Title: Tom Peters Seminar2000 Distinct or
1Tom Peters Seminar2000 Distinct or
ExtinctOLASan Diego04November2000
2When Mike Charles gets lonely, who does he talk
3Mike Charles. Stanford history prof. Whirlpool
fridge. Out of 2 milk. Tap keypad on door.
Webvan.com delivers in hours. Next, he sends his
washer an email Source Business Week (09.00)
4Um Eduardo Kac and Alba, the glowing bunny
rabbit!You can thank one selfless jellyfish
and several French scientists!Source Rutland
Herald (10.01.00)
5NOW THATS B-I-G!The period 2000-2002 will
bring the single greatest change in worldwide
economic and business conditions since we came
down from the trees.David Schneider Grady
Means, MetaCapitalism
6The corporation as we know it, which is now 120
years old, is not likely to survive the next 25
years. Legally and financially, yes, but not
structurally and economically.Peter Drucker,
Business 2.0 (08.00)
7It used to be that the big ate the small. Now
the fast eat the slow.Geoff Yang, IVP/
(Institutional Venture Partners)
8ProgressiveWe dont sell insurance anymore. We
sell speed. Peter LewisDigital cameras,
wireless Net links, etc. SOME CLAIMS PAID WITHIN
20 MINUTES!Source Business Week (09.00)
9Part I Brand InsidePart II Brand OutsidePart
III Brand Leadership
10Forces _at_ Work IThe Destruction Imperative!
11ForgetgtLearnThe problem is never how to get
new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how
to get the old ones out.Dee Hock
12Paradox ReduxAtlanta 113,600 1 metro
areaLayoffs major BellSouth, Lockheed,
13Brand InsideBrand Org Lean, Linked,
Electronic Malleable
14 White Collar Revolution!
15RR on Assetless J.B. Sara LeeThe most
profitable businesses in the future will act as
knowledge brokers, linking insights into whats
available with insights into the customers
individual needs and preferences.
16Advance ParadigmData on 165,000,000
prescriptions per year docs and insurers have
access to recordsReduces med errors saves
2.88 per scrip prescribing errors docs save
14,000 per year in review timeRev in 99 2B
477M in 98Source Business Week (09.00)
17Cisco, Dell Brand-owning companies who sell
Customer SatisfactionSource David Schneider
Grady Means, MetaCapitalism
18Brand InsideBrand Work The WOW Project
19The Raw Material The WOW Project!
20Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
21Brand InsideBrand You Distinct or Extinct
nothing very special about your work, no matter
how hard you apply yourself, you wont get
noticed and that increasingly means you wont get
paid much, either. Michael Goldhaber,
23Invent. Reinvent. Repeat.Source HP banner ad
24Brand InsideBrand Talent The Great War for
25When land was the scarce resource, nations
battled over it. The same is happening now for
talented people.Stan Davis Christopher
Meyer, futureWEALTH
26Top performing companies are two to four times
more likely than the rest to pay what it takes to
prevent losing top performers.Ed Michaels,
War for Talent (05.17.00)
27Talented people are less likely to wait their
turn. We used to view young people as trainees
now they are authorities. Arguably this is the
first time the older generation can and must
leverage the younger generation very early in
their careers.Ed Michaels, War for Talent
28Where do good new ideas come from? Thats
simple! From differences. Creativity comes from
unlikely juxtapositions. The best way to maximize
differences is to mix ages, cultures and
disciplines.Nicholas Negroponte
29The Cracked Ones Let in the LightOur business
needs a massive transfusion of talent, and
talent, I believe, is most likely to be found
among non-conformists, dissenters and
rebels.David Ogilvy
30Women Born to Lead!Women and new-economy
31On average, women and men possess a number of
different innate skills. And current trends
suggest that many sectors of the
twenty-first-century economic community are going
to need the natural talents of women.Helen
Fisher, The First Sex The Natural Talents of
Women and How They are Changing the World
32Womens Stuff New Economy MatchImprov
skillsRelationship-centricLess rank
consciousnessSelf determinedTrust sensitive
IntuitiveNatural empowerment freaks less
threatened by strong peopleIntrinsic
motivation gt Extrinsic
33TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ Who manages more things
at once? Who puts more effort into their
appearance? Who usually takes care of the
details? Who finds it easier to meet new
people? Who asks more questions in a
conversation? Who is a better listener? Who
has more interest in communication skills? Who
is more inclined to get involved? Who
encourages harmony and agreement? Who has
better intuition? Who works with a longer to
do list? Who enjoys a recap to the days
events? Who is better at keeping in touch
with others?Source Selling Is a Womans Game
15 Powerful Reasons Why Women Can Outsell Men,
Nicki Joy Susan Kane-Benson
34Boys are trained in a way that will make them
irrelevant.Phil Slater
35Mantra2000Talent Brand
36N.W.O. Was-Is
- Pine-paneled Office
- Address 1 Big Man Plaza
- Secretary
- Suit
- Formal
- Rank conscious
- Pretense (Failures are
- for fools.)
