Title: Adaptive Designs for U-shaped ( Umbrella) Dose-Response
1Adaptive Designs for U-shaped ( Umbrella)
- Yevgen Tymofyeyev
- Merck Co. Inc
- September 12, 2008
- Utility function
- Gradient design
- Normal Dynamic Linear Models
- Two stage design
- Comparison and conclusions
3Application Scope
- Proof-of-Concept and (or) Dose-Ranging Studies
when - Dose-response can not be assumed monotonic but
rather uni-modal - Efficacy and safety are considered combined by
means of some utility function
4Examples Utility Function
- Utility efficacy Coefficient AE_rate 2nd
order_term - Utility is evaluated at each dose level
- Another way to define is by means of a table
- Example below
Drug Efficacy vs. PLB AE vs. PBO AE vs. PBO AE vs. PBO AE vs. PBO
Drug Efficacy vs. PLB 0 10 20 30
-2 0.3 -0.2 -0.8 -1.4
-1 1.6 0.9 0.1 -0.7
0 2.9 1.9 1.0 0.1
1 4.2 3.0 1.9 0.8
2 5.4 4.1 2.8 1.5
5Example of Utility function (cont.)
Try to modify utility function in order to reduce
its variance while preserving the bulk
6Example (cont.)
7Adaptive Design Applicable for n DR maximization
- Frequent adaptation
- Adaptations are made after each cohort of
subjects responses, data driven - Gradient design
- Assume n shape dose-response
- No assumption for DR shape, but rather on
smoothness of DR (dose levels are in order) - Two stage design
- No assumptions on treatment ordering
- Inference is done at the adaptation point
8Gradient Design for Umbrella Shaped Dose-Response
9Case Study
- Therapeutic area Neuroscience
- Outcome composite score derived from several
tests - Objective to maximize number of subjects
assigned to the dose with the highest mean
response, the peak dose - improve power for placebo versus the peak dose
comparison - Assumption monotonic or (uni-modal)
dose-response - Proposed Method Adaptive design that uses
Kiefer-Wolfowitz (1951) procedure for finding
maximum in the presence of random variability in
the function evaluation as proposed by Ivanova
et. al.(2008)
10Illustration of the Design
Current cohort
Next cohort
Active pair of levels
At given point of the study, subjects are
randomized to the levels of the current dose pair
and placebo only. The next pair is obtained by
shifting the current pair according to the
estimated slope.
11Update rule
- Let dose j and j1 constitute the current
dose pair. - Use isotonic (unimodal) regression or quadratic
regression fitted locally to estimate responses
at all dose levels using all available data - Compute T
- If T gt 0.3 then next dose pair (j1,j2), i.e.
"move up - If T lt -0.3 then next dose pair ( j-1, j), i.e.
"move down - Otherwise, next dose pair ( j, j1), i.e. stay
- If not possible to move dose pair, ( j1 or
jK-1), change pairs randomization probabilities
from 11 to 21 (the extreme dose of the pair get
twice more subjects) -
- Modification of this rule (including
different cutoffs for T) are possible but logic
is similar
12Inference after Adaptive Allocation
- Compare PLB to each dose using Dunnetts
adjustment for multiplicity (?) - Compare PLB to the dose with the maximum number
of subjects assigned (expect inflated type I
error) - Trend Tests are not straightforward since an
umbrella shape response is possible.
