Title: Optimal Control of One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Systems with Discrete Demand
1Optimal Control of One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer
Systems with Discrete Demand
- M.K. Dogru A.G. de Kok G.J. van Houtum
- m.k.dogru_at_tm.tue.nl a.g.d.kok_at_tm.tue.nl
g.j.v.houtum_at_tm.tue.nl - Department of Technology Management, Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven - Eindhoven, Netherlands
2System Under Study
- One warehouse serving N retailers, external
supplier with ample stock, single item - Retailers face stochastic, stationary demand of
the customers - Backlogging, No lateral transshipments
- Centralized control ? single decision maker,
periodic review - Operational level decisions when how much to
- Clark and Scarf 1960
- Allocation problem
- Decomposition is not possible, balance of
retailer inventories - Optimal inventory control requires solving a
multi-dimensional Markov decision process Curse
of dimensionality - Solution is state dependent
- Eppen and Schrage 1981
- W/h cannot hold stock (cross-docking point)
- Base stock policy, optimization within the class
- Balance assumption (allocation assumption)
- Federgruen and Zipkin 1984a,b
- Balance assumption
- Optimality results for finite horizon problem,
w/h is a cross-docking point - Optimality results for infinite horizon problem
with identical retailers and stock keeping w/h - Diks and De Kok 1998
- Extension of optimality results to N-echelon
distribution systems - Literature on distribution systems is vast
- Van Houtum, Inderfurth, and Zijm 1996
- Axsäter 2003
- Studies that use balance assumption
- Eppen and Schrage 1981, Federgruen and Zipkin
1984a,b,c, Jönsson and Silver 1987, Jackson
1988, Schwarz 1989, Erkip, Hausman and
Nahmias 1990, Chen and Zheng 1994, Kumar,
Schwarz and Ward 1995, Bollapragada, Akella and
Srinivasan 1998, Diks and De Kok 1998, Kumar
and Jacobson 1998, Cachon and Fisher 2000,
Özer 2003
- Optimality results up to now are for continuous
demand distributions - This study aims to extend the results to discrete
demand distributions - Why discrete demand?
- It is possible to handle positive probability
mass at any point in the demand distribution,
particularly at zero. - Intermittent (lumpy) demand
7System Under Study
- W/h orders from an external supplier retailers
are replenished by shipments - Fixed leadtimes
- Added value concept
- Backordering, penalty cost
- Objective Minimize expected average holding and
penalty costs in the long-run
8Analysis Preliminaries
Echelon inventory position of 2
Echelon stock of w/h
Echelon stock of 2
Echelon inventory position of w/h
- Echelon stock concept
- Echelon inventory position Echelon stock
pipeline stock
9Analysis Dynamics of the System
10Analysis Echelon Costs
11Analysis Costs attached to a period
12Analysis Optimization Problem
13Analysis Allocation Decision
- Suppose at the time of allocation ( tl0 ), the
sum of the expected holding and penalty costs of
the retailers in the periods the allocated
quantities reach their destinations ( tl0 li )
is minimized.
Myopic allocation
Balance Assumption Allowing negative allocations
14Analysis Allocation Decision
- Example 1 N3, identical retailers
Balanced Allocation is feasible
15Analysis Allocation Decision
- Example 2 N3, identical retailers
Balanced Allocation is infeasible
16Analysis Balance Assumption
- Interpretations
- Allowing negative allocations
- Permitting instant return to the warehouse
without any cost - Lateral transshipments with no cost and certain
17Analysis Allocation Decision
- Under the balance assumption, only
depends on the ordering and allocation decisions
that start with an order of the w/h in period t.
18Analysis Single Cycle Analysis
Retailers N2
19Analysis Single Cycle Analysis
Allocation Problem
- Necessary and sufficient optimality condition
- Incremental (Marginal) allocation algorithm
- is convex
20Analysis Single Cycle Analysis
Optimal policy is echelon base stock policy
21Infinite Horizon Problem
22Newsboy Inequalities
- Existence of non-decreasing optimal allocation
functions. - Bounding
- Newsboy Inequalities
- Optimal warehouse base stock level
- Newsboy inequalities are easy to explain to
managers and non-mathematical oriented students - Contribute to the understanding of optimal
- Under the balance assumption, we extend the
decomposition result and the optimality of base
stock policies to two-echelon distribution
systems facing discrete demands. - Retailers follow base stock policy
- Shipments according to optimal allocation
functions - Given the optimal allocation functions, w/h
places orders following a base stock policy - Optimal base stock levels satisfy newsboy
inequalities - Distribution systems with cont. demand Diks and
De Kok 1998 - We develop an efficient algorithm for the
computations of an optimal policy
24Further Research
- N-stage Serial System with Fixed Batches
- Chen 2000 optimality of (R,nQ) policies
- Based on results from Chen 1994 and Chen 1998
we show that optimal reorder levels follow from
newsboy inequalities (equalities) when the
underlying customer demand distribution is
discrete (continuous).
25Further Research
- Eppen and Schrage 1981, Federgruen and Zipkin
1984a,b,c, Jönsson and Silver 1987, Jackson
1988, Schwarz 1989, Erkip, Hausman and
Nahmias 1990, Chen and Zheng 1994, Kumar,
Schwarz and Ward 1995, Bollapragada, Akella and
Srinivasan 1998, Diks and De Kok 1998, Kumar
and Jacobson 1998, Cachon and Fisher 2000,
Özer 2003 - Dogru, De Kok, and Van Houtum 2004
- Numerical results show that the balance
assumption (that leads to the decomposition as a
result, analytical expressions) can be a serious
limitation. - No study in the literature that shows the precise
effect of the balance assumption on expected
long-run costs
26Further Research
- Optimal solution by stochastic dynamic
programming - true optimality gap, precise effect of the
balance assumption - how good is the modified base stock policy
- Model assumptions
- discrete demand distributed over a limited number
of points - finite support
- Developed a stochastic dynamic program
- Partial characterization of the optimal policy
both under the discounted and average cost
criteria in the infinite horizon - provides insight to the behavior of the optimal
policy - finite and compact state and action spaces
- value iteration algorithm
27Preliminary Results Identical Retailers
- Test Bed 72 instances
- N2
- w.l.o.g.
- Parameter setting
- demand 0,1,2,3,4,5
- LB-UB gap gt 2.5
28Preliminary Results Identical Retailers
29Analysis Single Cycle Analysis
Two-echelon discrete
Two-echelon continuous
Single-echelon discrete