Title: The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
1The Federal AccountingStandards Advisory Board
- From the Grounds, Up, and Beyond
- May 7, 2008
- AGA-DC/GWSCPA Conference
- Views expressed are those of the speakers. The
Board expresses its views in official
- The Grounds or conceptual framework for
developing federal financial reporting standards - Anticipating standards starting Up, how the
FASAB considers the cost and benefits of
standards - Once standards are Up how the FASAB assists
with implementing them and the role of the AAPC - Projects that may lead to standards Beyond the
existing ones
4The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- What is the role of Concepts?
- Guide the Board in developing standards
- Help users understand the information provided by
financial reporting - Help preparers and auditors in understanding the
Boards reasoning - Are Concepts GAAP?
- Considered other literature
- May be relied on in the absence of GAAP
5The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- The FASAB Revisiting Conceptual Framework in
Phases - Objectives and Qualitative Characteristics
(completed) - Elements and Basic Recognition Criteria
(completed) - Financial Reporting Model
- Measurement Attributes
- Entity
6FASABs Near-Term Focus
7The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- Primary Focus of FASAB
- Stewardship--Information on whether
- the governments financial condition improved or
deteriorated - programs are sustainable as currently constructed
- Operating PerformanceInformation to evaluate
- The service efforts, costs and accomplishments of
government - The manner in which these are financed
- Management of the entitys assets and liabilities
8The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- Issued SFFAC 5 Definitions of Elements and Basic
Recognition Criteria for Accrual Basis Financial
Statements - Defines 5 Elements
- Discusses Basic Recognition Criteria
- meets definition
- measurable
9The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- Financial Reporting Model
- Purpose
- Guidance for selecting methods of communicating
information - Stewardship objective requires long-range
projections other information - Enhance comparability and consistency
- Revisiting SFFAC 2, Entity and Display
- Explain each financial statement
- Ensure all objectives are adequately addressed by
the model - Issued ED Distinguishing Basic Information,
RSI, and Other Accompanying Information
10The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- Measurement Attributes
- Purpose
- Critical aspect of financial reporting
- Defining measurement attributes
- Guidance for selecting measurement attributes
- Enhance consistency in standards
11The Grounds the FASABs Conceptual Framework
- Federal Entity
- Purpose
- Ensure users provided with complete financial
information - Guidance on whether certain activities should be
included with an entity. - Revisiting SFFAC 2
- Will lead to a STANDARD
- Federal Entity Task Force
- Survey on boundaries of reporting entity
12Up - How the FASAB Considers Cost/Benefit in
Developing Standards
- Agenda setting
- Significance relative to meeting the reporting
objectives - Pervasiveness of the issue among federal entities
- Proposal Development
- Consider how the proposal improves financial
reporting and contributes to the reporting
objectives - Staff communications
- Communications with task forces, agencies,
councils, AICPA, others
13Up - How the FASAB Considers Cost/Benefit in
Developing Standards
- Exposure Drafts
- Constituents asked to comment on proposed
standards - Informational presentations at conferences
- Field tests
- Helps to identify implementation issues
14Up How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- Additional Guidance
- Interpretations
- Clarifies existing standards
- Technical Bulletins
- provide guidance for applying FASAB Statements
and Interpretations and resolving accounting
issues not directly addressed by them. The
following kinds of guidance may be provided in a
Technical Bulletin - Guidance to clarify, explain, or elaborate on an
underlying Statement or Interpretation, - Guidance to address areas not directly covered by
existing Statements or Interpretations, - Interim guidance on problems in applying an
existing Statement or Interpretation currently
under study by the FASAB, or - If applicable, guidance for applying FASB or GASB
standards to federal activities.
15Up How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- Staff Implementation Guidance
- Guidance on the appropriate application of FASAB
literature - Does not result in a new requirement
16Up How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee (AAPC)
- What is the AAPC?
- A permanent committee established by the FASAB.
- The AAPCs mission is to assist the federal
government in improving financial reporting by
timely identifying, discussing, and recommending
solutions to accounting issues within the
framework of existing authoritative literature.
17Up How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- Is the AAPC guidance authoritative?
- Section III. I (3) of FASABs Rules of Procedure
authorize AAPC to issue technical releases
related to existing federal accounting standards. - Technical releases are intended to provide
guidance on the specific application of SFFASs,
Interpretations of SFFASs, and Technical
Bulletins. - AAPCs technical releases are in the third
category of authoritative guidance in the Federal
GAAP hierarchy as stated in the AICPAs Statement
on Auditing Standards 91. - AAPC may not amend existing standards or
promulgate new standards.
