AME 436 Energy and Propulsion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AME 436 Energy and Propulsion


... V vs. t from crank angle to get P-V diagram for comparison with ideal cycle ... Also prop = 2(u1/u9)/(1 u1/u9) increases as M1 increases since u1/u9 1 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AME 436 Energy and Propulsion

AME 436Energy and Propulsion
  • Lecture 12
  • Propulsion 3 Ideal performance of turbojets

  • Turbojet analysis - assumptions and goals
  • Process summary
  • State-by-state analysis
  • Results
  • Thrust
  • Efficiency
  • Fuel consumption
  • Effects of
  • Compressor pressure ratio
  • Flight Mach number
  • ?? limit

Turbojet analysis
  • Assumptions
  • Steady, quasi-1D
  • Constant CP, ?, Pexit Pambient (P9 P1 in
    current notation)
  • Isentropic except for heat addition process
  • Heat addition at M ltlt 1, FAR ltlt 1 up to materials
    limit temperature T?
  • Goals determine (defined later) Specific
    Thrust, Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption and
    thermal efficiency as a function of flight Mach
    number M1, turbine inlet temperature limit T?
    compressor pressure ratio P3t/P2t

Why use Brayton cycle to model gas turbines?
  • Pressure compression ratio (r) pressure
    expansion ratio (Pe Pa), which corresponds to
    best possible thrust (Lecture 10)
  • Heat input at constant pressure realistic for
    steady-flow, M ltlt 1 process (see Rayleigh flow
  • As always, constant s compression/expansion
    corresponds to an adiabatic and reversible
    process - not true but not bad either
  • Notes on Brayton cycle P-v and T-s diagrams
  • v on P-v diagram is specific volume (v) (m3/kg)
    which IS a property of the gas (we cant use
    cylinder volume V as in unsteady-flow engines
    since not a fixed mass of material in a changing
    cylinder volume)
  • s is specific entropy (J/kg-K) which IS a
    property of the gas, heat transfer ?Tds if mass
    doesnt change during heat addition
  • P-v diagrams not as useful as with unsteady-flow
    engines where we can use a cylinder pressure
    gauge to measure P vs. t and calculate V vs. t
    from crank angle to get P-V diagram for
    comparison with ideal cycle (would need a
    pressure gauge moving along with the flow!)

Ideal turbojet cycle - process summary
P-V T-s diagrams for ideal turbojet
  • Model shown is open cycle, where mixture is
    inhaled, compressed, burned, expanded then thrown
    away (not recycled)
  • In a closed cycle with a fixed (trapped) mass of
    gas to which heat is transferred to/from, 9 ? 1
    would be connected (Why dont we do this? Heat
    transfer is too slow!)

P-V T-s diagrams for ideal turbojet
Turbine work Cp(T3-T2)
Heat input Cp(T4-T3)
P constant
KE out Cp(T5-T9)
Compressor work Cp(T3-T2)
P constant
KE in Cp(T2-T1)
Ideal turbojet cycle - analysis
  • Inlet conditions M1, T1, P1 after diffuser (2)
    decelerate to M2 0
  • After compressor (3) isentropic compression by
    pressure ratio ?c
  • After combustor (4) constant-pressure heat
    addition to T?
  • After turbine (5) isentropic expansion to pay
    for compressor work

Ideal turbojet cycle - analysis
  • After nozzle (9) isentropic expansion to P9 P1
    (Pe Pa)

Ideal turbojet cycle - Thrust
  • P9 P1 (Pe Pa), FAR ltlt 1 Specific Thrust (ST)
    ? Thrust/mdotac1
  • This gives the thrust in terms of
  • Air flow (mdota)
  • Sound speed at ambient conditions (c1)
  • Flight Mach number M1 and ?r ? 1 (?-1)/2M12
  • Compressor pressure ratio ?c
  • Materials limited temperature at turbine inlet
  • And we assumed ideal gas, constant specific
    heats, FAR ltlt 1, Pe Pa, isentropic compression
    and expansion, constant-P combustion at M 0,
    add heat to ?? materials limit

Ideal turbojet cycle - notes on thrust
  • ?c 1 (ramjet, no compressor)
  • If ?? ?r(?c)(?-1)/ ? then Thrust 0 ??
    materials limited temperature reached just by
    decelerating the gas to M 0 and compressing it
    in the compressor so no head room in terms of
    temperature to enable heat addition) this could
    happen for very (unrealistically) high ?c, or at
    very high M1 (thus high ?r)
  • Since either too low or too high ?c leads to
    Thrust 0, there is a value of ?c that maximizes
    Thrust (but not any flavor of efficiency)
  • At this condition, T3 T9 (??)1/2T1, i.e.
  • temperature at end of compression
  • temperature at end of expansion
  • For typical ?? 5, ?r 1.128 (M 0.8),
  • ? 1.4, this corresponds to ?c 10.97

Ideal turbojet cycle - notes on thrust
  • What if Pe ? Pa or FAR is not ltlt 1?