- I love Yes men
- Self-contained
- Seat 9B, UA233
- Address Rick_at_Corp.com
- Typing 60 WPM
- Casual M-F
- Approachable
- We are a HOT Team
- Screwing up is as normal as breathing
- I love Misfits!
- I love partners
37Part I Brand InsidePart II Brand OutsidePart
III Brand Leadership
38Forces _at_ Work IIThe Commodity Trap
39Quality Not Enough!Quality as defined by few
defects is becoming the price of entry for
automotive marketers rather than a competitive
advantage.J.D. Power
40The surplus society has a surplus of similar
companies, employing similar people, with similar
educational backgrounds, working in similar jobs,
coming up with similar ideas, producing similar
things, with similar prices and similar
quality.Kjell Nordstrom and Jonas
Ridderstrale, Funky Business
41The 10X/10X Phenomenon10 Times Better/10
Times Less Different
42When we did it right it was still pretty
ordinary.Barry Gibbons on Nightmare No. 1
43Brand OutsideThe Death Knell for Ordinary
Pursuing Difference!
44My Sorry ExperienceI have no acute
problems.I view the glasses thing as an
annoyance of getting old.I have not been
educated I am now stunned at my options.A
little thing frame defect can ruin the entire
experience.Your collective sales and education
effort has been underwhelming.As I prepared for
this seminar, I became very annoyed!I am a
classic? missed opportunity.
45Brand OutsideStrategy 1Lead the Customer!
46If you worship at the throne of the voice of
the customer, youll get only incremental
advances.Joseph Morone, President, Bentley
47These days, you cant succeed as a company if
youre consumer led because in a world so full
of so much constant change, consumers cant
anticipate the next big thing. Companies should
be idea-led and consumer-informed.Doug Atkin,
partner, Merkley Newman Harty
48Our strategies must be tied to leading edge
customers on the attack. If we focus on the
defensive customers, we will also become
defensive.John Roth, CEO, Nortel
50Brand OutsideStrategy 2Use E-Commerce to
Re-invent Everything!
5466 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes 481,743,697
55Tomorrow Today Cisco!90 of 20B
(50M/day)75 mfg. outsourced 50 of orders
routed to supplier who ships directGross
margin 65 Net margin 28Savings in service
and support from customer self-management 500M
56Oracle Service Call Center300.00 per
transaction to 1.50Savings
550,000,000Source Ralph Seferian, Oracle
part of Os 1B saving on a rev. base of 9B
1B additional this year
57W.W. Grainger2X phone/fax220B MRO
market (per Business 2.0/02-00)
59Tomorrow Today Cisco!90 of 20B save
550MC.Sat e gtgt C.Sat HCustomer Engineer
Chat Rooms/Collaborative Design (1B free
consulting) (45,000 customer problems a week
solved via customer collaboration)
60Anne Busquet/ American ExpressNot Age of the
InternetIs Age of Customer Control
61Amen!The Age of the Never Satisfied
CustomerRegis McKenna
62SWASimple!!!!!!!!!!!! (customers call because
the process is so easy they cant believe theyre
done)30 of revenues directly from site (vs. 6
for others)Source Business Week (09.00)
64WebWorld Everything Web as a way to run your
business innardsWeb as connector for your
entire supply-demand chain Web as spiders web
which re-conceives the industryWeb/B2B as
ultimate wake-up call to commodity
producersWeb as the scourge of slack,
inefficiency, sloth, bureaucracy, poor customer
dataWeb as an Encompassing Way of LifeWeb
Everything (P.D. to after-sales)Web forces you
to focus on what you do bestWeb as entrée, at
any size, to Worlds Best at Everything as next
door neighbor
65Brand OutsideStrategy 3 Fighting Back via
Systems Integration!
