Title: Local Ratepayer Valuation Forums ODPM update
1 Local Ratepayer Valuation Forums ODPM update
2ODPM update
- Revaluation 2005 overall effects
- Transition 2005
- Small Business Rate Relief
- Balance of Funding Review
3Revaluation 2005 overall effects
- Total rateable value up 17.9 in England
- Overall tax take remains constant (before
inflation) - About 40 of properties will have increased bills
following revaluation - Up to 60 of properties will see a reduction in
their rates bills from 2005 - Based on assumption of multiplier of 41.5p (plus
inflation - to be confirmed) down from 45.6p in
4Transitional Arrangements
5Transition arrangements
- ODPM made clear that scheme would be self
financing and work through within five years - Announcement on 21 July confirmed a four year
scheme funded by downward phasing caps on
reductions (as previous schemes). - Funding via supplement rejected.
- Consultation on detailed proposals to run from
August into October.
6Transition arrangements upward caps
Larger properties 2005/06 12.5 2006/07 17.5 20
07/08 20 2008/09 25 2009/10 Full
Small properties 2005/06 5 2006/07
7.5 2007/08 10 2008/09 15 2009/10 Full
(under 21,500 in London, 15,000 elsewhere)
7Transition arrangements downward caps
Larger properties 2005/06 7 2006/07 10 2007/0
8 17.5 2008/09 20 2009/10 Full
Small properties 2005/06 17.5 2006/07
25 2007/08 45 2008/09
50 2009/10 Full (under 21,500 in London,
15,000 elsewhere)
8Transitional Relief 2005 - example
- A property outside London with a 2000 rates bill
in 04/05, and a new RV of 10,000 from 1/4/05. - Without transition the new bill would have been
4150 (10,000 x 41.5p) - With transition the bill would be
- Annual bill (04/05)
2000.00 - Maximum increase (5)
100.00 - New bill (2005/06)
2100.00 (plus inflation)
9Transition through to 2010
- A property outside London with a 2000 rates bill
in 04/05, and a new RV of 10,000 from 1/4/05 - (Full annual liability) (4150)
- 2000/01 5 2100.00
- 2001/02 7.5 2257.50
- 2002/03 10 2483.25
- 2003/04 15 2855.74
- 2004/05 Full 4,150.00
- Note inflation not applied.
10Small Business Rate Relief
11Small Business Rate Relief Scheme (original
- Applications were required by 31 December before
the rate year for which relief was sought - Original proposals applied to businesses with
single property and rateable value below 8,000 -
- 50 rate relief at 3,000 rateable value and
below. Tapering off by 1 for each 100 rateable
value above that figure. - Funded by supplement of all other ratepayers
outside the scheme -
12Small Business Rate Relief Scheme (new proposals)
- Scheme will now apply to properties with rateable
values up to 10,000 provided they meet the other
scheme criteria (i.e. they occupy one property
only). - 50 rate relief will apply to qualifying
properties with RV of 5,000 and below. -
- Tapering off by 1 for each 100 above 5,000.
- 40 at 6,000 RV
- 30 at 7,000 RV
- 20 at 8,0000RV
13Small Business Rate Relief Scheme (new proposals)
- Scheme will now incorporate a buffer zone, in
which occupiers would not receive relief but
would not pay the supplement either. - Buffer zone will apply to occupiers of properties
with rateable values between 10,000 and 15,000
who meet the other scheme criteria but are
outside the 10,000 threshold. - applications may be made up until six months
after the financial year for which rate relief is
sought. -
14Small Business Rate Relief Scheme (new proposals)
- Estimated that around 400,000 businesses will
qualify for rate relief - Around a further 55,000 will fall in the buffer
zone - Costs to other larger businesses estimated at
1.6 on rates bills - Eight week consultation period to follow.
15More information.
- is available on the ODPM website.
- Full statement by Nick Raynsford is available at
- http//www.odpm.gov.uk/stellent/groups/odpm_about/
documents/page/odpm_about_029858.hcsp - Press Releases are available at
- http//www.odpm.gov.uk/pns/newslist.cgi
16Balance of Funding Report
17Balance of Funding
- Balance of Funding Report published on 20 July
2004 - Report concluded that
- Council tax should be retained but reformed if
acceptable means of reform are available - Strong arguments in favour of shifting balance of
funding towards more local funding, if methods
are feasible and desirable - Further independent inquiry to take place
18Balance of Funding
- Inquiry to report by end-2005 and will
- Make recommendations for reform of council tax
(taking account of 2007 revaluation) - Assess the case for local authorities having more
flexibility to raise additional local revenue
(with less raised centrally) - Consider other options such as local income tax,
reform of business rates, other local taxes and
charges - Consider implications for financing of possible
Elected Regional Assemblies - Consider any implications recommendations have
for other parts of the UK.