Title: Transforming Lives: Building a Literacy Focused Community
1Transforming LivesBuilding a Literacy Focused
- Rita White
- Principal
- Egypt Elementary
- School
2 Overview
- Today we will explore aspects of the multi-year
journey of self-discovery and change that
transformed the learning and the lives of the
students and faculty of Egypt Elementary School - School history?
- Why change?
- Where do I begin?
3Develop a Shared Vision
- The principal must have identified beliefs
regarding children and learning - The principal must use these beliefs as a
foundation when forming a vision - The principal must have a mental image of the
vision - The vision must be the basis for all decision
making - The principal must consider the beliefs of all
faculty members and other stakeholders in order
to move them toward the vision - All stakeholders must have opportunities to
transform the vision into reality - The vision must be continuously reinforced with
all stakeholders
4Where to Begin
- Assess current barriers
- Prioritize the barriers
- Begin removing barriers
- Egypts 1 barrier was student behavior
- Educated all stakeholders on positive
discipline - Developed new discipline plan
- Conducted staff development using the
books - Positive Discipline in the Classroom
and Yardsticks - Created a school wide climate of mutual
- Student behavior
- Student readiness
- Parental involvement
- Teacher knowledge
- Classroom materials
- Classroom space
- Classroom environment
- Time
64 Step Model for Change
- Exposure
- Deep Study
- Practice
- Accountability
7Environments That Support Literacy
- Inviting and engaging environments
8Environments That Support Literacy
- Comfortable reading places
9Environments That Support Literacy
- Extensive classroom libraries
10Environments That Support Literacy
11Environments That Support Literacy
- Integration of literacy materials throughout the
classroom - Community supplies
12Environments That Support Literacy
- Classroom materials are organized
- and accessible to children
13Environments That Support Literacy
- Eliminating teacher only space
- Guided Reading Tables
- Guided Reading Carts
14 Environments That Support Literacy
- Childrens work on display with description in
child language that tells what was done and why - Attractively mounted and displayed
15Environments That Support Literacy
- Connecting Home and
- School Environments
- Weekly Red Folders
- Home Projects
- Summer Friends
- Home Readers/Poetry Journals
16 Successful Strategies
- Morning Meetings are held daily to establish and
maintain community - The most powerful tool to link social and
academic goals
17Successful Strategies
- Morning Message
- All Grades Every Day
- Literacy Based
- Interactive
- Guarantees success at
- every childs skill level
18Successful Strategies
- Integration of Content Areas
- into the Literacy Block
Shared Reading Paired Reading Morning
Message Literacy Centers Writing
19Successful Strategies
- Daily journal writing both free and prompted
- Quick Word Books Thesaurus
- Interactive Word Walls
- Integration of writing into all content areas
- Learning Logs
- Observation Journals
- Science Journals
- Math Journals
- Real writing for real reasons
20Successful Strategies
21Successful Strategies
- Engaging, meaningful literacy centers
22Successful Strategies
- Teacher assistants are used to facilitate
learning - running records
- tutoring
- testing
- guided reading
- Peer Tutors
- STAR Tutors
- Literacy Corners
23Successful Strategies
- Connecting art and literacy
- Bookmaking
- Project based learning
24Successful Strategies
- All space enhances literacy and social growth
- Water Fountains and sinks
- Bathrooms
- Stopping Places
25Successful Strategies
- Outdoor Classroom
- Amphitheater
26Successful Strategies
- Creating a Media Center that is
- reflective of the classrooms
- Flexible Library Schedule
- Book Fairs
27Successful Strategies
- Resource Materials Library
- Manipulatives
- Big Books
- Guided Readers
28Successful Strategies
- Extensive Professional Development Library
Books Videos Audio tapes
29Successful Strategies
- Selected professional books and videos for
checkout are kept in display by mailboxes
30Successful Strategies
- Literacy Based Lesson Plans
- Assessment driven
- instruction
- Learning Pyramid
31Test Results
- State TVAAS in Reading continue to climb
- 97/98 80.8
- 98/99 91.7
- 99/00 114.0
- 00/01 110.9
- 01/02 114.0
- 02/03 124.0
- 03/04 4.1
- 04/05 4.3
- National NCLB Reading
- Proficiency Percentiles
- 02/03 73
- 03/04 77
- 04/05 86
32Why ???
- The best way to see the future is to create it.
33Where to Get More Information
- Tours and training sessions for your school can
be arranged through Egypt Elementary - Northeast Foundation For Children
- www.responsiveclassroom.org
- Classroom Spaces That Work
- Marlynn K. Clayton
- The Morning Meeting Book
- Roxanne Kriete
- Teaching Children To Care
- Ruth Sidney Charney
- Positive Discipline
- Jane Nelson
- Positive Discipline In The Classroom
- Jane Nelson, Lynn and Stephen Glenn