Title: Changes to the Part B Indicator measurement Table
1Changes to the Part B Indicator measurement Table
- Ruth Ryder
- OSEP Leadership Conference
- August 17, 2009
- Update on Feb 2009 APR/SPP review
- 2010 APR/SPP submission
- Oct 17, 2008 memo on timely correction
- Reminders
3SPP/APR Balancing Results and Compliance
- The primary focus of Federal and State monitoring
activities shall be on - improving education results and functional
outcomes for all children with disabilities and - ensuring that States meet the program
requirements, with emphasis on those most closely
related to improving results
4Update on Feb 2009 APR/SPP Review
5SPP/APR Response Letters and Determinations
- Issued on June 1, 2009
- Letter, with Determination, and Response Table
- Looked at the States APR as a whole
- Valid and reliable data correct year and
measurement - Substantial compliance - at or above 95 or
demonstrated correction of noncompliance - Considered other information special
conditions, audit findings, verification
6IDEA Determinations
7Determinations Indicators Not in Meets
- of States
- Indicator 9 13
- Indicator 10 23
- Indicator 11 29
- Indicator 12 19
- Indicator 13 36
- Indicator 15 48
- Indicator 20 32
8Part B Indicator 11 Timely Initial Evaluations
9Part B Indicator 12 Early Childhood Transition
10Part B Indicator 15 Timely Correction
11Enforcement Actions
- Enforcement actions required based on June 1,
2009 determinations - 17 States for Part B and 19 States for Part C in
2 consecutive years as needs assistance NA2 - 3 States for Part B and 1 State for Part C in 3
consecutive years as needs intervention NI3 - No States in needs substantial intervention
this year
12Accessing TA
- NA2 States must report in the Feb 1, 2010 APR
- The TA sources from which the State received
assistance and - What actions the State took as a result of that
TA - Some States that were NA3 are required to report
on Oct 1, 2009 on how the TA being accessed
addresses the determination issue
132010 SPP/APR Submission
14Take Aways
- States will need to revise the SPP and APR for
Feb 2010 for these indicators 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,
11, 12, 16, and 17 - States are not required to report on indicators
4B, 6, 13 or 14 in Feb 2010
15Indicators 1 and 2
- No longer required to report compared to all
youth - Use data collected for ESEA reporting in the
Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) - Some States data lag one year for CSPR reporting
- May need to do the same reporting method for
Indicator 2 as have used in the past - In 2010-11 will begin using the adjusted cohort
graduation rate (will be reported in 2012 or 2013
if lagged)
16Indicator 3
- For 3B account for all children with IEPs
- For 3C report on children with IEPs enrolled for
a full academic year - Include where to find public reports on assessment
17Indicator 4
- 4A (results) for the FFY 2008 APR due in Feb 2010
- Examine 2007-2008 data using one of the two
comparisons required under 612(a)(22) - If significant discrepancies are identified,
review and if appropriate revise policies,
procedures and practices related to development
and implementation of IEPs, the use of PBIS, and
procedural safeguards - Report 2007-2008 data in the APR due Feb 2010
- 4B (compliance) for the FFY 2009 SPP due Feb 2011
- Baseline will be the percent of districts with a
significant discrepancy and bad policies,
procedures or practices
18Indicators 5 and 6
- Indicator 5
- Revise indicator and measurement language in the
SPP and the APR - Indicator 6
- No reporting for FFY 2008 (Feb 2010) or FFY 2009
(Feb 2011) SPP/APRs - OSEP will be using the current (not proposed)
collection for the 2009-2010 reporting year
19Indicator 7
20Indicators 9 and 10
- We will be carefully reviewing States
definitions of disproportionate representation - Ensure that the States definition is clear as to
how the State does its calculation to determine
the LEAs with disproportionate representation
21Indicators 11 and 12
- Indicator 11 simplified measurement
- Revise measurement in SPP and APR
- Indicator 12 added (e)
- States can subtract children who were referred
from Part C less than 90 days before their
birthday - Revise measurement in SPP and APR
22Indicators 13 thru 20
- Not required to report on Indicators 13 and 14
- Collect data using the new measurement in
2009-2010 - Report correction of Indicator 13 noncompliance
- Submit Attachment 1 for Indicator 15
- Revise indicator language in SPP and APR for
Indicators 16 and 17 - States may express targets in a range for
Indicators 18 and 19 - Submit Attachment 2 with Indicator 20
23Oct 17, 2008 Memo on Reporting on Correction of
24Issue 1 Demonstrating Correction
- All noncompliance must be identified and
corrected - Account for all instances of noncompliance from
any component of the States general supervision
system - Determine nature of noncompliance (extent,
location, root causes) - Require correction as soon as possible
- Verify correction as soon as possible and no
later than one year from identification
- Correction of noncompliance will vary depending
on the nature of the noncompliance (extensive,
longstanding, denial of basic right vs. isolated,
few instances) - Two components to correction
- Ensure that local program is correctly
implementing the specific regulatory requirement - Correct the noncompliance for each affected child
26Issue 2 Factoring Correction into Evaluation of
Substantial Compliance
- To be in substantial compliance a State must
either be - at or above 95 compliance or
- at or above 75 compliance with correction of
previously identified noncompliance
27States with Indicators Below 75 Compliance
- Part B
- Indicator 13 22 of 60 States below 75
- Indicator 11 7 of 60 States below 75
- Indicator 12 7 of 60 States below 75
28Reporting Correction in the APR
- Each instance of noncompliance identified in
previous APR must be corrected - Noncompliance from all sources must be corrected
- Data base, self-assessment, on-site monitoring
30State Tasks
- Update your SPP to include needed changes as
discussed above and any State-determined
revisions or additions to baseline, targets and
improvement activities - Report to the public on the performance of LEAs
on the targets in your SPP - Complete determinations for LEAs and take
enforcement action for any NA2 or NI3 LEAs
31FFY 2007 Reporting to the Public
- Should have been completed by June 2, 2009 as
required by 34 CFR 300.602(b)(1)(i)(A) - Part B must report on Indicators
- 1, 2, 3, 4A, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14
(not 4B, 6, 7, or 15-20) - State contacts will be looking for States
public reports
32State Determinations of Local Performance
- MUST consider
- Performance on compliance indicators
- Valid, reliable, timely data
- Uncorrected noncompliance from other sources
- Audit findings
- COULD consider
- Performance on outcomes indicators
- Other information
33State Enforcement Based on Determinations
- If you have local programs in needs assistance
for the second consecutive year or needs
intervention for the third consecutive year, you
will need to take enforcement action - If you have local programs that are in needs
substantial intervention you will likely need to
withhold funds in whole or in part - For the above you must take one of the
enforcement actions in 616(e) (34 CFR
34Thank you for yourhard work!
- As you can see by the data, youre making a