Title: The GLOBE U'S'Trainer Certification Program: A Mixed Design
1 The GLOBE U.S.Trainer Certification Program A
Mixed Design
- GLOBE Annual Meeting
- August 2, 2005
- Prague, Czech Republic
2Meet the GLOBE Program Office Trainer
Certification Program (TCP) Staff
Dr. Susan GallagherDistance Learning Coordinator
Dr. Sandra Henderson Chief Educator
Becca Hatheway Elementary Science Specialist
Kirsten Meymaris Distance Learning Specialist
Shannon SpencerEducation Specialist
3US GLOBE Trainer Certification Program (TCP)
4But first, a pop quiz!
5But first, a pop quiz!
- You have two buckets to take to Lake GLOBE
- 5 liter container
- 3 liter container
- You need to bring back exactly 4 liters of water
in the 5 liter bucket
Work with a partner to solve this problem
6(No Transcript)
7GLOBE Implementation and Training
- GLOBE is implemented via a partnership program
- GLOBE instruction is delivered by GLOBE
Trainers - Traditionally, GLOBE trainers were certified by
attending a Train-the-Trainer Workshop.
8GLOBE Trainer Certification Program
9GLOBE Trainer Certification Program
10GLOBE Trainer Certification Program
11Strengths of Each Format
- Face-to-Face (F2F)
- Hands-on
- Guided practice
- Immediate peer feedback
- Community building
- Online
- Background content
- Reflective discussion
- Continued support through implementation
- Up-to-date resources
12Course management system
- Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
Environment) - Constructivist design including social elements
- Multi-lingual Interface
- Open-source code
- Free!! A great price for all budgets!
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14So, did it work?
15To raise new questions, new possibilities, to
regard old possibilities, and to regard old
problems from a new angle requires creative
imagination and marks new advances in science.
- Albert Einstein
16Thank you for your attention!
17Contact Information
Sandra Henderson sandrah_at_globe.gov