Title: These are our facts about Pluto
1These are our facts about Pluto!
2Plutos average distance from the sun is
3,666million miles (5,925 million km).
3Plutos diameter is 1,428miles (2, 300km).
4 It takes 6.4 earth days for Pluto to rotate.
5Pluto does not have any rings.
6Plutos moon Charon is half the size of Pluto.
For this reason, some scientists refer to Pluto
as double
7Plutos nickname is double planet.
8Pluto is the ninth planet from the sun.
9Clyde Tombaugh discovered pluto in 1930. He also
met my science and social studies teacher.
10Pluto is -400 degrees F.
11Thank You For Your Time.By Khadijah Jeremiah