Title: IeMRC Flagship Project: Power Electronics
1Power Device Packaging Reliability and Wear-out
Phenomena Pearl Agyakwa09/07/08
- Introduction/overview of reliability issues
- Wear-out examples wire bonds and solder
interconnects - Other wear-out phenomena
In a typical power module the substrate tiles are
soldered onto a copper baseplate.
3Why is packaging needed?
- Physical containment for component building
blocks e.g. semiconductor dies, capacitors,
inductors, resistors - Protection from environment e.g. ingress of
liquids, dust etc. - Circuit interconnections (internal and external)
- Electromagnetic management EMC issues
- Thermal Management
4Anatomy of a typical package heatsink
5What happens during operation?
- Current flow in the conductors of the package
produces magnetic fields that spread into the
region within and around the package. Rapidly
changing currents can cause interference with
neighbouring circuits - Heat generated within the semiconductor is
conducted through the package elements to the
heatsink - As the temperature changes, the package materials
expand at different rates leading to mechanical
stress and strain - Operating conditions/switching thermal cycling
- Thermo-mechanical stresses are generated at
interfaces bringing about fatigue - Heat generation provides activation energy for
diffusion controlled phenomena to take place
6Power module reliability issues
7Power electronic packaging is multi-disciplinary
- To be effective a package must manage the
thermal, mechanical and electromagnetic aspects
of operation - Multi-disciplinary
- Materials science
- Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- Electromagnetism
- Mechanics
- Design
- Prof Mark Johnson
- Mahera Musallam prognostics diagnostics for
health management - Robert Skuriat thermal management
- Paul Evans software integration for power
module design and optimisation - Jianfeng Li development of die-attach and other
interconnect technologies - Pearl Agyakwa wire bonding and interconnect
8 9The wire bonding process
- Heat is generated at the bond when ultrasonic
energy is applied - Residual stresses are generated at the bond
interface on cooling to room temperature - During thermal cycling, residual stresses and
thermo-mechanical stresses act together to bring
about bond degradation
10Wire bond reliability cont/d.
- Experimental approach accelerated life testing
through passive thermal cycling - Assessment of reliability through shear strength
data and microstructural characterisation - Scenarios
- Effect of thermal cycling ranges (different DT
and mean T) and wire type - Enhanced bonding concepts
- High temperature bonding
- Post-bond annealing
- Effect of overlayer metal thickness
- Ribbon bonding
- Develop physics of failure models wear-out
phenomena of wire bonds still not understood
11Wire bond degradation effect of bonding at high
- High temp bonding rids interface of oxides get
better metallurgical bond but more deformation
during bonding
Interfacial oxides
Voids / oxide debris
12Wire bond degradation effect of post-bond
- Post-bond annealing serves to annihilate some of
the dislocations which build up during bonding
this slows down crack propagation rate.
13Annealing/temperature-time effects during cycling?
High DT
- Conventional models (e.g. Coffin Manson) predict
reduced life with increased mean temperature and
temperature range - Experimental results show that higher DT does not
always give reduced life - Fastest degradation for lowest maximum
temperature - Evidence of temperature-time effects?
Low DT
14Correlation with of crack growth rate with shear
- Crack length is greater for samples cycled -55 to
125 (DT 180) than -60 to 170 (DT 230), in
agreement with shear data.
15Annealing effects during cycling?
- Driving force for thermally activated processes
- Recovery
- Recrystallisation
- Grain growth (Ostwald ripening)
- Other vacancy diffusion etc
Ideal grain growth temperature dependent
Driving pressure for recrystallisation is given
by the dislocation density
16Crack propagation is not straightforward!
- A number of modes have been identified. Mode can
change as primary crack advances - At wire-metallisation interface (e.g. 5N wires)
- At metallisation-silicon interface (observed in
some 4N wires) - Through bulk wire (observed in high temperature
bonded wires)
17- Die-attach solder reliability
18Reliability of Pb-free solder interconnects
- Issues affecting solder reliability include
- Condition of/compatibility with substrate or
metallisation - Optimisation of solder reflow process
- Microstructural evolution in service effects on
bulk properties (mechanical, creep and fatigue
resistance, etc.)
- Potential failure mechanisms include
- Build-up of plastic strain as a result of CTE
mismatch - Loss of creep strength due to precipitate
coarsening - Thermo-mechanical fatigue due to thermal cycling
19Solder reliability cont/d.
- Microstructural evolution during operation
effects on bulk properties - Complex -Competing microstructural processes
occur simultaneously! - Thermally activated movement of species across
concentration gradients (coarsening/Ostwald
ripening of IMCs) - Electromigration (voiding)
- Plastic flow, movement of dislocations,
accumulating plastic damage (depending on sm and
Ds) - Strain-assisted transport of species (e.g.
vacancies -pipe diffusion at low Ts) creep
cavities - Strain hardening or softening (depending on
material), nucleation/ annihilation of
20Die-attach solder reliability
Cycling and time-temperature effects on secondary
phase morphology and damage accumulation
200 cycles
Increasing precipitate coarsening
Reflow Temp
500 cycles
21Die attach solder reliability
Effect of secondary phases/IMCs on crack
initiation and propagation
Crack propagating preferentially along coarse
intermetallic particle
- Annealed samples show more progressed coarsening
of the intermetallic phases and greater
inter-particle spacing - Crack propagation appears to be more affected by
number of cycles
IMCs provide nucleation sites for crack formation
22Other examples of wear-out phenomena
23Substrate fatigue failure conchoidal fracture
- Conchoidal fracture
- Fracture through ceramic below surface
- Shell-like fracture lines, one per cycle
- Associated with DBC ceramic of low fracture
- Delamination
- Fracture at interface
- No apparent cracking of ceramic
- Associated with DBC and AMB ceramic with high
fracture toughness
24Substrate solder mountdown delamination during
SAM scans reveal area delamination as function
of number of cycles
Prof Mark Johnson, Dr SC Hogg, Dr Martin
Corfield, Robert Skuriat, Wei Sun Loh, Joseph
Ikujeniyah, Rod Dykeman, Dr Mike Fay, Paul Evans,
Dr Jianfeng Li, Dr Mahera Musallam. Semelab Plc,
Dynex Semiconductors Ltd.
- Thank you for your attention