Title: Introduction, Basic Electric Circuits
1ECE 333 (398RES)Renewable Energy Systems
- Lecture 2
- Introduction, Basic Electric Circuits
- Professor Tom Overbye
- Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering
- Be reading Chapter 1 and 2
- Homework 1 is 1.3, 1.4, 1.8, 1.11. Due date is
January 29.
3World Population Trends
- Country 2005 2015 2025
- Japan 127.5 124.7 117.8 -7.6
- Germany 82.4 81.9 80.6 -2.1
- Russia 142.8 136.0 128.1 -10.3
- USA 295.7 322.6 349.7 18.2
- China 1306 1393 1453 11.2
- India 1094 1274 1449 32.4
- World 6449 7226 7959 23.4
- Source www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/summaries.html
values inmillions percent change from 2005 to
4Energy Economics
- Electric generating technologies involve a
tradeoff between fixed costs (costs to build
them) and operating costs - Nuclear and solar high fixed costs, but low
operating costs - Natural gas/oil have low fixed costs but high
operating costs (dependent upon fuel prices) - Coal, wind, hydro are in between
- Also the units capacity factor is important to
determining ultimate cost of electricity - Potential carbon tax major uncertainty
5Ball park Energy Costs
Source http//www.oe.energy.gov/DocumentsandMedia
6Natural Gas Prices 1990s to 2009
Marginal cost for natural gas fired electricity
price in /MWh is about 7-10 times gas price
7Recent Coal Prices have Spiked
8Our Vanishing Resources A View from the Past
Bars tell whenthe selectedresourcewill run
out(based on1969 consumption,assumingno new
Source Science Year, The World Book Science
Annual, 1969, Field Enterprises Educational
Corporation, Chicago, IL, 1969
9Course Syllabus
- Introduction, fundamentals of electric power
- Electric power grid, conventional generation
- Distributed generation technologies
- Economics of distributed resources
- Wind power systems
- Energy storage
- The solar resource
- Photovoltaic materials and systems
- Other renewable energy sources