Title: MAE DAY
- Malvaceae
- Amaranthaceae
- Ericaceae
2Scarlet GlobemallowFamily Malvaceae
- Greyish herb with dense starry hair
- Grows on desert slopes
- Loves the sun and loves the drought
- Brews sweet but slimy tea.
- Flowers orange in dry garden spots and soothing
to the throat, - Five broad petals shallowly notched grow in
clusters near its top. - Not too tall unless to ants, we see it throughout
the West. - May through August if we are lucky.
- Sphaeralcea cocccinea
- ,
D. Bondy 08
3Sphaeralcea cocccineaFamily Malvaceae
- The Mallow Family contains 204 genera with 2330
species of cosmopolitan range with many found in
South America. They are herbaceous plants, shrubs
or trees. -
- Major genera worldwide
- Abutilon, Althaea, Gossypium, Hibiscus, Hoheria,
Kitaibelia, Lavatera, Malope, Malva, Malvastrum,
Malvaviscus, Palaua, Pavonia, Sida, Sidalcea,
Tilia, Urena.
- In Montana (Dorn 1984)
- Abutilon, Alcea, Hibiscus, Iliamna, Malva,
Sidalcea, and Sphaeralcea
- Leaf Characteristics
- The leaves are alternate, with leafy growths
where they join the stem, and they are often
hairy. - The leaves are often palmate and lobed or divided
(Hollyhock), or undivided and toothed (Hibiscus).
- Flower Characteristics
- The usually radial flowers of this family are
larger and composed of five separate petals,
usually rolled up together in bud or dying. - The stamens and style form a long tube protruding
from the center of the flower, and the stigma at
the end of the tube is divided. - The calyx is composed of five sepals, sometimes
joined, with another row of conspicuous bracts
beneath them.
- Seedpod Characteristics
- In many species, there are many disc-shaped seeds
in a ring at the bottom of the style, with the
calyx folded over them (hollyhock). - In some species, there may be only five rounded
seeds inside the calyx. - In the genera Hibiscus and Gossypium, the seeds
are enclosed in a capsule. - In one case (Malvaviscus), the fruit is a berry.
- The fruit is always formed from a superior ovary.
- Important food plants include Theobroma cacao
(chocolate), Cola spp. (cola), Hibiscus
esculentus (okra). The natural mucilage
ingredient of marshmallows also comes from this
plant. - An important fiber plant is cotton (Gossypium
spp.) - Basswood (Tilia spp.) comes from this family.
11MalvaceaeWe thank you, maybe!?!
- Imagine a world w/o Marshmallow Peeps
13Marshmallow Peeps CupcakesFamily Malvaceae
- 18 1/4 ozs white cake mix
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 1/2 ozs Dream Whip whipped topping mix, dry
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 7 1/4 ozs Betty Crocker Fluffy White Frosting
- 1 c water, cold
- 24 pcs Marshmallow Peeps
- 1/2 c egg whites, slightly beaten
- jelly beans
- Preheat oven to 350. Prepare 24 standard muffin
cups with cooking spray and flour set aside To
prepare batter, combine cake mix, whipped topping
mix, and baking powder in a mixing bowl. In
another mixing bowl, combine water, egg whites,
oil, and vanilla extract. Mix dry ingredients
with wet ingredients just until moistened. Spread
batter evenly between muffin cups. Bake 20
minutes or until top springs back when touched.
Cool. Prepare frosting mix according to package
directions. Spread over cooled cupcakes. Top each
cupcake with Peep and jelly beans.
15Sphaeralcea coccineaMontana Native Malvaceae
16Sidalcea oreganaMontana Native Malvaceae
17Malva moschataMontana Weedy Malvaceae
18Cola acuminataFamily Malvaceae
19Theobroma cacaoFamily Malvaceae
Do you remember what cauliflory means?
- This term may be literally translated into
"stem-flower." Under a strict definition it
refers to flowers and inflorescences that develop
directly from the trunks, limbs and main branches
of woody plants. It is a marvelous adaptation for
pollinators that cling to the trunks main limbs
of rain forest trees. American Redbud (Cercis
canadensis) is a temperate species with
cauliflorous flowers.
