Presented by JAMES E. YOUNG, ESQ. PAUL C.
2- Organizational
- Proactivity
3Organizational Proactivity
- Importance of foundational documents
(charter/MOU/bylaws, etc.) - Laws generally affecting operation of charter
schools - Boards roles
- Director/Principals Roles
- Roles of Individual Board Members
4- The Brown Act
- (Government Code 54950, et seq.)
5The Brown Act
- Systematic compliance is key
- Purpose of the Act
- Meeting defined
- Notice and Agenda requirements
- The rights of the public
- Permissible closed sessions
6The Brown Act (contd.)
- Penalties for Violation of Act
- Problem area nonprofit bylaws
- Problem area committee compliance
- Problem area complaints or charges against
employees - Problem area improper agenda description
7Effective Meetings
- Sample Agenda for Regular Meeting
- Sample Speaker Cards
8 9Conflicts of Interest Statutes
- What is the Problem?
- The Political Reform Act PRA (likely applicable
to charter schools) - Corporation Code requirements (for non-profits)
10Conflicts of Interest Statutes (contd.)
- Government Code Section 1090 (applicability to CS
questionable) - Main Difference Between PRA Section 1090
- Board member employees Government Code 53227
11The Political Reform Act
- What does the PRA require?
- - Prohibits any public official from making,
participating in making, or otherwise using his
or her official position to influence a
governmental decision in which he or she has a
financial interest. - Requires a conflict of interest code
- Requires filing of Statement of Economic Interest
(Form 700)
12Conflict of Interest Code Basics
- A Code should identify a list of positions for
high-level decision makers known as designated
employees - Common examples of Designated Employees
- Board Members
- Executive Director
- Principal
13Conflict of Interest Code Basics (contd.)
- Explains disqualification process
- Coordinate with bylaws
14Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) Basics
- Form 700 is to be filed upon assuming the
position and once annually thereafter. - Signed under penalty of perjury.
15Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) Basics
- Not all economic interests need be listed only
types of interests which could forseeably and
materially affect a public officials decisions. - Form 700 can be obtained on-line at
16Penalties for Violating PRA
- Possible administrative sanctions, civil
penalties, criminal penalties - Possible granting agency fallout
- Public relations issues
- FCMAT audits
17Possible Conflict of Interest Regulations
- Drafts of the regulations being developed.
- Likely to mirror the Political Reform Act, not
Government Code Section 1090.
18Basic Corporation Code Duties
- 49 interested person rule
- What are fiduciary duties?
- Section 5231 requires the director of a
corporation to act in good faith, in the best
interest of the corporation, and with such care
as an ordinarily prudent person in a like
position under similar circumstances.
19Basic Corporation Code Duties (contd.)
- Duty of care
- Duty of loyalty
- Duty of good faith and fair dealing
20- Public Records Act
- (Government Code 6250 et seq.)
21The Public Records Act
- Purpose of Act
- Public record defined
- Right to inspect
- Right to copy records
- Procedure for responding for records
22The Public Records Act (contd.)
- Exemptions from disclosure
- - Sample nonexempt documents
- Segregation of nonexempt records
- Penalties for lack of compliance
- Proposition 59