Title: Control Device Technology
1Control Device Technology
- Barrett Parker, EPA, OAQPS
2Example Control Systems
- 4 VOC control techniques plus capture discussion
- 5 PM control techniques
- 2 Acid gas control techniques
- 3 NOx control techniques
3VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber
- General description
- Gas molecules stick to the surface of a solid
- Activated carbon often used as it
- Has a strong attraction for organics
- Has a large capacity for adsorption (many pores)
- Is cheap
- Silica gel, activated alumina, and zeolites are
also used
4VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber
- General description (continued)
- 3 types fixed bed (most common), moving bed,
and fluidized bed - Typically appear in pairs one adsorbing while
other desorbs - Used for control as well as recovery
- Regenerated via steam, hot gas, or vacuum
- Work best if molecular weight of compound between
50 and 200
5VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber Fixed
Bed Schematic
6VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber Fixed
Bed Examples
7VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Presence, polarity, and concentration of specific
compounds - Flow rate
- Temperature
- Relative humidity
8VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber
- Performance indicators
- Outlet VOC concentration
- Regeneration cycle timing or bed replacement
frequency - Total regeneration stream flow or vacuum profile
during regeneration cycle - Carbon bed activity
- Bed operating and regeneration temperature
9VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Inlet gas temperature
- Gas flow rate
- Inlet VOC concentration
- Pressure differential
- Inlet gas moisture content
- Leaks
10VOC Control Techniques Carbon Adsorber
Manufacturers Specs
11VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer
- General description
- Waste gas gets oxidized to water and carbon
dioxide - Catalyst causes reaction to occur faster and at
lower temperatures - Saves auxiliary fuel
12VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer
- General description (continued)
- Catalysts allow lower operation temperatures (
650 to 1000F) - Catalyst bed generally lasts from 2 to 5 years
- Thermal aging, poisoning, and masking are
concerns - Excess air is added to assist combustion
- Residence time and mixing are fixed during design
- Only temperature and oxygen can be controlled
after construction
13VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer
Example Bricks
14VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer -
15VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Pollutant concentration
- Flow rate
- Operating temperature
- Excess air
- Waste stream contaminants
- Metals, sulfur, halogens, plastics
16VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer
- Performance Indicators
- Outlet VOC concentration
- Catalyst bed inlet temperature
- Catalyst activity
- Outlet CO concentration
- Temperature rise across catalyst bed
- Exhaust gas flow rate
17VOC Control Techniques Catalytic Oxidizer
- Performance Indicators (continued)
- Catalyst bed outlet temperature
- Fan current
- Outlet O2 or CO2 concentration
- Pressure differential across catalyst bed
18VOC Control Techniques - Condenser
- General description
- Gas or vapor turns to liquid via
- Lowering temperature or
- Increasing pressure
- Used as pretreatment to reduce volumes
- Used to collect and reuse some solvents
19VOC Control Techniques - Condenser
- General description (continued)
- Two types contact and surface condensers
- No secondary pollutants from surface type
- More coolant needed for contact type
- Chilled water, brines, and CFCs used as coolants
- Efficiencies range from 50 to 95 percent
20VOC Control Techniques Condenser - Schematic
21VOC Control Techniques - Condenser
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Pollutant dew point
- Condenser operating pressure
- Gas and coolant flow rates
- Tube plugging or fouling
22VOC Control Techniques - Condenser
- Performance indicators
- Outlet VOC concentration
- Outlet gas temperature
- Coolant inlet temperature
- Coolant outlet temperature
- Exhaust gas flow rate
- Pressure differential across condenser
23VOC Control Techniques - Condenser
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Coolant flow rate
- Pressure differential across coolant
refrigeration system - Condensate collection rate
- Inspection for fouling or corrosion
24VOC Control Techniques Thermal Oxidizer
- General description
- Waste gas turns to carbon dioxide and water
- Operating temperatures between 800 and 2000F
- Good combustion requires
- Adequate temperature
- Turbulent mixing of waste gas with oxygen
- Sufficient time for reactions to occur
- Enough oxygen to completely combust waste gas
25VOC Control Techniques Thermal Oxidizer
- General description (continued)
- Only temperature and oxygen concentration can be
controlled after construction - Waste gas has to be heated to autoignition
temperature - Typically requires auxiliary fuel
- Common design relies on 0.2 to 2 seconds
residence time, 2 to 3 length to diameter ratio,
and gas velocity of 10 to 50 feet per second
