Board of Directors (elected every three years)
President 5 Vice-Presidents, Executive
Council - representatives from 5 institutional
members Executive Secretariat, 4 committees
and 13 working groups - main areas in the field
of Collective Health 1 Forum of Program
Coordinators (Specialization, MSc, PhD)
44 institutional members schools, research
institutes, and departments of Public
Health/Collective Health, and Preventive and
Social Medicine, in 15 Brazilian
states. 4.3000 individual members
3- science
- knowledge production and management
- growing academic recognition for the journals
Ciência Saúde Coletiva - and Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia
- and books and anthologies published by Abrasco
itself and as co-editions with university
publishing houses. (brazilians international
editors) - the website www.abrasco.org.br as an instrument
for public health knowled dissemination and
relevant information in the field, - and renewed and expanded strategies for
editorial coverage promoted by Abrasco Livros.
4- science
- knowledge production and management
- interaction between teaching and research centers
and - health services and the promotion of related
events (2006)
5- joint together almost eleven thousand
participants - from 77 countries
- brazilian president, health ministers, health
leadership - representing 26 nations
6- scientific production
- 5 main conferences - 16 debates sessions - 152
panels - 168 free themes communications
- 7.433 poster presentations
- 24 workshops - 15 business meetings - 3
international symposium - 4 general assemblies (WFPHA - ABRASCO - CEBES -
7brazilian association of collective health
8Public Health Associations and Policy
Development do we influence Public Health Policy
? The Brazilian Public Health Association
in face of the advocacy
José R. Carvalheiro
President of ABRASCO 12th World Congress on
Public Healt IstanbulTurkey 29th April 2009
9- Advocacy versus Political Activity (in Health)
- (Some Conceptual issues)
- Theory and practice in the Public Policy
formulation - Epistemic Communities and Interest Groups
global, national, and local - (street level bureaucracy and street level policy
making) - The Bourdieu concept of field (and the creation
of Abrasco) - Hegemonic (Ortodox) versus Contra-hegemonic
(Heterodox) - Evidence Based Medicine and Evidence Based Policy
() - Knowledge Transfer in the Public Health field
(KT) - Health for All, and Health in All Policies
- () There is nothing a government hates more
than to be well-informed for it makes the
process of arriving at decisions much more
complicated and difficult. - (Attributed to John Maynard Keynes, Quoted by
Patrick Fafard - University of Ottawa)
10WHO in 60 years a chronology of public health
milestones 1945 The United Nations Conference
in San Francisco unanimously approves the
establishment of a new, autonomous international
health organization. (Joint Proposal Submitted
by the Delegations of Brazil and China. 1946
The International Health Conference in New York
approves the Constitution of the World Health
Organization in July.
. 1948 Dr. Brock Chisholm from Canada is
elected as the first Director-General of the
World Health Organization.
.. 1953 Dr Marcolino Gomes Candau of
Brazil is elected as the second Director-General
of the World Health Organization.
11Advocacy versus Political Activity (in
Health) (Some References) Epidemiology and
Health Policy (Holland, W. W. Wainwright, A. H.
Epidemiol Rev.1 211-232, 1979). Advocacy is
the relationship between research and social
activity of sponsors and stakeholders, it is an
Intervention Anthropology. (Harris, M.
Antropology and modern life, in Culture, People,
Nature. An Introduction to General Antropology.
12 The Social Nature of Science Before Kuhn
Ludwik Fleck (1930) Collective Learning and
Innovation Peter M. Haas, Epistemic
Communities and International Policy
Coordination" (1992.) "Epistemic communities are
channels through which new ideas circulate from
societies to governments as well as from country
to country. (Interest groups and street level
13The role of Abrasco (and CEBES) in the
constitutional period (80s) SUDSMunicípio and
Health, Health Institute, SP The creation of
the National Health System (SUS) 1988 The
difficulties in the way of implementation of
SUS The contradictions intrinsic in the SUS
governance, Tripartite Council, and State
Bipartite Councils Social Controls (National,
State, and Municipalities Councils and
14sanitary movement brazilian health reform -
dimensions of the
15- health
- political and institutional representation and
action -
- member of National Health Council and its
various committees - national health policies - representatives promoting dialogue with
government policy-making agencies on Science and
Technology in defense of the Collective Health
field - joint together teaching and researching centers
on the National Forum - of Post Graduate Institutions on Collective
Health - brazilian representative of ALAMES - ALAESP -
COLUFRAS - member of the executive board of the World
Federation of Public Health Associations
16- health
- political and institutional representation and
action - the promotion of health forums for the
production of position papers and - proposals to bring the Health issues into the
center of the - political debate,
- the establishment, in 2005 - together with
CEBES, Rede Unida, ABRES and - AMPASA - of the permanent Forum on Health
Reform to set an agenda for - political action aimed at improving the
development of the SUS, - the manifesto drafted by this Forum,
Reaffirming Commitments to Brazilians
Health, addressed to health professionals and
managers and members of the Congressional Health
Caucus - launched in November 2005 in the
Chamber of - Deputies in Brasilia,
17Science and Technology in Health CNS CICT
CONEP 1st Conference 1994 Sc Tec/Hlth
Seminar ( 400) Agenda 2nd Conference 2004
ScTec Innovation RD in Health Policy
Agenda Revision NEW TENDENCIES Evidence Based
Medicine Public Health Policy (EVIPNet) Translati
onal and KT Health Productive
Complex Innovation and Innovative Developing
Countries MOH DECIT (Agenda) (PP-SUS)
plus Health (PAC) FIOCRUZ CDTS -
Innovation Project
18Contradictions and Controversies The recent
contradiction between the three powers
(executive, parliament, and supreme court)
republican pact (recent agreement) The most
recent controversy in the health field judicial
sentences about health actions, mainly drug
prescription and use The Public Audience in the
Supreme Court and the exclusion of Abrasco as one
of the invited speakers (April 27, 2009) (AMPASA).