13Simulation Results
True Dose Response Scenarios True Dose Response Scenarios True Dose Response Scenarios True Dose Response Scenarios Power Power Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations) Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations) Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations) Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations)
True Dose Response Scenarios True Dose Response Scenarios True Dose Response Scenarios True Dose Response Scenarios Plb vs all doses (Dunnett) Plb vs max alloc dose Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations) Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations) Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations) Dose Allocation in percents of total sample size (average over simulations)
Plb D1 D2 D3 Plb vs all doses (Dunnett) Plb vs max alloc dose Plb D1 D2 D3
S0 .5 .5 .5 .5 2 6 40 19 24 17
S1 0 .1 .25 .5 72 82 40 4 21 35
S2 0 .1 .5 .25 65 76 40 12 27 21
S3 0 .5 .25 .1 64 75 40 30 21 9
S4 0 0 0 .5 77 82 40 2 19 38
S5 0 0 .5 0 65 78 40 14 29 18
S6 0 .5 0 0 66 77 40 32 20 8
S7 0 .5 .5 .5 87 92 40 14 23 22
14(No Transcript)
- The standard parallel 4 arms design would require
464 subjects to provide 80 to detect difference
from placebo 0.5 with no adjustment for
multiplicity. - The adaptive design uses 364 subjects and
results in 75-92 power depending on scenario. - (25 sample size reduction)
- Limitations
- Somewhat excessive variability for S2 and S3 for
some DR scenarios - Logistical complexity due to the large number of
16Normal Dynamic Linear Models
- How to pool information across dose levels in
dose-response analysis ? - Solution Normal Dynamic Linear Model (NDLM)
- Bayesian forecaster
- parametric model with dynamic unobserved
parameters - forecast derived as probability distributions
- provides facility for incorporation expert
information - Refer to West and Harrison (1999)
- NDLM idea filter or smooth data to estimate
unobserved true state parameters
18Graphical Structure of DLM
? t-1
? t1
Task is to estimate the state vector ?(?1,, ?K)
19Dynamic Linear Models
20Idea At each dose a straight line is fitted. The
slope of the line changes by adding an evolution
noise, Berry et. al. (2002)
21Local Linear Trend Model for Dose Response (ref.
to Berry (2002) et al.)
22Implementation Details
- Miller et. al.(2006)
- MCMC method
- Smith et. al. (2006) provide WinBugs code
- West and Harrison (1999)
- An algebraic close form solution that computes
posterior distribution of the state parameters
23Model Specification (details)
- Measurements errors e can be easily estimated
as the residual from ANOVA type model with dose
factor - Specification of the variance for the state
equation (evolution of slope) is difficult - MLE estimate form state equation (works well for
large sample sizes, not for small) - Other options (i) use prior for Wt and update
it later on (ii) discount factor for posterior
variance of ? as suggested in West and Harrison
24NDLM fit, 200 subjects
25Example of Biased NDLM Estimates
26NDLM versus Simple Mean
Dose allocation Dose allocation Dose allocation Dose allocation Dose allocation Dose allocation Response MSE Ratio (mean / NDLM) at doses Response MSE Ratio (mean / NDLM) at doses Response MSE Ratio (mean / NDLM) at doses Response MSE Ratio (mean / NDLM) at doses Response MSE Ratio (mean / NDLM) at doses Response MSE Ratio (mean / NDLM) at doses
plb 1 2 3 4 5 plb 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.16 1.27
5 5 10 10 15 15 1.4 2.8 2 2.2 1.88 1.19
15 15 10 10 5 5 1.2 1.9 2.3 2.1 2.7 1.33
5 10 25 10 5 5 1.5 2.1 1.5 2.3 3.01 1.36
30 6 6 6 6 6 1.1 2.9 2.4 2.2 2.26 1.32
5 5 20 20 5 5 1.4 3 1.6 1.6 2.8 1.34
30 0 0 5 20 5 1.1 NaN NaN 1.1 0.12 0.2
30 1 1 5 19 4 1 4.4 4.1 1.9 1.24 1.36
27(No Transcript)
28Bayesian Decision Analysis for Dose Allocation
and Optimal Stopping (Ref. to Miller et. al.(2006)
- Sampling from the posterior of the state vector
allows to program dose allocation as a decision
problem using a utility function approach (not to
confuse with efficacy safety utility) - Use the utility function that reflects the key
parameter of the dose/response curve, e.g. - the posterior variance of the mean response at
the ED95 - variance at the most effective safe dose
- Utility function is evaluated by MC method by
sampling from ? posterior - Select next dose that maximizes the utility
function - Bayesian decision approach for early stopping
29Bayesian Decision Analysis (Cont.) Utility
function for dose allocation (details)
30Example of NDLM Dose allocation utility
response variance at dose of interest (most
effective safe dose)
31Discussion as for NDLM use
- Potentially very broad scope applications
- Flexible dose response learner including
arbitrary DR relationship - possible incorporation of longitudinal modeling
- Framework for Bayesian decision analysis
- Adaptive dose allocation
- Early stopping for futility or efficacy
- Probabilistic statements regarding features
derived from the modeled dose-response
32Two Stage Design
33Design Description
- N fixed total sample size K number of
treatment arms including placebo - 1st stage (pilot)
- Equal allocation of rN subjects to all arms
- Analysis to select the best (compared to placebo)
arm - 2nd stage (confirmation)
- Equal allocation of (1-r)N subjects to the
selected arm and placebo - Final inference by combing responses from both
stages (one-sided testing) - Posch Bauer method is used to control type 1
error in the strong sense - BAUER KIESER 1999, HOMMEL, 2001, POSCH ET AL.
