Title: Selecting
1Selecting Feeding 4-H Market Animals
Ron Torell, Area Livestock Specialist
2- Live animal shows identify one animal as the
Grand Champion. This gives the impression that
this particular animal is far superior to the
remainder of the class. In reality, several of
the animals in that class may have equal product
value and yield the same eating experience.
3USDA Quality Grades
Quality Grades
5ield Grade and Expected Yield (Cutability)
Yield Grades
6ield Grade Factors
3/4 length of Longissimus Dorsi
Fat thickness measurement
Rib eye Area Measurement
7Rib Eye Area
8Fat Thickness _at_ 12 13 Rib
9Kidney, Pelvic Heart (KPH)
Carcass Weight
10Choice Y.G. 1 or 2
Adequate Marbling
0.2 to 0.4 fat thickness
10 to 14 square inch rib eye
1.0 to 2.5 KPH
600 to 850 Lb. Carcass
11Recognizing a Finished Steer Based on Fat
Deposition in 5 Key Areas
Tail Head
Flank Cod Area
12Under finished Choice minus steer
131300 SE- Fat 0.20 15.8 Sq. Inch Y.G. 1.11
141416 SE Fat 0.35 10.8 Sq. Inch Y.G. 3.35
151365 C Fat 0.50 12.5 Sq. Inch Y.G. 3.06
161185 C Fat 0.48 12.4 Sq. Inch Y.G. 2.63
17Tips For Selecting a Winner
- Correct Starting Weight and Age
- Disposition (gentle)
- Home Grown
- Likes Grain
- Medium Framed
- Genetics to Grade
- Conformation
18Calculate Correct Starting Weight
1. Estimate Finish Weight Based on
Frame, Breed, Age, Genetics, Ration
2. Determine Days on Feed (DOF)
3. Subtract Present Weight from Target Wt.
4. Divide Needed Wt. Gain / DOF
5. Is Required Wt. Gain Attainable?
19Estimating Target Weight (Steer)
1. Measure Hip Height Known Age
2. Determine Frame Score
3. From Chart Determine Target Weight
4. Adjust Target Weight For Breed Muscle
20Growth Chart
21Example Steer
Target Weight 1200 Lbs
7 Month feeding Period (210 days)
1200 Lb. Target - 600 Lb. Present Wt.
600 Pound Gain required / 210 days 2.85 Lbs./Day
22Put The Muscle Where The Money Is At !
Loin 7.99 / Lb.
Rib 7.50 / Lb.
Round 4.50 / Lb.
Chuck 3.30 / Lb.
Variety Meats 1.50 / Lb.
23Nutrition Tips
- Assume 3 body weight consumption
- Increase concentrate gradually (ring method)
- Weigh feed
- May have to limit feed roughage (hay)
- Weigh animal every 30 days and adjust ration
- Target weight - todays weight divided by days
on feed - 1200 Lb. TW 1000 Lb. 200 Lbs. to reach goal
- 200 Lbs. / 70 days 2.85 ADG required
24Nutrition Tips
- 1-70 days, 33 of ration concentrate more
protein (starter or grower) - 71-140 days, 50 of ration concentrate
- 141 210 days, 70 90 of ration concentrate
more energy (finisher)
25Nutrition Tips
- Commercial feeds versus Mix your own?
- starter, grower, finisher
- Higher protein feeds early
- Higher energy feeds late
- Put on extra weight early
- Expect rapid gains early
- Expect slow gains last 60 days
- Better to over finish versus under finish
- Feed for finish wt. not fair maximum sale wt.
26Factors Affecting A.D.G.
- Genetics Breed
- Growth Stage of Feeding Period
- Type of Ration
- Experience of Manager
- Temperature Facilities
- Frequency Scheduling of Feedings
- Amount of Roughage in Diet
- Fed separately
27Nutrition Tips
- Commercial feeds are safest
- Age, frame, genetics time dictate nutrition
program - Oats is a holding feed
- Forget about hay belly
28Check Weights
- Weigh animal under same conditions each time
- Livestock scales, trailer scales, tapes, visual
estimate - Adjust nutrition program accordingly
- Do not weigh to often (second guessing)
29Keeping Animals Healthy at Fair Time
- Why do animals get sick???
30What are the challenges?
- Infectious diseases
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Parasites
- Non-infectious diseases
- Feed
- Poisons
- Allergic reactions
- Injury
- Tumors
32Tips on how to raise resistance
- Reduce stress on animal
- Feed water often at fair / avoid overfeeding
- Halter broke gentle well in advance of fair
- Radio, people and hauling
- Genetically gentle animal
- Temperature control
- Vaccinations
- Parasite control
- Apply common sense
33Tips on how to lower the challenge
- Sanitation
- Animal health checks by fair management
- Leave sick or infected animals at home
- Parasite control
- Do not share feed pans water buckets
- Do not share tack and equipment
- Keep animals separate from infected animals
- Apply common sense
34Become BQA Certifiedhttp//bqa.wsu.edu/
- Use only approved products
- Read and follow label directions
- All injections
- Under the skin in the neck region
- Clean, sharp needle
- Sanitary conditions
- Keep records
- Adhere to withdrawal times!!!!
35Minimum Recommended Health protocol
- 7-way (enterotoxaemia) expect local reaction
- Parasite control
- Fresh water
- Sound nutrition
- Protection from environment
- Sanitation
- Low Stress
36Challenges of Selecting Feeding Market Steers
for a County Fair
- Specific finished date V.S. physiological date
- Availability of feeder steers of correct age
- Novice showman
- Too much miss-information
- Time competition i.e. FFA, baseball games
- Competitive factor
37Calculate Breakeven Price
Total Expenses / Sale Weight of animal
1400 / 1200 Lbs. 1.17 / Lb.
38Insure Your Investment 20 to 30
- Country Companies
- Elko 738-3757
- White Pine 289-2886
- Humboldt 623-4860
39Reference Materials
40The End !