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2The JRC today... and tomorrow
to provide customer-driven scientific and
technical support for the conception,
development, implementation and monitoring of EU
policies the JRC functions as a centre of
science and technology reference for the EU,
independent of private and national interests...
Total Staff ? 2200
7 Institutes in 5 Member States
- IE - Petten The Netherlands
- - Institute for Energy
- IRMM - Geel Belgium
- - Institute for Reference Materials and
measurements - ITU - Karlsruhe Germany
- - Institute for Transuranium elements
- IPSC - IHCP - IES - Ispra Italy
- - Institute for the Protection and the Security
of the Citizen - - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection
- - Institute for Environment and Sustainability
- IPTS - Seville Spain
- - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
4The Mission of theInstitute for Environment and
Sustainability is...
- To provide Scientific Technical support to EU
policies for the Protection of the Environment,
and - To contribute to the EU strategy on
- Sustainable Development
- Main activities
- Investigate the level and fate of contaminants
in the air, - water and soil
- Assess the effects of these contaminants on
individuals - and the environment (from local to global scale)
- Promote a sustainable energy supply
5Institute for Environment and Sustainability
IES activities are funded through the specific
programme of the Joint Research Centre within the
5th Framework Programme for Research and
Technological Development and Demonstration of
the European Union. The Work Programme of the IES
during the Fifth Framework Programme (1999-2002)
is customer driven, with a project-oriented
structure, aiming at the optimisation of the use
of resources and the delivery of results to the
end users of our research. It comprises 13 major
projects, and 5 projects in the frame Enlargement
6Institute for Environment and Sustainability
7Soil and Waste Unit
The mission of the Soil and Waste Unit is to
carry out research in support of EU policies on
waste management and on soil protection. The
primary objectives of the Unit are to investigate
relationships between pressures from specific
waste treatment and disposal activities and
soil-water pollution, and to establish a coherent
information system for reporting on conditions of
European soils
Impacts of Waste Emissions on Soils
European Soil Bureau
PECO mining