26VOC Control Techniques Thermal Oxidizer -
27VOC Control Techniques Thermal Oxidizer
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Waste gas flow rate
- Waste gas composition and concentration
- Waste gas temperature
- Amount of excess air
28VOC Control Techniques Thermal Oxidizer
- Performance indicators
- Outlet VOC concentration
- Outlet combustion temperature
- Outlet CO concentration
- Exhaust gas flow rate
- Fan current
- Outlet O2 or CO2 concentration
- Inspections
29VOC Control Techniques Capture System
- General description
- Total efficiency is product of capture and
control device efficiencies - Two types of systems
- Enclosures and local exhausts (hoods)
- Two types of enclosures
- Permanent total (M204) 100 capture efficiency
- Nontotal or partial must measure capture
30VOC Control Techniques Capture System -
31VOC Control Techniques Capture System
- Factors affecting efficiency
- System integrity
- System flow
32VOC Control Techniques Capture Systems
- Performance indicators
- Enclosures
- Face velocity
- Differential pressure
- Average face velocity and daily inspections
- Exhaust Ventilation
- Face velocity
- Exhaust flow rate in duct near hood
- Hood static pressure
33PM Control Techniqes - Cyclone
- General description
- Particles hit wall sides and fall out
- Often used as precleaners
- Especially effective for particles larger than 20
microns - Inexpensive to build and operate
- Can be combined in series or parallel
34PM Control Techniques Cyclone - Schematic
35PM Control Techniques - Cyclone
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Component erosion
- Inlet and outlet plugging
- Acid gas corrosion
- Air inleakage
36PM Control Techniques - Cyclone
- Performance indicators
- Opacity
- Inlet velocity or inlet gas flow rate
- Pressure differential
- Inlet temperature
37PM Control Techniques Electrostatic Precipitator
- General Description
- Charged particles are attracted to plates and
removed from exhaust gas - Two types
- Dry type use mechanical action to clean plates
- Wet type use water to prequench and to rinse
plates - High voltages are required
- Multiple sections (fields) may be used
- Efficiencies up to 99 can be obtained
38PM Control Techniques Electrostatic
Precipitator - Schematic
39PM Control Techniques Electrostatic
Precipitator - Schematic
40PM Control Techniques Electrostatic
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Gas temperature, humidity, flow rate
- Particle resistivity
- Fly ash composition
- Plate length
- Surface area
41PM Control Techniques Electrostatic Precipitator
- Performance indicators
- Outlet PM concentration
- Opacity
- Secondary corona power (current and voltage)
- Spark rate
- Primary power (current and voltage)
42PM Control Techniques Electrostatic Precipitator
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Inlet gas temperature
- Gas flow rate
- Rapper operation
- Fields in operation
- Inlet water flow rate (wet type)
- Flush water solids content (wet type)
43PM Control Techniques Electrified Filter Bed
- General description
- Charged particles are deposited on pea gravel
- Three parts
- Ionizer system
- Filter bed
- Gravel cleaning and recirculation system
44PM Control Techniques Electrified Filter Bed -
45PM Control Techniques Electrified Filter Bed
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Glaze build up on ionizer or gravel
- Temperature
- Performance indicators
- Ionizer voltage and current
- Filter bed voltage, current, and temperature
- Inlet gas temperature
46PM Control Techniques Electrified Filter Bed
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Pressure differential
- Gas flow rate
- Outlet PM concentration
- Opacity
47PM Control Techniques Fabric Filter
- General description
- Particles trapped on filter media, then removed
- Either interior or exterior filtration systems
- Up to 99.9 efficiency
- 4 types of cleaning systems
- Shaker (off-line)
- Reverse air (low pressure, long time, off line)
- Pulse jet (60 to 120 psi air, on line)
- Sonic horn (150 to 550 Hz _at_ 120 to 140 dB, on
48PM Control Techniques Fabric Filter - Schematic
49PM Control Techniques Fabric Filter
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Filter media
- Abrasion
- High temperature
- Chemical attack
- Gas flow
- Broken or worn bags
- Blinding
50PM Control Techniques Fabric Filter
- Factors affecting efficiency (continued)
- Cleaning system failure
- Leaks
- Re-entrainment
- Damper or discharge equipment malfunction
- Corrosion
51PM Control Techniques Fabric Filter
- Performance indicators
- Outlet PM concentration
- Bag leak detectors
- Outlet opacity
- Pressure differential
- Inlet temperature
- Temperature differential
52PM Control Techniques Fabric Filter
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Exhaust gas flow rate
- Cleaning mechanism operation
- Fan current
- Inspections and maintenance
53PM Control Techniques Wet Scrubber
- General description
- Particles (and gases) get trapped in liquids
- Inertial impaction and diffusion
- Liquids must contact pollutants and dirty liquids
must be removed from exhaust gas - Four types
- Spray venturi or orifice spray rotors and
moving bed or packed towers