34Adaptive Closed Test Scheme for 3 treatments Arm
and Placebo
Hypoth. p-value 1st Stage p-value 2nd Stage C(p,q) lt a
(1) p1 q1 x
(2) p2
(3) p3
(1,2) p12 q12 x
(1,3) p13 q13 x
(1,2,3) p123 q123 x
35Combination Test
- Let p and q be respective p-values for testing
any null hypothesis H from stage 1 and 2
respectively - Note Type I error is controlled if, under H0, p
and q are independent and Unif.(0,1) - E.g. Two different sets of subjects at stages 1
and 2 - Combination function (inverse normal)
36Closed Testing Procedure
- To ensure strong control of type I error
- Probability of selecting a treatment arm that is
no better than placebo and concluding its
superiority is less than given a under all
possible response configuration of other arms - H1, H2 null hypothesis to test
- Use local level a test for H1, H2 and
H12H1nH2 - Closure principle
- The test at multiple level a Reject Hj , j
1, 2 - If H12 and Hj are rejected at local level a.
37Test of the Intersection Hypothesis
- 1st state
- Bonferroni test
- p12 min 2 min p1, p2, 1, p13- similar
- p123 min 3 min p1, p2, p3, 1
- Simes test (1986)
- Let p1 lt p2 lt p3
- p12 min 2p1, p2 p13 min 2p1,p3
- p123 min 3 p1, 3/2 p2, p3
- 2nd stage
- B/c just one dose is selected
- q(1,2) q(1,3) q(1,2,3) q(1)
38Optimal Split of the Total Sample Size into Two
True response True response True response True response Prop. of total sample size used in 1st Stage, r Probability of rejecting H0 Prob. Of selecting Max Dose
D1 D2 D3 D4 Prop. of total sample size used in 1st Stage, r Probability of rejecting H0 Prob. Of selecting Max Dose
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.26 0.8165 0.5149
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.33 0.828 0.5483
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.4 0.83 0.5706
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.46 0.8194 0.5965
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0.53 0.8134 0.6099
39Comparison of 2-stage and Gradient (KW) Designs
for a 4 Treatment Arms Study
Scenario True Response True Response True Response True Response Probability of Rejecting H0 Probability of Rejecting H0 Prob. of Selecting Max Dose Prob. of Selecting Max Dose
Scenario PLB D1 D2 D3 two-stage KW two-stage KW
1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.021 0.024 NA NA
2 0 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.819 0.646 0.93 0.74
3 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 0.799 0.742 0.80 0.74
4 0 0.33 0.66 1.00 0.810 0.740 0.68 0.60
5 0 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.787 0.689 0.70 0.57
6 0 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.799 0.818 0.80 0.83
7 0 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.788 0.805 0.77 0.87
8 0 0.33 1.00 0.66 0.810 0.818 0.68 0.81
Marks the starting dose pair for KW design
40Comments on Posch Bauer Method
- Very flexible method
- several combination functions and methods for
multiplicity adjustments are available - Permits data dependent changes
- sample size re-estimation
- arm dropping
- several arms can be selected into stage 2
- furthermore, it is not necessary to pre-specify
adaptation rule from stat. methodology point of
view, but is necessary from regulatory
41Conclusions as for Two Stage Design
- Posch-Bauer method is
- Robust
- Strong control of alpha
- No assumptions on dose-response relation
- Powerful
- Simple implementation Just single interim
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