Title: Getting Started With YouTube
1Getting Started With YouTube
Presented by Pamela Ouimet
NNYLN Communications Coordinator
This presentation may be found at www.nnyln.org,
click on Classes Facilities, then on Materials
from Classes.
2Heres What You Can Do
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vFh27C1dkNgg
3Converting The Video
- Now that your video is all made, youll need to
save it in a compatible format. - YouTube will accept videos made in the following
file formats - .AVI
- .MOV
- .WMV
- .MPG
4An example with Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0
- Windows Media saves as WMV
- QuickTime saves as MOV
- You will need one of these free programs on your
computer, or one that saves in a compatible
format for YouTube.
(Both are compatible with Windows.)
6Creating A YouTube Account
- Its easy!
- Go to www.youtube.com
- Click on Sign Up
- Provide such information as an email address,
username and password
- Once your account is created
- Upon returning to youtube.com, click on Sign In
and enter your username and password
7Just begin by following the provided directions,
or watch the video
(This information may be found at www.youtube.com
click on Help Resources, General Help Center,
under Uploading click on Uploading Videos to
YouTube, then How to Upload.)
8Once youve got the hang of loading a video, you
can just click on youre account name, and click
on Upload, which will be found in the upper
left hand corner of the next screen, to load a
new video.
9- To check on the status of your video, go to your
account name and click on My Videos. - It may take less than an hour, or more than a day
for your video to become live.
10Once its live, prepare the video to be placed on
your website. Click Play.
11The code youll need appears to the right of the
video Embed code. (Copy and paste to your web
pages coding.)
12Is the video too large or small for your
liking? You can resize the player by editing the
object width 425 and height 350 embedded
in the code.
Keep the same ratio size as the default numbers
so the video does not get stretched. multiply
the width by 0.8235 to get the height. Example
width325 height268
13Change the Thumbnail
- Click on Edit Video...
- Select one of the 3 provided you like better.
14Everything to Your Liking?
- Now that the video is how youd like it, load it
on your server. Thats it!