Title: OogP2P Framework
1OogP2P Framework
Sanjay Ginde David Goldberg Chris Zeiders
- Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Network Model/Communication Architecture
- Application Architecture
- Examples of Implementation and Experience
- Chord
- Pastry
- Stats
3What is Peer-to-Peer
- Peer-to-peer is a communications model in which
each party has the same capabilities and either
party can initiate a communication session
4Origins of Our Project
- Wide variety of p2p programs popping up in all
different fields - File Sharing, Gambling, Chatting, Gaming
- Our Goal
- Easily implement new components
- Learn about p2p networking and object-oriented
5Uses of such a framework
- Educational Settings
- Instructors, Introductory Students
- Advanced Students
- Academic Uses
- Research
- Statistical tool
- Commercial Uses
- Source Control
- Simple testbed for P2P Features
6Anyone Home in Frameworkville?
- JXTA- JXTA technology is a set of open protocols
that allow any connected device on the network
ranging from cell phones and wireless PDAs to PCs
and servers to communicate and collaborate in a
P2P manner - Complicated API
- Even sample programs were not simple or trivial
to implement - Lot of code for little functionality.
- P2P frameworks is a rapidly developing field
- We wanted to build our own framework
7Network Model
- Runs on top of TCP/IP protocol
- Java-based
- Network traffic consists of objects
- Simple Server
- Handles information requests from clients
- Simple Clients
- Requests information
8Network Model (cont.)
- Peer nodes are both servers and clients
- Essentially, each can request and distribute
information - Same Capabilities
- All nodes are equal (no central server)
- True Peer-to-Peer
9Peer Discovery
- Must find IP address of node already on the
network - Our system uses a host list file with IP
addresses of nodes - Area of research all its own
10Communication Architecture Goals
- General interface/facade to the network model
- Polymorphic structure for simple filtering of
information to specified applications - General structure to allow for the development of
a wide-range of peer-to-peer components
11Client Administrator
Client Administrator
Network Model
Communication Architecture
Interface bool sendNettable(IP address,
Nettable object)
12Communication Protocol
Information Processor
Information (Sender / Requester)
13Nettables and InfoReceived
- Nettables
- Wrappers/Adapters of information
- All data over the network must extend from the
Nettable object - InfoReceived
- Parallel to Nettable
- Executes/processes information locally at a node
14Nettable-InfoReceived Example
15Simple Communication
User A
User B
Chat Init Nettable
Chat Init InfoReceived
Chat App
Chat App
Chat Init Info Nettable
Chat Init Info InfoReceived
16Complex Communication
Node 1
Node 2
Node x
Chord Find File Nettable
Chord Find File InfoReceived
Chord Find File InfoReceived
Chord Find File Nettable
Can keep getting passed on to other nodes until
file location is found
Chord Found File InfoReceived
Chord Found File Nettable
Chord Found File Nettable
17Application Architecture Goals
- No modification to existing network model
- No modification to other apps running on system
- Constant, O(1), amount of code added to framework
for a new feature
18Three Parts of an Application
- Classes for domain of Application
- Application-specific
- Classes to fit with frameworks Communication
Architecture - Nettables, InfoReceived objects
- Classes to fit with frameworks Application
Protocol - Factories
- Extension from base framework objects
19Domain Classes
- Independent development
- Add classes to fit within framework
20Classes for Comm. Architecture
- Determine the data that needs to be exchanged by
peers - Create a Nettable-InfoReceived pair for each
piece of data - Good design practice
- InfoReceived Factory
- Mediator
21Application Object
- Base Application Object
- All Applications extend from this object
- Encapsulates all objects associated with
particular application - Major Responsibilities
- Can determine which Nettables it handles
- Can process such a Nettable
22Application Layer
23Benefits of Application Object
- Clear distinction
- No new bugs to existing code
- No effect to running of other applications
- Supports multiple, similar applications
- Nettable-Application is one-to-one
- No overlap
- Different peers can support different applications
24Utilities Map
- Stores global properties
- ClientAdministrator
- Mediators
- Stored in main p2p.java class
25Our Experiences
- Chord, Statistics, and Pastry
- Chord is a distributed searching algorithm that
uses consistent hashing in order to look up a key
and find the node in the network that tells the
searching node where its desired resource is
located - We wrote own version of Chord
27Domain Classes
- Created, debugged, and tested Chord functionality
outside of framework - ChordNode, ChordLocation objects
- FixKey and Stabilize Threads
- Testing for correct byte masking and key hashing
28Fitting with Communication Architecture
29Fitting with Application Architecture
- ChordApplication
- ChordFactory
- ChordAdministrator
30Personal Experience
- Hard part was implementing logic of Chord
- Had some fun with synchronization issues
- All code created for Chord was new code
- Did not have to modify underlying framework
- Addition of Chord did not affect the two previous
applications running on the system (Chat and
31Statistics Possibilities
- Two Groups of Statistics
- Transit Statistics
- Maintained in each packet
- Examples Number of Hops, Return Time, IPs
traveled to etc. - Client Statistics
- Maintained in each Client
- Examples Throughput, Most Frequent Packet
Types, Current Connections, Time To Process
Packets etc.
32Statistics Our Choice
- Prompted stats
- Not actively recording
- Transit statistics based in each of the packets
33Statistics How we implemented our statistical
- Stat object e.g. ChordStat
- Record statistics
- Keeps records from a bunch of packets (routing
hops, timing) - Can compute stats like Means, StdDev, Modes, etc.
- A distributed hash table algorithm like Chord
- Scalable system
- Bounded routing hops
- Adapted an already existing implementation
- FreePastry from Rice University
- Why?
- To show another facet of the frameworks
flexibility - Chord-Pastry Comparison
35OogP2P and Pastry
- Process
- Extract pertinent parts from FreePastry
- Modify slightly to work within the context of the
framework - Network communication in particular
- Encapsulate as an application
- No change to the frameworks network or
communication model
- OogP2P
- Extensible
- Easy to use
- Flexible
- Fun and challenging project