Title: 61extra
161) extra-
extraordinary, extravaganza, extracurricular,
extraterrestrial (E.T.), extracellular
(digestion), extrapolate
262) macro-
macroscopic, macromolecule, macroeconomics
363) carbo-
carbon dioxide, carbohydrate, carbonize, carbonic
464) mon-, mono-
monopoly, monologue, monotone, monorail,
monarchy, monomer, monosomy, monocot
565) di-
division, dialogue, diploid, dihybrid,
dichotomous, dicot
666) sacch-
saccharin, monosaccharide, disaccharide
767) poly-
polygon, polygraph, polymer, polysaccharide,
polypeptide, polygenic (trait)
868) lip-
liposuction, lipid, lipid bilayer
969 .) amyl
1070) -ose
- fullness, origin
- (generally in biology refers to a sugar or
sucrose, dextrose, glucose, lactose, cellulose
1171) lact-, lacto-
lactose (intolerant), lactate, lactobacillus,
1272) oxy-
carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygenate, deoxygenate
1373) de-
denature (proteins), deoxyribose sugar,
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA), decompose
1474) -ase
- an enzyme to break down - an ose
cellulase, lactase, salivary amylase, sucrase
1575) cyto-, -cyte
- cytology, cytologist, leukocyte, erythrocyte,
endocytosis, exocytosis, osteocyte
1676) -scope
- microscope, telescope, stethoscope, periscope,
1777) micro-
- microbe, microscope, microbiology, microtubule
1878) multi-
- multicultural, multi-talented, multi-tasking,
1979) -kary-
- nucleus
- prokaryote, eukaryote
2080) eu-
- true, real or good
- eukaryote, eubacteria
2181) chrom-
- colored
- chromosome, chromatography
2282) mito-
- thread-like
- mitochondria, mitosis
2383) leuco-, leuko-
- white
- leukemia, leukocyte
2484) -plast
- particle
- chloroplast, leucoplast
2585) erythro-
- red
- erythrocyte, erythromycin
2686) -plasm
- jelly-like substance fluid
- cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, protoplasm
2787) soma-, -some
- body
- somatic cell, chromosome, lysosome
2888) phospho-
- contains phosphorus P
- phosphate, phospholipid
2989) philos, -philic
- loving
- hydrophilic, philharmonic, philately, philosophy
3090) phobia, -phobos
- fearing
- arachnophobic, claustrophobic, hydrophobic,
3191) bi-
- two
- bicycle, binoculars, bifocals, bipolar, lipid
bilayer, binomial name, binary fission,
bilateral, bipedal
3292) endo-
- inner
- endoderm, endotherm, endosperm
3393) ecto-
- outer
- ectoderm, ectotherm, ectoplasm
3494) -lys-
- break open
- Lysol, analysis, lysosome, hydrolysis, lysogenic,
3595) semi-
- part(ly)
- semisweet, semicolon, semiautomatic, semicircle,
3696) per-
- through
- perennial, permeate, semi-permeable
3797) hyper-
- over or beyond
- hyperactive, hyperthermia, hyperextended,
hypertension, hypertonic
3898) iso-
- equal
- isosceles triangle, isotope, isomer, isotonic
3999) exo-
- outer
- exit, exon, exoskeleton, exocytosis
40100) tri-
- three
- triangle, tricycle, tripod, adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)
41101) trans-
- across
- transport, transplant, transatlantic (flight),
transaction, transcription, translation,
42102 ) centr-
- central
- centerpiece, egocentric, ethnocentric,
centrioles, centromere
43103) meta-
- along with many
- metabolism, metamorphosis, metaphase
44104) tele-, telo-
- far away end
- telephone, telegraph, telepathy, telophase
45105) oid
- like or resembling
- spheroid, asteroid, haploid, diploid, humanoid,
46106 a-, ab-, abs-
- From, away from, different from
- Abnormal
- Abrasion
- absorb
47107. aug-, auct
- Grow or increase
- Augment, augmentation, auction
48108. Zyg-
- Yoke, joined, paired
- Heterozygous, zygote
49109. zym-
50110. stom-
51111. adip-
52112. blast
- Germ, embryo
- Blastocyst, sideroblast
53113. caps-
54114. -cyst-
- Capsule
- Cystic, encyst
- nematocyst
55115. fiss-
56116. Ger-, gest-
- Bear, carry
- Digest, gestation, gesture
57117. Melan-
- Black, dark
- Melanoma, melancholy
58118. nod-
59119. pino-
60120. por-
- Passage
- Pore, porous, portal
61121 -oma
62122 pol-
63123 radi-
- Beam, spoke
- Radiation, radiate
64124 rump-, rupt-
65125 sal-
66126sorb-, sorpt-
67127 aer-, aero-
- Air, atmosphere
- Aeronautics, aerosol
68128 -tonic
- Pressure
- Hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic
69129 ac-, acu-
71131 calor-
- Heat
- Calorie, caloric, calorimeter
72132 corp-
- Body
- Corporation, corpse, corpulent
73133 crea-
- Create
- Creature, recreation, creation
74134 flu-
- Flowing
- Influence, fluid, flue, flush
75135 glu-, glo-
- Lump, bond, glue
- Glue, conglomerate
76136 here-, hes-
- Stick
- Adhere, adhesive, cohere, hereditary, inherent
77137 mob-, mot-
78138 phage-
- Eat
- Macrophage, bacteriophage
79139 phelgma-
- Inflamation
- Phlegm, phlegmatic
80140 plac-, plais-
- Please
- Placid, placebo, placate
81141 spir-
- Breath
- Respire, spirit, inspire, perspire
82142 vac-
- Empty
- Vacuole, vacuum, evacuate, vacation
83143 vit-, viva-, vive-
- Alive, life
- Revive, survive, vivisection, vivid
84144 -ic
- Nature of, like
- Metallic, acidic, simplistic
85145 ab-
- Away from
- Abnormal, abhor