Title: The Danish Hospital Licence Consortium
1The Danish Hospital Licence Consortium
- Presented by
- Ilse Schødt
- Chief librarian, Documentalist
- Danish Regions
- and
- Danish Institute for Health Services Research/DSI
- Chairman of the Danish Hospital Licence
Consortium - IS_at_dsi.dk
2New Regional Structure in Denmark 2007
Before 1.1. 2007 DK was divided into 15 regions
After 1.1. 2007 DK was divided only into 5
regions. The 5 should mainly manage Health
Services and Hospitals
3New regions better quality
- The new regional structure implied
- A new administrative structure
- New institutional quality-indicators
- Better wellfare for the citizens - such as better
information on preventive medicine - Better quality for people working in the public
health services - More evidence based treatment
4How librarians can improve quality and evidence
in health care
- Health Information librarians were asked to find
out how to ensure quality in health care - - a group was appointed and the aim of our
project was - to consider an economically responsible model for
good and equal access to electronic journals,
databases, and medical textbooks - Access for health care personnel in all Danish
hospitals and in the primary care sector.
5White spots on the map
- We found that access to electronics ressources
was concentrated to the three universities with a
medical faculty - Two counties had hospital libraries who had
access - Outside these, hospitals had limited access to
Therefore we had to find out how to ensure a
country- wide access to e-ressources
6DEFF in Denmark
- After looking around for possible partners
- the group contacted DEFF - Denmark's Electronic
Research Library - DEFF is established in 1996 to provide a better
and standardized communication and cooperation
between research libraries - DEFF is not a library but a department in the
Danish Library Agency - It is an organisational and technological
partnership between research libraries - We considered DEFF a natural partner as they have
10 years experience in negotiating new and
existing licences to University- and Highschool
7Main demands
- To satisfy the regions claim for quality and
evidence, the group had the following demands to
the electronic resources - No embargo on the products
- The products should direct primarily to health
professionals and health reseachers - The products should give access to all health
professionals in hospitals and in primary care
(general practitioners) - Access only by ip-adresses
- Collaboration between University libraries and
the Hospital Licences Consortium initiated by
DEFF - Remote access
1.1.2007 the Hospital-Licence Consortium could
welcome danish hospitals and general practice to
the following electronic journals, databases, and
medical textbooks
- Journals
- Blackwell
- BMJ Journals
- Elsevier
- Lippincott
- Oxford UP.
- Springer
- Wiley
- Single journals
- Databases
- Amed
- Cinahl
- Cochrane
- Embase
- PubMed
- PsycInfo
- Other products
- Clinical Evidence
- MDConsult
- DEFNet
- Medicinordbogen
10Access for hospitals
- Demand Access only by ip-adresses
- Hospitals
- We offer one gateway for each region by
DEFNet/TDNet to all ressources - Access by the regional Intranet or Internet
- Access via Google or other searchmachines or
12Access for general practitioners
- Impossible to handle the ip-adresses from each
general practitioner in DK - Access by the Danish Sundhed.dk gateway to
- Access with a digital health care professional
- For Health Professionals
- Hospital Licences
- Regional Guidelines
- Waiting lists
- National Guidelines (Referenceprogrammer)
- For the citizen
- Have an appointment, e-mail visits
- Look up your own medical record
- Waiting list for treatment
- Health information for Patients
- Patient organisations
- Preventive medicine
15A future with quality and evidence
- Quality and Evidence based products as
- Cochrane
- Clinical Evidence
- MDConsult
- www.legehandboka.no - on Sundhed.dk
- Planning
- National Referenceprogrammer (clinical
guidelines) in DEFNet/TDNet
- 2008-2009
- Psychiatry has high priority
- Necessary to have the skills in the group
- Where do psychiatry belong to municipalities or
to regions? - New journals and databases on psychiatry
17The Group
- From 01.01-2008 the Regions Health Directors
- appointed new representatives to the Hospital
Licence Group - From being a group of
- 7 librarians
- we are now
- 10 doctors and nurses
- 12 librarians
- Both goups including psychiatry
- Some of the librarians are the same old crowd