Title: 7 Revolutions: The Fort Hays State University Experience
17 Revolutions The Fort Hays State University
Curt Brungardt, Ph. D.
Darrell Hamlin, Ph. D.
Brett Whitaker
2Presentation Outline
- History and future of 7 Revs at FHSU
- Our uniqueness
- The Kansas Perspective
- Leadership Lessons
- Service-Learning
- Personal Perspective
3History of the 7 Revs at FHSU
- Joined the 7 Revs Fellows Group (Fall 2006)
- First course (Fall 2007)
- Offered each semester since (4 total)
- Team taught
- 100 level leadership studies course
47 Revs Future at FHSU
- Forward thinking. World ready.
- Required freshmen course (first year experience)
- Interdisciplinary course
- Redesign course format (Realliance)
- Co-curricular programming (forums, KLC, etc.)
5Pedagogy of Engagement 1
- History and future of 7 Revs at FHSU
- Our uniqueness
- The Kansas Perspective
- Leadership Lessons
- Service-Learning
- Personal Perspective
6Keys to Making the Connection
- Manage scale of global trends
- Relate trends to state and local issues
- Conduct an exercise or discussion so students can
reveal what they already understand about these
connections - Connect local knowledge to global trends
7Examples from Kansas
- Migration and urbanization
- Wind and water
- NGOs in Greensburg
- Technology and economic development
- National Guard
8Pedagogy of Engagement 2
- History and future of 7 Revs at FHSU
- Our uniqueness
- The Kansas Perspective
- Leadership Lessons
- Service-Learning
- Personal Perspective
9Defining Leadership
Leadership is an influence relationship among
leaders and followers who intend real changes
that reflect their mutual purposes.
Rost, 1991
- Influence
- Leadership related to followership
- Real change
- Common good
11Leadership Lessons from 7Rs
- The future is part of the present
- Global trends become local problems
- Trends overwhelm static paradigms
- Multiple and overlapping trends demand complex
leadership - Strategic thought is action on the future
- Leadership is strategic momentum
- Leadership serves the common good
12Pedagogy of Engagement 3
- History and future of 7 Revs at FHSU
- Our uniqueness
- The Kansas Perspective
- Leadership Lessons
- Service-Learning
- Personal Perspective
13Service-Learning in 7Rs
- Objectives of Service in 7Rs
- Global trends are local problems
- Citizens engage problems
- Civic life is informed action
- Virtual Service
- Service to the virtual community
14Pedagogy of Engagement 4
- History and future of 7 Revs at FHSU
- Our uniqueness
- The Kansas Perspective
- Leadership Lessons
- Service-Learning
- Personal Perspective
15Answering the Call
16The Key Question
- Can we (any of us) play a role that would impact
consequences of the 7 Revolutions? - Can we, as ordinary citizens, help (even so
slightly) move our world from peril to promise?
17Does It Really Matter?
- Does it really matter?
- Does it matter that we know and recognize these
unstoppable trends? - What can we do?
- What can ANYONE do?
18What Can We Do?
- Personal Lifestyle Decisions
- Influence Public Policy
- Influence nonprofit and educational sectors
- Influence the private sector
19Personal Lifestyle Decisions
20Influence Public Policy
21Influencing the Non-Profit and Educational Sectors
22Influencing the Private Sector
23Making the Change
Through the various roles we play in life
(employer, parent, civic activists, etc.) just
maybe our actions can improve our chances for