Title: Plastic Fantastic
1Plastic Fantastic Jody Sherratt Streetscene
Awareness and Liaison Manager
2But where is Vale Royal ?
- Located in the Heart of Cheshire
3Who are we?
- Population of 124,500
- 53,000 Households
- Alternate weekly three stream collections
- Dry Recyclates, Green Waste, Residual Waste
- 42 recycling rate 05/6, 45 06/07
- Best performing authority in North West England
4 Three key elements to a successful
scheme 1 Secure a
suitable end market 2 Get the public
message right 3 Get the collection method
51. Secure a sustainable end market!
- Before introducing any new scheme remember
- Only collect what your local market can process
(eg all plastic or just bottles) - Ensure you have a good long term sustainable
market - Make sure you can meet the specification they
62. Get the message right! Time for a quick pop
quiz!!Remember you are the EXPERTS??
7Can you give one example of a plastic bottle for
each of these types??
8If you cant how can you expect your residents
to??The answer Keep it simple!
92. Get the message right!
- Customer engagement is key selling any product,
be it recycling or beans! - Most resident do not know or want to know the
different plastic types. - But why try to teach an old dog new tricks?
10Get the message right!
Simplicity is key strong visuals and slogans
- If its bottle shaped and plastic it can be
recycled slogan - Bottle shaped leaflets
- Doorstepping using branded water
11Get the message right!
- Engage the press, they need to understand the
scheme just as much as your residents. - 93 of residents have a good knowledge of what
plastic they can recycle
123. Get the collection method right !
- If your are unsure always conduct a trial
- 3 month, 2000 property trial in September 2005
- 1,000 on 55L red boxes and 1,000 on 240L wheeled
bins. - Regular monitoring of participation, set out and
13Get the collection method right !
- The results showed
- 82 preference for the box compared to just 28
with the wheeled bin. - Participation rates, Box 80 Bin 65
- Although participation was lower, tonnage per
household was higher in the bin trial area. - 98 stated they would use the plastic scheme is
it continues after the trial. - Overall capture rates in other dry recyclables
rose by 14 in the trial area
14Get the collection method right !
- Full scheme was introduced to 80 of households
in August 2006. - Based on research the decision was to use 55L red
boxes. - To address the tonnage issue all houses were
offered more than one box.
15The Results
- But was introducing plastic worth it?
- 474 tonnes of plastic bottles in the first yr
- 11.25kg/hh above the 10kg/hh benchmark set out
by WRAP. - Contributing an additional 1 to the Boroughs
overall recycling rate. - Capture of other materials has also risen,
increasing the overall recycling rate to by 3 - Minimum contamination resulting in no bad loads
16Onwards and upwards!
- But what is the next stage?
- 3,000 property expansion using GPS data to asses
where round capacity exists - Review the feasibility of covering the remaining
rural areas with the scheme. - Maximise noise from the Recycle Now TV adverts
focusing upon plastic bottles - Continually review the market to ensure our
residents receive the best scheme possible.
17Contact me!!
01606 867887