Title: The Social Security System
1The Social Security System
- A Catastrophic Problem
- A Transforming Solution
2Social Securitys Catastrophic Problem
3Social Securitys Transforming Solution
- Prefunding Retirement Benefits
- Exposing Retirement Funds to Market Rates of
Return - Personalization of Social Security Accounts Its
really your money!
4Personal Social Security Accounts in Action . . .
5The Lucky Few
- Galveston County
- Brazoria County
- Matagorda County
6How An IRA Works
7How the Galveston Plan Works
8Galveston Plan Contributions vs. Social
Security Contributions
- Under the Galveston Plan, employees contribute
LESS than do employees under the Social Security
System - Under the Galveston Plan, employers contribute
the same amount that employers contribute under
the Social Security System
9Survivorship Benefits Compared
- Galveston Plan 3x the workers salary, between
50,000 and 150,000!
10Galveston Plan Delivers Far Superior Retirement
11Rates of Return Compared
- Social Security Less than 3 on average (thats
lower than the rate of inflation). - Galveston Plan Between 5 and 15.5, averaging
abou 7.8. - Have to be careful--there is a lot more
redistribution going on in Social Security than
most people think. A few workers get a very good
rate of return from the current Social Security
12Galveston Plan Delivers Far Superior Disability
13Why is the Galveston Plan Important?
- 20-year track record of success shows it can be
done. - Rates of return supply a precedent for
projections for other proposals.
14Can Galveston Plan be a Model for Federal Social
Security Transformation?
- Yes, with a few slight changes
15Galveston Plan Contributions
- In the Galveston Plan, workers contribute 9.737
percentage points of their income toward
retirement savings. - The Galveston Plan privatized everything,
retirement, disability, survivorship, not just
16Social Security Transformation is Bigger than the
Galveston Plan
- No one is seriously proposing privatizing
everything (as Galveston does) at the federal
level. 0nly the retirement portion of Social
Security. - So, to maintain the remaining portions of Social
Security, fewer percentage points are available
for personal accounts.
17How Much is Available for Personal Accounts?
This is the maximum available for personal
18What Would that 6.3 Get You?
19Benefits of Social Security Transformation
- Biggest Tax Cut in World History
- Biggest Debt Reduction in World History
- Biggest Wealth Creation Device in World History
- Dramatically Broaden the Distribution of Wealth
- Greater Social Equity for Minorities
20For More Information