Title: Introduction Challenges of Managing in a Network Economy
1Introduction Challenges of Managing in a Network
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3Themes presented in this book
- Market structure and industry dynamics
- Evolving business models
- IT impact
- Prioritizing IT investment
- Assimilation and organizational learning
- Buy versus make
- Partnership among key constituencies as IT
evolves - Protecting IT assets and managing risks
- Pervasive computing
4Theme 1 Market Structure and Industry Dynamics
- New choices for designing and building
industries, markets, and organizations. - IT expands processing capacity enabling
convergence of voice, video, and data. - Real-time transactions, interactivity and
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6Theme 2 Evolving Business Models
- The business models that dominated the Industrial
Economy are evolving to take advantage of the
capabilities of the new technologies and business
practices of the Network economy, giving rise to
new sources of power and differentiation.
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8Theme 3 IT Impact
- Important dimensions are
- The impact of IT on core operations and
- The impact of IT on core strategy.
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10Theme 4 Prioritizing IT Investments
- Shift in IT investment priorities and decisions
from a cost-avoidance, project centered approach
to an asset-based, strategic option approach.
11The IT Business Value Scorecard
Table 4-2 The IT Business Value Scorecard
12The IT Business Value Scorecard Contd.
13The IT Business Value Scorecard Contd.
14The IT Business Value Scorecard Contd.
15Theme 5 Assimilation and Organizational Learning
- The time required for successful organizational
learning and assimilation of rapidly changing
technologies limits the practical speed of change.
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17Theme 6 Buy versus Make
- External industry, internal organizational, and
technological changes are increasing the pressure
on organizations to buy rather than make IT
applications and services.
18Theme 7 Partnerships among Key Constituencies as
IT Evolves
- High levels of engagement and cooperation among
four key constituencies - Business Executives
- IT Executives
- Users
- Technology Providers / Partners
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20Theme 8 Protecting IT Assets and Managing Risks
- The ability to ensure high levels of security,
privacy, reliability, and availability is a core
capability that determines an organizations
ultimate success and survival.
21Theme 9 Pervasive Computing Opportunities and
- Shift in IT that has dramatically changed the way
people access and use technology, the way
organizations exploit it, and the way it is
developed and managed.