18Up How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- How can I submit an issue to the AAPC for
consideration? - The AAPC encourages the submission of Federal
accounting issues to its website at
http//fasab.gov/aapc/issue_sub.html. - However, the AAPC is not intended to serve as a
mediator for preparers, program managers, and/or
19Up How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- What is the process for developing technical
releases? - Assigned to AAPC member to develop and to serve
as task force chair if necessary. - The result of the task forces work, including
recommended actions, will be discussed at public
meetings of the AAPC. - AAPC will seek input from a variety of sources,
as needed, to reach a consensus.
20Up - How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- Recent technical releases
- TR7 Clarification of Standards Relating to the
National Aeronautics and Space Administrations
Space Exploration Equipment - TR8Clarification of Standards Relating to
Inter-Entity Costs - TR9 Implementation Guidance for SFFAS 29
Heritage Assets and Stewardship Land
21Up - How the FASAB Assists with Implementation
- AAPC project in process -- GPPE
- Task Force to address General PPE Issues
- The objective of the task force is to assist in
developing implementation guidance for federal
G-PPE as it relates to SFFAS 6, Accounting for
PPE, SFFAS 23, Eliminating the Category National
Defense Property Plant, Equipment, and other
related G-PPE Guidance developed by the FASAB. - Sub-groups
- Acquisition
- Use
- Disposal
- Records Retention
22Beyond Future Standards
- Fiscal Sustainability Reporting
- Social Insurance
- Changes in Assumptions
- Oil and Gas Resources
23Beyond Future Standards
- Fiscal Sustainability
- Are we able to continue financing the current
basket of goods and services provided by the
government indefinitely? - Purpose
- Provide information to help readers determine
whether future budgetary resources will likely be
sufficient to sustain public services and to meet
obligations as they come due. - Enhance understanding of long-term fiscal issues
24Beyond Future Standards
- Fiscal Sustainability Reporting
- Current Proposals
- Long-term projections
- Present values of receipts and outlays for major
programs, such as Social Security and Medicare,
and all other - Present values of receipts and outlays also as a
percent of present value of GDP - Narrative discussion and graphs
- Summary Display with net present value as the
bottom line fiscal imbalance
25Beyond Future Standards
- Social Insurance
- Purpose
- Provide information on
- Impact on the governments financial condition
and position as a result of the programs - Whether social insurance programs are sustainable
- Likelihood social insurance programs will be able
to provide benefits to those planning on
receiving them - Background
- Social Insurance programs have high participation
among citizens - Fiscal challenges
26Beyond Future Standards
- Social Insurance
- Issues
- What is essential social insurance information?
- How should information be displayed?
- When expense and liability should be recognized?
- Challenges
- Understandability
- Ability to change law
- Size and volatility
- Usefulness
27Beyond Future Standards
- Changes in Assumptions Selecting Discount Rates
- Purpose
- Guidance for displaying changes in assumptions
- Provides more transparent and useful information
prepared in a more consistent manner. - Background
- Change in assumptions may exceed all other costs
- What Treasury rates should be used when
calculating present values for expense and
liability amounts
28Beyond Future Standards
- Changes in Assumptions Selecting Discount Rates
- Exposure Draft Issued
- Gains and losses from changes in assumptions
displayed on the statement of net cost separate
from other costs and exchange revenue - Components of expenses associated with long-term
liabilities disclosed in notes - Guidance on what rate to use in present value
measurements of long-term liabilities
29Beyond Future Standards
- Oil and Gas Resources
- Purpose - recognizing assets and liabilities for
federal oil and gas resources - Background
- Federal government has extensive oil and gas
resources throughout the country and on the Outer
Continental Shelf. - Quantity and value of these assets not provided
30Beyond Future Standards
- Oil and Gas Resources
- ED Issued--Recognizing asset for oil and gas
proved reserves at current value - Results in information on
- Quantity of proved reserves
- Value of proved reserves
- Royalty revenue and depletion of reserves
- Extensive disclosure and RSI
31How can I stay informed?
- Sign up for FASAB listserv
- Read bi-monthly FASAB newsletter
32FASAB On-Line Resources
33FASAB On-Line Resources
- www.fasab.gov
- All exposure drafts and final pronouncements.
- Electronic mailing list for updates.
- Active project pages include deliberative