Title: User Modelling and Groups
1User Modelling and Groups
- Where?
- Collaborative filtering
- P2P, ubiquitous computing
- What?
- Explicit group model
- Interacting individual models
- Interacting UM fragments
- Why?
- Improve individual adaptation
- Facilitate collaboration
- Facilitate negotiation
- Motivate participation
- Models represent users (in MAS)
- How?
- Capturing parameters of group activity
- Reconsiliating individ. models with group
model - No group model interaction of individ.
Winter, Gaudioso, GoodmanTang, Zhu
Jameson, Lock, Winter, Masthoff
Gaudioso, Goodman
Tang, Zhu
Sun, Kaminka
Jameson, Lock, Masthoff
Jameson, Winter, Tang Goodman, Gaudioso, Masthoff
Jameson, Gaudioso, Masthof, Sun,
Lock, Kaminka
Sun, Kaminka,
Kaminka, Tang McCalla, Zhu
Goodman, Gaudioso, Lock
Jameson, Masthoff
2My vision
- Loose groups and virtual communities
- Why?
- History
3Ensuring Quality of Service in P2P File
Sharingthrough User and Relationship Modelling
- Lingling Sun, Yamini Upadrashta,
- Julita Vassileva
- MADMUC Lab, Computer Science Department,
University of Saskatchewan
4Loose Groups and Virtual Communities
- Ubiquitous P2P applications, newsgroups,
chatrooms, bloggers - Users are often anonymous
- No explicit common goal, no assigned roles goals
and roles emerge - Motivation to participate and contribute is
Helen Bretzke CRA-W and NSERC Summer 2002
- A P2P (Gnutella based) system for file sharing
and service - users share academic papers, code snippets, help
- non-centralized digital library for a research
group / class - motivation and community-building
Christopher Cox NSERC Summer 2002 project
Lingling Sun undergraduate project
Yamini Upadrashta Graduate student
6Our approach
- Modelling relationships between pairs of users
based on positive experience - Every peer keeps a list of friends in each area
of interest - If a peer appears in many friends lists, s/he
is important for this community
- Not necessarily symmetrical!
- Reinforcement learning based on history of
interactions between two peers - Each relationship has strength, balance.
- Rewarding peers who are friends of many other
peers with better QoS - Transfers not interrupted, higher badwidht,
priority in queues - Having many good friends pays
- Faster search, more relevant documents
9Evaluation results - simulation
- Figure 1 Graph comparing the round trip time
obtained for queries without a
friends list with the round trip time for
queries with friends list
10Evaluation results user experiment
- The simulation results show that peers obtain
results faster when searching for files in
categories for which they have friends - The user evaluation still underway