer).
- If in the lab, relocate student to another
- If in your classroom, turn off the monitor and
have the student do something else.
- Go back to the computer and either copy down the
entire URL or cut and paste it into a word
processing document.
19What if An Inappropriate Website is Found? (Cont)
- Call and give the complete URL to the your tech
support department.
- By your keeping your cool, the student should
not become overly alarmed.
- Dont overreact you are their role model.
- Dont make student feel bad about finding this
information. Build trust with them
- Thank the student for letting you know.
20Remember - Safety First
- It is YOUR responsibility!