Title: Attention Future Educators:
1Kennesaw State University Student GAE Chapter
Alex Tai, President and Dr. Michael C. Ross,
Faculty Advisor
2What is KSU-SGAE?
- GAE (Georgia Association of Educators) is the
leading organization in the state of Georgia
representing teachers and pre-service teachers
and an affiliate of NEA (National Education
Association) the largest membership based
organization in the US. - KSU-SGAE is a student organization and the campus
level of GAE and NEA. - KSU-SGAE is the largest student chapter of GAE in
Georgia and one of the largest student chapters
in the country.
3KSU-SGAE Strong at KSU and in Georgia
Dr. Ross, Faculty Advisor JaTawn Robinson, GAE
State President
Alex Tai, KSU-SGAE President Darius Robinson, GAE
State Exec Comm
4How Will GAEBenefit You?
- GAE is totally dedicated to teachers and
improving public schools. - The Student Program was created by GAE to empower
you -- without putting a strain on your wallet. - Membership is only 10 for 1 year
5KSU-SGAE Great Leadership Opportunity
- Organizational Officers
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Historians
- Leadership Roles
- Team or Activity Leader
- Media Contact
- Facilities Contact
- Support Members
6KSU-SGAE Serving KSU and Our Community
Annual Activities, Projects and Events
- CCAE Workshops (2)
- GACE I and II Workshops (2)
- Children's Book Drive-Donation box is set up
around campus - NEAs Read Across America Activity
- GAE Student Conference
- Annual Retreat serves as the master planning
session for all of our activities for the
upcoming year. - Fridays Reads Program- read a book to a
designated elementary school. - Diversity Exchange Project with a Historical
Black College. (Clark Atlanta University)
7KSU-SGAE Membership Advantages
- SGAE members enjoy exclusive access to special
SAVINGS on insurance, loans, financial services,
car rentals, mortgages, credit cards, and more. - FREE GACE I and GACE II preparation workshops.
- FREE subscription to KNOW Magazine Published five
to six times a year to all GAE members - Student members who join GAE as educators receive
an 80 Rebate for each year as a student member - 1 Million Dollars in liability insurance for all
members every time you step in a classroom
setting - Open opportunity to Network, Socialize, and Learn
from other future educators!
9A Celebration !!!
- In Honor of
- Ms. JaTawan Robinsons
- election to the Office of
- President for the GAE
- 2008-2009
- During the month of September Exact Date, Time,
and Location TBA via email
Hosted by BCOEs Dean Arlinda Eaton and Dr.
Michael C. Ross, SGAE Faculty Advisor
10Be A Lifesaver!!!
- TEACH!!!
- and Join
- by visiting us on the web _at_