Title: PostSchool Outcomes: Whats the Buzz
1Post-School Outcomes Whats the Buzz? Jane
Falls Fifth Annual Wisconsin Transition
Conference Wisconsin Dells January 22, 2008
2Session Purpose
- Explore why collect post-school data
- Learn about Federal post-school outcomes data
requirements - Learn how states collect and use the data
- Learn strategies to enhance your data collection
and reach challenging youth
3IDEA Purpose
- (d)(1)(A) to ensure that all children with
disabilities have available to them a free
appropriate public education that emphasizes
special education and related services designed
to meet their unique needs and - prepare them for
- further education,
- employment
- and independent living.
starts when children are very young and
5continues throughout life
6Federal Requirements SPP and APR
- States plan and performance on 20 indicators
(Part B) - 4 specific to secondary transition
- 1. of youth who graduate
- 2. of youth who drop out
- 13. of youth with transition components in the
IEP - 14. of youth who achieve post-school outcomes
7Critical Interrelationships
Staying in School
Positive post-school outcomes
8Part B - SPP and APR Requirements Indicator 14
- Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in
secondary school and who have been - competitively employed
- enrolled in some type of postsecondary school,
- or both,
- within one year of leaving high school.
- (20 U.S.C. 1416(a) (3) (B)).
9What did States report in 2007 SPP/APR?
- 30 states are conducting census 23 states are
sampling 6 states did not report - 53 states plan to use a survey 5 states didnt
specify method 1 state plans to use extant data - 43 states defined competitive employment 39
states defined postsecondary education - Source NPSO analysis of SPP/APR Indicator 14
submission Feb. 2007
10How do States survey?
- 20 states interview (phone, face to face)
- 19 states combination (phone and mail)
- 11 states no survey method reported
- 2 states mail
- 1 state web-based
- Source NPSO analysis of SPP/APR Indicator 14
submission Feb. 2007
11Who collect the data?
- 24 states did not report
- 21 states state or local/school agency
- 14 states contractor
- Source NPSO analysis of SPP/APR Indicator 14
submission Feb. 2007
12Engagement of youth with disabilities in
employment or postsecondary education since
leaving high school
SOURCE U.S. Department of Education, Institute
of Education Sciences, National Center for
Special Education Research, National Longitudinal
Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), Wave 3 parent
interview and youth interview/survey, 2005.
13For more information on NLTS2
Full reports Fact sheets and data briefs
Executive summaries Data tables
To learn how to obtain restricted-use NLTS2
datasets on CD-ROM for analysis, visit
14Strategies to enhance collection and use
- District teams
- Keep track of IEP students
- Gather contact info early and often
- Maximize IEP process
- Rigor, Relevance, Relationship
15Reach More Youth
- Exit survey
- Emphasize transition planning
- Send heads up letter
- Other ideas?
16 One of many NPSO resources
17Use the data to guide school programs
18(No Transcript)
19Contact us Jane Falls jafalls_at_uoregon.edu 541-346
-0354 Mike Bullis bullism_at_uoregon.edu 541-346-16