Title: CPACNeSSI Workshop
1CPAC/NeSSI Workshop May 6, 2004 (Times are
PST) Best Western University Tower Hotel,
Seattle, Washington, USA
0800 Welcome M. Koch (CPAC Dir.) 0810 NeSSI
A high level overview Background of GenII spec
including the 7 elements - R. Dubois Dow A
Case Study defining a Pipe to Pixel solution for
process analytical. (J. Gunnell
ringmaster) 0830 Introducing the design
challenge the Sample System substrates/component
s/design tools - Jeff Gunnell - ExxonMobil
0840 Celerity Nelson Urdaneta 0855 CIRCOR
Robert Sherman 0910 Parker Steve Doe 0925
Swagelok John Wawrowski 0940 Break
(Begreifen hands on) 1025
Transducer/Component selection the CPAC
web site tool. Dave Veltkamp - CPAC 1035 SAM
hardware overview J. Mosher - Honeywell 1050
ConnI/OPC Conn. Tutorial R. Kondor
Matrikon http//www.matrikon.com/tutorial 1100
Maintenance facilitation remote support via
enterprise wide connectivity J. Gunnell
EMCC 1120 AppLI Software for SAM I. Cardenas
Antelope 1150 Gen III microAnalytical Vision
R. Dubois - Dow
1205 LUNCH (CPAC provides) (time to play with
Antelope) 0100 Overview of CPAC Mel
Koch 0110 Overview/update of the DOE Project
Participation in DOE program J.
Mosher Honeywell 0120 Serial Communication
Comparison Matrix Selection J. Mosher
Honeywell CiA IEEE standard 0200 Gen II/III
DOE prototype features R. Dubois - Dow 0215
Foundation Fieldbus Mike Clark SAIT 0230
Break 0245 ProfiBus M. Bryant ProfiBus
Trade Org. 0330 ProfiBus Interfaces for
NeSSI A. Tesch, Softing 0340 Defining the
software/hardware interfaces between transducer,
network SAM J. Mosher - Honeywell Connecting
to legacy analyzers 0410 Part I OPC J.
Gunnell - EMCC 0425 Part II J. Mosher -
Honeywell 0435 End
2PRESENTATION NOTES Serial Communication Matrix
and Reason for Selection J. Mosher
(Honeywell) Compare key features, benefits and
drawbacks of common industrial buses and their
applicability for a NeSSI-bus miniature,
modular for use with electrically hazardous
applications. A potential intrinsically safe
CANbus system is now under consideration by CAN
in Automation (CiA) and NIST IEEE-1451.6. This
will be covered at this time. Gen II/III DOE
Prototype Features R. Dubois (Dow) Recap of
objectives and key design features of the 12
industrial prototypes, co-funded by the US DOE
will be covered. Those components which are
commercially available and those which are still
missing will be noted at this time. Defining the
software/hardware interfaces between transducer,
network SAM J. Mosher (Honeywell) Discussion
of the resources and methods of implementing the
network and the electronic configuration
documents and controls within SAM