21Lambs-QuartersFamily Amaranthaceae
- Springtime annual, lush gray green
- Grows in disturbed places.
- Rich soils, Poor soils do not matter
- We ate it on our dinner platter.
- In the garden we pulled it out but its fruit can
make a flour, - Tiny blooms with mealy heads and black shiny
seeds its sum, - Its goosefoot leaves do not leave tracks
- Chenopodium album
D. Bondy 08
22Chenopodium albumFamily Amaranthaceae
- The flowering plant (angiosperm) family
Amaranthaceae, the Amaranth family, contains 169
genera and 2,360 species. Most of these species
are herbs or subshrubs very few are trees or
climbers. Does anyone remember what a subshrub
- This is a widespread and cosmopolitan family
found mostly in subtropical and tropical regions,
although many species belong in cool temperate
regions. It is especially characteristic of
disturbed, arid, or saline habitats. Do you
think this family likes eastern Montana?
- In the APG II system of 2003 (unchanged from the
APG System of 1998), the family is placed in the
order Caryopyllales. It includes the plants
formerly treated as the family Chenopodiaceae. - Well-known chenopodioid species include beet,
lambs quarters, quinoa, and spinach.
- Some species are considered weeds, but a number
of others are popular garden ornamental plants,
especially species from Alternanthera,
Amaranthus, Celosia, and Iresine. Notable members
include amaranth and tumbleweeds. Many of the
species are halophytes (plants adapted to growing
in salty soils.)
- Leaf Characteristics
- The leaves are simple opposite or alternate
their margins entire or coarsely toothed, and
without stipules. In most cases, there are
neither basal or terminal aggregations of leaves.
- The flowers are solitary or aggregated in cymes,
spikes, or panicles and typically perfect
(bisexual) and actinomorphic (star shaped). A few
species have unisexual flowers. The bracteate
flowers are regular with 4-5 petals, often
joined. There are 1-5 stamens. The hypogynous
(inferior) ovary has 3-5 joined sepals.
- Fruit Characteristics
- The fruit can be an utricle, nut, or
circumscissile capsule, rarely a berry. - An utricle is like an achene, but it has a
compound ovary, rather than a simple one. In
addition, its fruit ovary becomes bladdery or
- Although several species are often considered
weeds, people around the world value plants in
this family as leaf vegetables, cereal grains and
ornamentals. - The word comes from the Greek amarantos, the "one
that does not wither," or the never-fading
31Amaranthus caudatus
32Celosia spp.
33RU Paying Attention???
Fried Cockscomb?
Swiss chard
Garden beet
35Beta vulgaris L.Family Amaranthaceae
Sugar beets are important to our regional economy
36Amaranthus powelliiaka Powells Amaranth or
37Sarcobatus vermiculatusFamily Amaranthaceae
38Atriplex canescensFamily Amaranthaceae
4-wing Saltbush
39Ceratoides lanataFamily Amaranthaceae
40Plants and animals share the same spaces and
places. Be aware.
41Kochia spp.Family Amaranthaceae
42Salsola ibericaFamily Amaranthaceae
Russian thistle or tumbleweed
43PipsissewaFamily Ericaceae
- Evergreen plant of woody base growing near
Missoula, - Loves the conifers of NW climes, from BC to
Montana. - Used to creep along a slope and used to flavor
candy, - Waxy flowers pink of saucer-shape
- Its rhizomatically tiny.
- Chimaphila menziesii
D. Bondy 08
44Chimaphila menziesiiFamily Ericaceae
- The Heath Family This is a family of around 4100
species in 124 genera, found all over the world.
Almost half of them are in the genus
Rhododendron, most of that genus coming mainly
from China, and there are around 500 species of
Erica, most of them from Southern Africa.
- This is a family mainly of shrubs or climbers,
and almost all of them are found in acidic
habitats, and are dependent on fungal mycorrhiza.
Most are grown for ornament, often as hedges,
including Gaultheria and Pernettya, although the
leaves of Kalmia species are poisonous to stock
and humans.
