Title: Country report Statistics Denmark
1Country report Statistics Denmark
Torben Søborg Povl Valeur
- SOS Meeting, Neuchatêl, 15-16 March 2007
2Since May 2006
- IT Strategy 2010
- Proces
- IT Governance
- Standardization
- Methods
- Systems
- Tools
- Skills
- IBS in production
- CEMOS in production
- Problems about Oracle RAC..
- Outphasing the mainframe is close to an end
3IT Strategy 2010 the proces
- IT Strategy 2010 was decided in the end of 2006
- The proces
- Steering group
- 5 working groups and 5 reports
- 3 workshops
- Presentations for Comittee of Technology and
Joint Consultation Comittee - Assistance from PA Consulting Group
- 86 goals or guidelines are decided
- The organization stands behind the strategy,
because of the involving of all interests - Executing the strategy Plan of action and
prioritizing the goals is decided by board of
4IT Strategy and Business Strategi 2010
IT solutions meeting the Business Strategy 2010
plus IT Governance
5IT Strategy 2010 important goals (1)
- IT Governance
- Further standardization of processes (e.g. data
editing, data extracts) - Common IT architecture
- Methods
- Better application and competence development of
total IT ressources across divisions
6IT Strategy 2010 important goals (2)
- IT security (Danish Standard 484/ISO 17799)
- Periodical risk assessments
- Disaster recovery plan
- Security policy, including awareness training
- Tools
- Catalogue of tools and processes
- Oracle as database tool
- Microsoft as office tool
- SAS it is to be considered whether competetive
tools can be fond, which are economically more
7(No Transcript)
8Standardization in different dimensions
Processer, methodsand qualifications
Units and data
An effective standardization requires focus on
all three dimensions
9Progress in standardization of systems
Data editing
Surveybased statistics
Statistics 1
Statistics 2
Stat.banken og stathost
Virk.dk, XBRL
Statistics 65
Registerbased statistics
Statistics 651
Statistics 652
Service tasks
Statistics 250
Adm. registers
Centralized services
Service task 1
Service task n
10Standardization of processes
- Printouts (1.5 million prints a year)
- Enveloping (0,4 million envelopes a year)
- Standardization by use of LEAN
11Standardization of methods
- Prince2 (about 15 certificated projectmanagers)
- Project Portfolio Management
- Development
- use-cases
- management of requirements
- standardized Review Proces
- Documentation (Times)
12Outphasing the mainframe
- Deadline is 1 July 2007
- Use of ressources is about 100 manyears
- Few risk projects left
- Historic data (about 15 TB) will be transferred
to the network servers (SAN) a lot of data is
not documented but can be found at storage