Title: A look into Lyman, Duncan, Startex, and Welford
1A look into Lyman, Duncan, Startex, and Welford
Learning About Your Community
- Created by
- Laurie McTeer
- Duncan Elementary
2What Is A Community?
- A group of people living in one place.
- People sharing resources
- A group learning and working together
- People with the same interest
3Who Works In Our Community
- Doctor
- Mail Carrier
- Dentist
- Pharmacist
- Teacher
- Librarian
- Factory Worker
- Many others
4Who Are The People Who Help Make Decisions In Our
5Our Community From Past to Present
Many building have changed since your parents
were children. The library they once used is not
the library we use today. The post office they
once sent their mail to is no longer in service.
Computers and other technology have helped our
community work faster with less energy. Our
towns have gown with hundreds of more people
since your parents were little. The buildings
back then would not be big enough for all of us
6What Do They Do With The Old Buildings?
- Destroy them
- Leave them alone and run down
- Restore the building as Historical sites
7What Can We Do?
- Drive by and look the other way
- Write the Mayor of your town asking him to
preserve the buildings - Ask your parents to help get a group of concerned
citizens together.
8Isnt It Great To Be A Community? Hope To See Ya
Soon Neighbor.