Title: CDRP Program Steering Committee
1CDRP Program Steering Committee
- Dwight E. Heron, MD
- UPMC McKeesport
- January 18, 2008
- San Diego, CA
2Clinical Trials Supplement
- Clinical Trial Supplement
- Provides for F/T CRC
- 16 patients recruited 3/2007- 12/2007
- Community Physician Update
- 1 non health system physician approved
3Clinical Trials Supplement (cont)
- Available trials
- 27 trials open end of 2006
- 55 trials open end of December 2007
- Clinical Trials Supplement - 101k
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Health Formula Funds
- 48k (tobacco settlement monies) - Dedicated to breast navigator study
- Bridging the gap from mammography to dx tx
- Anonymous donor - 2,500 to use for disparate
population - Dedicated for Amish women breast ca. screenings
in Somerset
5Patient Navigator Accruals (quarterly)
6Clinical Trials OpenTotal of 55
7Clinical Trials Accruals(by quarter)
8Status All Trials Quarterly - cumulative
9Clinical Trial Demographics(by age/minority
10Navigator Demographics(by age/minority detail)
- Laredo System delivered, installed using new IP
interface at Somerset Hospital testing
completed event tracking plan initiated - Upgrading current systems (UPMC McKeesport
Washington University in St. Louis) for IP
connectivity - Version 4 T/S (scaled back version) being
installed in New Castle at Jameson Hospital
12Sites UpdateExpansion of activities to 7 sites
13Community Outreach
- October McKeesport
- In partnership with Mayor of McKeesport and task
force members, we implemented mobile outreach
into wards of the city - 1 African American neighborhood
- 1 Low socio-economic neighborhood
- 1 Central city neutral location
- Survey results to be analyzed
- Distributed flu shots
- October Somerset
- Amish women breast cancer screening
- 16 screened (2 abnormal)
14Publication Summary2007 Highlights
- Manuscripts Published
- Lin, C., et al Breast cancer risk assessment in
socioeconomically disadvantaged urban
communities. J. Natl. Med Assoc 99752-756,
2007. - Schwaderer, K. Bridging the Healthcare Divide
with Patient Navigation Development of a
research program to address disparities. Clin J
Oncol Nursing 11633-639, 2007 - Bhatnagar, A.K. et al What do patients want from
their radiation oncologist? Initial results from
a prospective trial. Int. J Rad Oncol Biol.
Phys 691527-1533, 2007 - Andrade, R.S., et al Assessment of best
practice treatment patterns for a Radiation
Oncology Community Outreach Group (ROCOG)
engaged in cancer disparities outcomes. JACR in
15Presentations2007 Highlights
- American Public Health Association 2007
- 5 Abstracts Presented for (oral) Roundtable
Session - ASTRO 2007
- 2 Abstracts Presented (poster)
16Upcoming Presentations
- American College of Radiology
- January, 2008 A Treatment Time Study on Patient
Navigation in Community Radiation Oncology