Title: Nuovo Piano Strategico Nuove azioni del TC
1- Nuovo Piano Strategico Nuove azioni del TC
2Piano strategico 2008 2018 approvato 23/08/2008
Technical Committee
3- TC Projects
- a work organisation set up by decision of the TC
to deal with a subject in which CIGRE has a
strategic interest, not specific to one SC, - UHV
- The Network of the Future
4TC Project The Network of the future Future
energy scenarios
- Different generation mix based on RES (connected
at any voltage level), high efficiency thermal
generation (macro or micro CHP units), storage
(macro or micro, including PHEV1) - Increased demand due to electricity becoming the
main method of transporting energy - Decreased demand due to actions to improve
efficiency of energy consumption - Greater control over demand by load management
and control actions - Growing exchange of cheaper or green electricity
among electric systems at national, continental
or inter-continental level
- PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
5TC Project The Network of the future The
Electric Network of the Future
- Highly efficient, flexible and secure
- Able to exploit any type of sustainable
generation, any size and any technology - Able to support the interactivity of generators
(at any voltage level) and end users through the
liberalised market - Able to incorporate transparency the information
flow should be designed so users (in general) may
take their decisions based on accurate and
reliable information - Able to provide interoperability at a continental
level - Able to securing long term strategic investments
co-ordinated with investments on existing networks
6TC Project The Network of the future Technical
issues to be investigated
- Demand
- Scenarios based on efficiency improvements and
increasing use of electricity to transport energy - Demand management, active demand (DMS, DR, DSI)
- Network architectures
- Expansion of existing network
- New AC-DC network and grid structures
- Off-shore/on-shore grids, design/security
standards - Aggregation of independent cells (microgrids,
VPP, ) - Simulation, computation, optimization
- Modelling of new equipment
- Multi-objective and probabilistic methods, risk
analysis methods - System and operation planning in market context
- Energy balance forecasting
- Market
- Models and rules for active customer driven
markets - Future regulatory processes
- Incentive mechanisms for markets integration
- Stable rules for ensuring investments return
- EMS and control
- Secure operation of new architecture facing
uncertainties, fluctuations, growing risk, etc - Active Network Management.
- Communication/co-operation between TSOs
- Use of ICT integrated and 2-ways multi purpose
comm. infrastructure - Data exchanges among all market operators
- System and plants monitoring
- Demand management and generation (bulk and
dispersed) dispatching - Transparency for all users
- Materials
- Innovative sensors,
- HT superconductivity,
- Storage
- New functions and technologies to face growing
penetration of intermittent generation - Role of PHEV
- Substations
- Protectioncontrol arch, flexibility,
reliability,. - Off-shore substations
- Socio - Environmental
7- Efficiency of Power Systems
- .clarify the concept of efficiency of power
system and identify if there is a possible need
for action within CIGRE
8Efficiency of Power Systems
The role of Power Generation Efficiency and of
End Uses Efficiency, according to IEA, in the
reduction of GHG emissions source OECD/IEA
9Efficiency of Power Systems
- Current approach inside CIGRE
- at component or subsystem level, the energy
efficiency is connected with the use of new
materials and new technologies (e.g. ICT, power
electronics) - at a system level, the efficiency issues should
be focused on - Distribution networks optimization of network
configuration, integration of DER and storage,
advanced power and control electronics - Electricity End Uses high efficiency
electro-technologies (residential, commercial,
industrial sectors), smart metering - R, D D activities and Standardization should
be the core actions