Title: Drugs alcohol and smoking in Hungary
1Drugs alcohol and smokingin Hungary
21, What are the sanctions against selling,
carrying, smoking or using drugs?If you are
selling or carrying drugs, you will go to prison
for a lot of years, but if you use them and the
police will catch you they will send you to a
sanatorium to help stop your addiction from the
3 2, Age to be able to buy cigarettes?You
must be at least 18 years old to buy and smoke
cigarettes.3, Can we smoke in public areas
(station, train, subway, bus, taxis, bars,
restaurants)?We can smoke in some public areas,
but not everywhere. Almost all public places have
smoking area, and the smokers can smoke just
here.But we cannot smoke on buses, taxis and
trains, if they are non-smoking trains. 4, Where
can you buy tobbacco? You can buy tobbacco at
almost every shop at tobacco-shops, bars, gas
stations supermarkets.
4 5, Minimum age to consume and buy alcohol? You
must be at least 18 years old to buy and drink
alcohol 6, Where to buy alcohol? You can buy
alcohol at supermarkets, bars, restaurants. 7,
Can young people buy alcohol in a shop? If they
are older, than 18, yes they can. 8, Serving
alcohol in a bar or restaurant? If you want to
drink alcohol in a bar, they serve it the way you
like it (for example whiskey on the rocks), but
they serve it in the right bottle (old fashioned
bottle - whiskey, champagne bottle champagne)
9, Can young people drink alcohol in a bar? If
they are older, than 18, yes they can.
5 10, What are the laws and sanctions if you
drink, use drugs and drive car? If you do
anything of these and you drive you will be
arrested, they will take your license and you
will go to prison. 11, Legal sanctions against
public drunkness? If you are older tan 18, you
can be drunk at public places, but you cannot
drink on the streets, squares, buses, trains,
work placements. If you destroy something in a
public place, you will get arrested.