67B2B1999 2004 50X2004 7.4TSource
GartnerGroup (per Reuters 1-26-00)
68GM/Ford/DaimlerChrysler (02-27)Covisint240B
69Solectron, IBM, Nortel, Matsushita, Seagate,
70Goal?Drive profits to zero!Remember AMR
and dynamic pricing.
73Message Racing up the V.A. Ladder. Doing More
More More More More for/with the
Customer and the Supply-Demand Chain!
7409.11.2000 HP bids 18,000,000,000for
PricewaterhouseCoopersConsulting bus! (31,000
75These days, building the best server isnt
enough. Thats the price of entry.Ann
Livermore, Hewlett Packard
76We want to be the air traffic controllers of
electrons.Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems
77Defense-Offense Systems Integration/HVADelphi,
DanaUnited Technologies, Corning, GE, Sun, HP,
Carpet One, Bud Anybody in their right mind!
78E.g. UTC/Otis Carrier boxes to integrated
building systems
80Brand OutsideStrategy 4Design Matters!
81All Equal Except At Sony we assume that all
products of our competitors have basically the
same technology, price, performance and features.
Design is the only thing that differentiates one
product from another in the marketplace.Norio
82We dont have a good language to talk about
this kind of thing. In most peoples
vocabularies, design means veneer. But to me,
nothing could be further from the meaning of
design. Design is the fundamental soul of a
man-made creation.Steve Jobs
83Message Great - Cool Stuff Matters. Great
Cool Trumps Not-So-Great Ho Hum!
84Unconventional Design MessagesNot about ...
Lumpy Objects!Not about ... 79,000 objects
85Lady Sensor, Mach3, and 70M on developing
the OralB CrossAction toothbrush23 patents,
including 6 for the packagingSource
www.ecompany.com 06.00
86Design is WHAT WHY I LOVE. LOVE.
87Design is WHY I GET MAD. MAD.
88Design is never neutral.
89Hypothesis DESIGN is the principal difference
between love and hate!
90Brand OutsideStrategy 5Its the Experience!
91Experiences are as distinct from services as
services are from goods.Joseph Pine James
Gilmore, The Experience Economy Work Is Theatre
Every Business a Stage
92The Starbucks Fix Is on We have
identified a third place. And I really believe
that sets us apart. The third place is that place
thats not work or home. Its the place our
customers come for refuge.Nancy Orsolini,
District Manager
93Experience Rebel Lifestyle!What we sell is
the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress
in black leather, ride through small towns and
have people be afraid of him.Harley exec,
quoted in Results-based Leadership
94Car designers need to create a story. Every car
provides an opportunity to create an adventure.
The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because its
focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a
passion.Freeman Thomas, co-designer VW Beetle
designer Audi TT
95Hmmmm(?) Only Words StoryAdventureSmile
96LAN Installation Co. toGeek Squad (2 to
97Brand OutsideStrategy 6BRAND POWER!
98Brand It! Now, More Than Ever!The increasing
difficulty in differentiating between products
and the speed with which competitors take up
innovations will assist in the rise and rise of
the brand.Gillian Law and Nick Grant,
Management New Zealand
99We are in the twilight of a society based on
data. As information and intelligence become the
domain of computers, society will place more
value on the one human ability that cannot be
automated emotion. Imagination, myth, ritual -
the language of emotion - will affect everything
from our purchasing decisions to how we work with
others. Companies will thrive on the basis of
their stories and myths. Companies will need to
understand that their products are less important
than their stories.Rolf Jensen, Copenhagen
Institute for Future Studies
100Brand You Must Care!Success means never
letting the competition define you. Instead you
have to define yourself based on a point of view
you care deeply about. Tom Chappell, Toms of
101T.T.D./Calling the Corporate Shrink!Organizati
onal Psychotherapy/WHO WE ARE!
102Part I Brand InsidePart II Brand OutsidePart
III Brand Leadership
103Brand LeadershipPassion Rules!
104Create a Cause, not a business. Gary Hamel,
Fortune (06.00), on re-inventing a company
(Exemplar 1 Charles Schwab)
105Brand Leadership!A key perhaps the key to
leadership is the effective communication of a
story.Howard Gardner Leading Minds An
Anatomy of Leadership
106Brand LeadershipENTHUSIASM RULES!I am a
dispenser of enthusiasm./ Ben Zander