Valid for any 1D steady propulsion system if
working fluid is an ideal gas with constant CP, ?
New term for Pe ? Pa
New term for FAR not ltlt 1
Ideal turbojet cycle - thermal efficiency
Ideal turbojet cycle - thermal efficiency
  • Note that thermal efficiency ?th 1 -
    1/r(?-1)/?, where r ?r?c, i.e. the combined
    pressure rise due to ram effect compression
    (decelerating the gas from flight mach number M1
    to M 0) AND the mechanical compression - each
    has the same effect on thermal efficiency
  • This result is very similar to the Otto cycle
    (?th 1 - 1/r(?-1), where r is the volume (not
    pressure) ratio) why the difference? Otto is
    constant volume heat addition and expansion back
    to the initial volume, whereas, Brayton is
    constant pressure heat addition and expansion
    back to the initial pressure
  • In either case ?th 1 - TL/TH and TL/TH is the
    same for each Carnot strip in this cycle TL/TH
    (PL/PH)(?-1)/? (VH/VL)(?-1), thus ?th 1 -
    (PL/PH)(?-1)/? 1 - (VH/VL)(?-1) the only
    difference is that Otto cycles are specified in
    terms of volume ratio whereas Brayton cycles are
    specified in terms of pressure

Ideal turbojet cycle - fuel consumption
  • Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC) (PDRs
  • (Usual definition of TSFC is just
    mdotfuel/Thrust, but this is not dimensionless
    use QR to convert mdotfuel to heat input, one can
    use either u1 or c1 to convert the denominator to
    a quantity with units of power, but using u1 will
    make TSFC blow up at u1 0, i.e. at takeoff)
  • The term (Thrust/mdotac1) is the specific thrust,
    already computed all we need to do to get TSFC
    is to compute FAR energy balance on combustor
    (heat input change in total enthalpy)

Ideal turbojet cycle - fuel consumption
  • Note on FAR how do we know that we can add
    enough fuel to reach the ?? limit before we run
    out of O2 in the air? We know from the energy
    balance on the combustor,
  • Using realistic numbers FARstoich 0.068, QR
    4.5 x 107 J/kg, CP 1400 J/kgK, T1 300K,
    (FARstoichQR)/(CPT1) 7.3, and we require 0 lt
    FAR lt FARstoich, thus at stoichiometric,
  • But typically the maximum allowable turbine
    inlet temperature T4t is 1500K, so with T1
    300K, ?? 5 lt 7.3, so we can never add the
    stoichiometric amount of fuel - we reach the
    materials limit first

Ideal turbojet use specific thrust
Thrust/mdotac1 from page 10
Ideal turbojet cycle - fuel consumption
  • Also note that FAR can be calculated via
  • For ?c 30, ? 1.4, ?? 4.3, ?r 1 (M1 0),
    QR 4.5 x 107 J/kg, CP 1400 J/kgK, T1 300K,
    FAR 0.0155 ? FAR/FARstoich 0.23 ltlt 1
  • Wait - isnt this too lean to burn? For premixed
    flame, yes, for non-premixed flame (e.g. spray
    flame, like diesel but continuous, not at
    discrete times), not a problem
  • Also recall ?overall M1/TSFC
  • Another measure of fuel consumption Specific
    Impulse (ISP) (see lecture 10) thrust per unit
    weight flow rate of fuel, units of seconds)

Ideal turbojet cycle - results - effect of ?c
  • See baseline conditions on Master sheet within
    worksheet key values M1 0.8, ? 1.4, ?? 5,
    ?c 30 (one parameter changed, others fixed on
    each of the sheets labeled Mach, Pi_c, etc.)
  • For very low compressor pressure ratio ?c,
    thermal efficiency is low, so both thrust and
    TSFC are low
  • At very (unrealistically) high ?c, very little
    fuel can be added, thus Thrust decreases, but
    TSFC is great!

M1 0.8 ? 1.4 ?? 5 ?c varies
Ideal turbojet cycle - results - effect of ?c
  • T-s diagrams show tall skinny T-s diagrams for
    high ?c, banana shaped cycles for low ?c, and
    fat cycles for intermediate ?c

?? limit
Ideal turbojet cycle - results - effect of M1
  • For high M1, specific thrust decreases since less
    fuel can be added (?? limit again)
  • ?th increases as M1 increases since total
    pressure ratio ?r?c increases (?r ?r?/(?-1),
    ?r 1 (?-1)/2M12)
  • Also ?prop 2(u1/u9)/(1 u1/u9) increases as M1
    increases since u1/u9 ? 1
  • TSFC increases even though ?overall ?th?prop
    increases since PDRs definition of TSFC has M1
    in it - biases results against high M1

M1 varies ? 1.4 ?? 5 ?c 30
Ideal turbojet cycle - results - effect of M1
  • T-s diagrams similar to ?c effect - tall skinny
    diagrams for high M1, banana shaped cycles for
    low M1, and fat cycles for intermediate M1

?? limit
Ideal turbojet cycle - results - effect of ??
  • As ?? increases, specific thrust increases but so
    does TSFC due to lower propulsive efficiency
    (?prop 2(u1/u9)/(1 u1/u9) for fixed u1, u9
    increases with increasing ??)
  • At very low ??, no heat addition is possible,
    thus no thrust

M1 0.8 ? 1.4 ?? varies ?c 30
Ideal turbojet cycle - results - effect of ??
  • T-s diagrams just show increasing heat addition
    as ?? increases, no change in ?th (which can be
    seen on T-s) but decreases in ?prop (which cant
    be seen on T-s or P-v)

Summary - ideal turbojets
  • Compress isentropically, burn isobarically,
    expand isentropically back to ambient pressure
  • Matching conditions compressor work turbine
    work P1 P9 (i.e. Pexit Pambient)
  • Turbojet performance is limited by compressor
    pressure ratio ?c and turbine inlet temperature
    limit (??)
  • Low ?c thermal efficiency low, thrust low
  • High ?c thermal efficiency high but not much
    fuel can be added before ?? limit reached so
    again thrust low (also propulsive efficiency low
    because of high exit M)
  • Intermediate ?c thermal efficiency intermediate,
    thrust highest
  • Increasing ?? always increases thrust but
    propulsive efficiency suffers
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