Title: Kansas City BRT: Branding
1Kansas City BRTBranding Marketing Strategies
2Photos Courtesy of Kansas City Convention
Visitors Association
3MAX Key Objectives
- Attract new riders to transit
- Operate like rail
- Stations rather than stops
- Unique identity
- Easy and convenient
- Reduce travel time 20
- Showcase technology
- Existing funding sources
4What Makes MAXBus Rapid Transit?
- Frequent, fast, convenient service
- Useable without consulting a schedule
- Serves key origins destinations
- Easy to use understand
- Especially for visitors those new to transit
- Higher level of passenger amenity
- Enhanced stations vehicles
- BRT components easily recognized distinguished
from local bus
5Branding Objectives
- Improve image of public transit
- Unique branding
- Must be more than a name, a shelter and a bus
- Must positively influence the way people think
about the bus - Market like light rail without over promising
- Brand is the primary way to communicate improved
service and encourage first-time use - Increase ridership
6BRT AttributesWhat we wanted the brand to
- Friendly
- Committed to delivering warm, friendly service
- Speaks to first-time user
- Vitality
- Exciting transportation alternative
- Distinguishes BRT from current Metro system
- Trustworthy
- Committed to reliable, safe transportation
- Community
- Committed to Kansas City, its people and its
7Whats In A Name
- Naming process
- 200 possible names generated
- Narrowed to 100 internally narrowed to 9
- Tested among users and non-users
- Narrowed to 2
- Tested online among users and non-users
- MAX was selected because it aligned most closely
with key bus rapid transit attributes
8BRT As New Service From The Metro
The Metro
Regular Service
244 N KC MetroFlex
Main Street MAX
Troost Avenue MAX
57 South Oak
129 I-29 Express
28XX I-435 S Express
Royals Express
110 Woodland/Brooklyn
284 Purple Route
173 Casino Cruiser
- Benefits
- Public will understand how BRT works within the
metro system - Branding works with the Metro on shared shelters
- Upgrades the system without trying to be
something its not
- Problems
- BRT will lose its chance to be something
completely new and different from The Metro
9KCATA BRT Branding
10MAX Vehicle
11MAX Station
12MAX Marker Options
13Marker Information
14MAX Shelter Options
15Troost MAX Station
16Communication Strategies
Brand Awareness Events Public Information
17Brand Awareness
- MAX is coming
- Progressive groundbreaking
- Building excitement
18Employee Unveiling
19Public Bus Unveiling Extreme Makeover
20Do The MAX Video
Convention Visitors Association Downtown
Dwellers Business Community Elected
Officials Civic Leaders Neighborhood Associations
21Launch Reception
22First Customers
23Front Page Kansas City Star
24MAX Satisfaction Extraordinary
- MAX corridor ridership up 50
- 29 of MAX riders new to transit
- MAX rated excellent on 20 factors
- Continue to survey monitor ridership
Hugh Clark, CJI Research, 2007
25Public Involvement Troost MAX Public Meetings
- Favorable MAX Brand Awareness
- Excitement at bringing MAX to Troost
- More station amenities
- Requests to Go Green with Troost MAX
- Hybrid buses
- Solar bollards trash compactors
- Recycling bins
- LED lighting
- Rain gardens impervious surfaces
- Assign GREEN to Troost