Title: Second Normal form
1Second Normal form
2Second Normal Form
- Remove part key dependencies
- Only applies to forms that are in first normal
form and have a compound key - i.e. more than one field in the key.
- Remove the fields that are dependent on the part
key and borrow the part key, to become the
primary key of the new form. This form will then
be a master form for the new form.
3TNF Exercise.
- Objective.
- To practise the normalisation technique and to
produce a set of optimised relations from the
normalisation of six documents. - Method.
- 1. Apply the rules of normalisation to the
supplied documents. - 2. Note the business rules.
4Supplied Documents
- Product Sales Report
- Wellingtons Invoice
- Product Stock Report
- Sales Executive report
- New Product / Amendment
- Customer Amendment
5Business Rules
- Product Code is not unique each may have a
number of pack sizes. - Some Customers are allowed a discount. Each item
has a Standard Price and up to 3 discount prices.
A customer entitled to a discount has a single
discount code A, B, C and will be charged the
appropriate A, B or C price for all Products he
orders. - At any Warehouse, a Product is only stocked in
one bin. The bin code may be considered unique
to a warehouse. - A customer deals with one, and only one, Sales
6Product Sales Report
7Unnormalised Form
- Product Code PackSize ProductDescription
InvoiceNumber InvoiceDate CustomerNumber
CustomerName InvoiceQuantity LineValue
8First Normal Form
- ProductCodePackSize ProductDescription
- (ProductCode PackSize) InvoiceNumber
InvoiceDate CustomerNumber CustomerName
InvoiceQuantity LineValue
9First Normal form Product Sales Report
- The product description is dependent only on the
ProductCode, so - ProductCodePackSize ProductDescription
- Becomes
- ProductCodePackSize
- ProductCode ProductDescription
102nf Product Sales Report
- and
- (ProductCode PackSize) InvoiceNumber
InvoiceDate CustomerNumber CustomerName
InvoiceQuantity LineValue - becomes
- (ProductCode PackSize) InvoiceNumber
InvoiceQuantity LineValue - And
- InvoiceNumber InvoiceDate CustomerNumber
112nd Normal form Product Sales Report
13Unnormalised Form
- InvoiceNumber InvoiceDate CustomerNumber
CustomerName CustomerInvoiceAddr
ProductDescription ProductCode PackSize
StandardPrice DiscountCode DiscountPrice
InvoiceQuantity LineValue InvoiceValue
14First Normal Form
- InvoiceNumber InvoiceDate CustomerNumber
CustomerName CustomerInvoiceAddr DiscountCode
- InvoiceNumber ProductCode PackSize
ProductDescription StandardPrice
DiscountPrice InvoiceQuantity
15Second Normal Form
- InvoiceNumber InvoiceDate CustomerNumber
CustomerName CustomerInvoiceAddr DiscountCode
- InvoiceNumber ProductCode PackSize
DiscountPrice InvoiceQuantity - ProductCode ProductDescription
- ProductCode PackSize StandardPrice
16Product Stock Report
17Unnormalised Form
- ProductCode PackSize Warehouse
StockQuantity BinCode NoOrdYTD
StockQuantityTotal NoOrdYTDTotal
18First Normal Form
- ProductCode PackSize StockQuantityTotal
NoOrdYTDTotal - (ProductCode PackSize) Warehouse
StockQuantity BinCode NoOrdYTD
192nd Normal Form
- ProductCode PackSize
- (ProductCode PackSize) Warehouse
StockQuantity BinCode NoOrdYTD - remains the same
20Sales Executive Report
21Unnormalised Form
- SalesExecutive CustomerNumber OrdersYTD
ValueOrders DiscountCode OrdersYTDTotal
22First Normal Form
- SalesExecutive OrdersYTDTotal
ValueOrdersTotal - CustomerNumber SalesExecutive OrdersYTD
ValueOrders DiscountCode - No compound keys, so no change for 2NF.
23New Product / Amendment
24Unnormalised Form
- ProductCode PackSize ProductDescription
PrescriptionIndicator UnitQuantity
UKDrugRegNo MinimumStock DiscountCode
25First Normal Form
- ProductCode PackSize ProductDescription
PrescriptionIndicator UnitQuantity
UKDrugRegNo MinimumStock - ProductCode PackSize DiscountCode
DiscountPrice - Product Description, Prescription Indicator and
UKDrugRegNo only depends on Product Code
26Second Normal Form
- ProductCode PackSize UnitQuantity
MinimumStock - ProductCode ProductDescription UKDrugRegNo
PrescriptionIndicator - ProductCode PackSize DiscountCode
27Customer Amendment
28Unnormalised Form
- CustomerNumber SalesExecutive
PreferredCustomer CustomerName
CustomerInvoiceAddr CreditLimit BulkPackOnly
DiscountCode LicensedDrugVendor