- In Great Britain, acidic moorlands are often
covered in wild heather (Calluna and Erica
species). That is how things are in Glocca Morra
(Finians Rainbow.)
48The Heather on the Hillfrom Brigadoon, the
- Can't we two go walkin' together, out beyond the
valley of trees?Out where there's a hillside of
heather, curtsyin' gently in the breeze.That's
what I'd like to do see the heather--but with
you. - The mist of May is in the gloamin', and all the
clouds are holdin' still.So take my hand and
let's go roamin' through the heather on the
hill.The mornin' dew is blinkin' yonder. There's
lazy music in the rill,And all I want to do is
wander through the heather on the hill. - There may be other days as rich and rare.There
may be other springs as full and fair.But they
won't be the same--they'll come and go,For this
I knowThat when the mist is in the gloamin',
and all the clouds are holdin' still,If you're
not there I won't go roamin' through the heather
on the hill,The heather on the hill.
49Plants and animals share the same spaces and
places. Be aware.
Bagpiper, heather, and a hill near Glocca Morra
- The fruits of a few species, e.g. Bilberry
(Vaccinium myrtillus) and Bog Whortleberry
(Vaccinium uliginosum) are edible. - The cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) and blueberry
(Vaccinium corymbosum ) are cultivated for food
crops. - Montana huckleberries are in this family.
- The original source of oil of wintergreen (methyl
salicylate) is from the plant species Gaultheria
procumbens. Have you ever chewed wintergreen
- Leaves and stem characteristics Many members of
this Family are evergreen shrubs or climbers,
with woody stems. The leaves are simple without
stipules, usually alternate, and are often thick,
leathery and shiny. Species growing in dry
conditions often have thin needle-like leaves.
- Flower Characteristics There is a calyx or four
or five sepals joined at the base. The flower has
four or five petals, usually joined to form a
tube or trumpet. There are usually twice as many
stamens as petals, and they are not attached to
the corolla. There is a single style. The flowers
are usually in clusters or spikes, but may be
- Fruit characteristics
- The ovary is usually superior but may be
inferior. The fruit is usually a capsule or a
- Members of this Family usually have
- Woody stems and simple evergreen leaves growing
alternately. - Clusters of flowers.
- Flowers with 4 or 5 petals forming a tube or
trumpet. - Stamens not attached to the flower tube.
- And are found in acidic conditions.
- In Montana, Dorn 1984, genera include
- Allotropa, Arctostaphylos, Cassiope, Chimaphila,
Gaultheria, Hypopitys, Kalmia, Ledum, Menziesia,
Moneses, Monotropa, Orthilia, Phyllodoce,
Pterospora, Pyrola, Rhododendron, Vaccinum
57Allotropa virgataFamily Ericaceae
Candystick of western Montana
58Arctostaphylos uva-ursiFamily Ericaceae
Bearberry or Kinnikinnik of Montana forests
Bearberry or kininikinik
59Cassiope spp.
Mountain heather of Montana
60Gaultheria humifusaFamily Ericaceae
Wintergreen of Western Montana Mountains.
61Hypopithys monotropaFamily Ericaceae
62Kalmia microphyllaFamily Ericaceae
63Ledum glandulosumFamily Ericaceae
Labrador tea
64Menziesia ferrugineaFamily Ericaceae
Menziesia of Montana woods
65Moneses unifloraFamily Ericaceae
Moneses of Montana woods
66Monotropa unifloraFamily Ericaceae
Indian Pipe of moist Montana woods.
67Orthilia secundaFamily Ericaceae
Orthilia of Montana confierous woods
68Phyllodoce empetriformisFamily Ericaceae
Mountain heath of Montana
69Pterospora andromedeaFamily Ericaceae
70Pyrola pictaFamily Ericaceae
Pyrola of western Montana
71Rhododendron albiflorumFamily Ericaceae
White Rhododendron of moist places in western
Montana mountains.
72Vaccinum membranaceumFamily Ericaceae
Mountain Huckleberry
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