54PM Control Techniques Wet Scrubber - Schematic
55PM Control Techniques Wet Scrubber
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Gas and liquid flow rate
- Condensation of aerosols
- Poor liquid distribution
- High dissolved solids content in liquid
- Nozzle erosion or pluggage
- Re-entrainment
- Scaling
56PM Control Techniques Wet Scrubber
- Performance indicators
- Pressure differential
- Liquid flow rate
- Gas flow rate
- Scrubber outlet gas temperature
- Makeup / blowdown rates
- Scrubber liquid solids content (PM)
57PM Control Techniques Wet Scrubber
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Scrubber inlet gas and process exhaust gas
temperature (PM) - Scrubber liquid outlet concentration (Acid gas)
- Scrubber liquid pH (Acid gas)
- Neutralizing chemical feed rate (Acid gas)
- Scrubber liquid specific gravity (Acid gas)
58Acid Gas Control Techniques Dry Injection
- General description
- Sorbent reacts with gas to form salts that are
removed in a PM control device (fabric filter) - Hydrated lime and sodium bicarbonate often used
as sorbents
59Acid Gas Control Techniques Dry Injection -
60Acid Gas Control Techniques Dry Injection
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Dry sorbent injection rate
- Emission stream gas temperature
- Residence or reaction time
- Degree of turbulence
- Other PM control device used factors
61Acid Gas Control Techniques Dry Injection
- Performance indicators
- Outlet acid gas concentration
- Sorbent feed rate
- Fabric filter inlet temperature
- Sorbent carrier gas flow rate
- Sorbent / carrier gas nozzle pressure
differential - Sorbent specifications
62Acid Gas Control Techniques Dry Injection
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Inlet gas / process exhaust temperatures
- Exhaust gas flow rate
- Other PM control device used indicators
63Acid Gas Control Techniques Spray Dryer
- General description
- Alkali sorbent slurry turns acid gas into PM that
is collected by a control device - Slurry is usually lime and water
64Acid Gas Control Techniques Spray Dryer -
65Acid Gas Control Techniques Spray Dryer
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Slurry feed rate
- Residence or reaction time
- Emission stream gas temperature
- Slurry reactor outlet temperature
- Slurry droplet size
- Other PM control device used factors
66Acid Gas Control Techniques Spray Dryer
- Performance indicators
- Outlet acid gas concentration
- Alkali feed rate to slurry mix tank
- Water feed rate to slurry mix tank
- Slurry feed rate and droplet size
- Spray dryer inlet gas / process exhaust
temperature - Other PM control device indicators
67NOx Control Techniques Selective Catalytic
- General description
- Ammonia or urea is injected into exhaust streams
with plenty of oxygen to reduce nitrogen oxide to
nitrogen and oxygen - Efficiency ranges from 70 to 90 percent
- Catalysts made from base and precious metals and
zeolites - Operating temperatures range from 600 to 1100F
68NOx Control Techniques Selective Catalytic
Reduction - Schematic
69NOx Control Techniques Selective Catalytic
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Catalyst activity
- Masking or poisoning
- Space velocity (gas flow rate divided by bed
volume) - Excess ammonia or urea slip
70NOx Control Techniques Selective Catalytic
- Performance indicators
- Outlet nitrogen oxide concentration
- Ammonia / urea injection rate
- Catalyst bed inlet temperature
- Catalyst activity
- Outlet ammonia / urea concentration
- Catalyst bed outlet temperature
71NOx Control Techniques Selective Catalytic
- Performance indicators (continued)
- Inlet gas flow rate
- Fuel sulfur content
- Pressure differential across catalyst bed
72NOx Control Techniques Non Selective Catalytic
- General description
- Low oxygen exhaust gas transforms via catalytic
reaction to water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen - Catalysts made from noble metals
- Efficiency ranges from 80 to 90 percent
- Operating temperatures range from 700 to 1500F
73NOx Control Techniques Non Selective Catalytic
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Catalyst activity
- Masking or poisoning
- Space velocity (gas flow rate divided by bed
volume) - Catalyst material
74NOx Control Techniques Non Selective Catalytic
- Performance indicators
- Outlet nitrogen oxide concentration
- Catalyst bed inlet temperature
- Catalyst activity
- Catalyst bed outlet temperature
- Inlet gas flow rate
- Pressure differential across catalyst bed
- Outlet oxygen concentration
75NOx Control Techniques Water or Steam Injection
- General description
- Water or steam injected in combustion zone
reduces temperature and nitrogen oxide formation - Only thermal nitrogen oxides reduced
- Reductions range from 60 to 80 percent
- Water must be atomized
76NOx Control Techniques Water or Steam Injection
- Schematic
77NOx Control Techniques Water or Steam Injection
- Factors affecting efficiency
- Water quality
- Quantity of water injected
- Combustor design
- Combustor materials
- Turbine load cycle
78NOx Control Techniques Water or Steam Injection
- Performance indicators
- Outlet nitrogen oxide concentration
- Water to fuel ratio
- Fuel bound nitrogen concentration