Title: Hypnosis
1Hypnosis Supportfor Weight Losswith Lauren
Archer, CH
- Welcome!
- Please sign the attendance roster.
- Thank you.
2Tonights Agenda
- What is hypnosis?
- How does hypnosis help with weight loss?
- Self-Hypnosis techniques you can apply NOW
3The average person
- 60,000 thoughts
- 90 habitual
- Change your thinking
- Change your results!
4Your Instructor
- Clinical Hypnotherapist
- ACE Certified Personal Trainer
- President, National Guild of
Hypnotists, Washington State Chapter - President, Positive Central
Lauren Archer
5Your Instructor
- Private Hypnotherapy Sessions
- Group Classes
- Audio Programs
- Positive E-News
Lauren Archer
6Your Instructor
- Author of 13 Self-Help Programs
- Co-Author
- The Code to Weight Loss
- Fitness Focus Column
Lauren Archer
7The Code to Weight Loss
8What are your intentions?
- For this class?
- For your weight loss program?
- What would you like to learn tonight?
9What is Hypnosis?
10Cycles of the Brain
Trance State
12Understanding Your Mind
- Conscious Mind
- Rational
- Linear
- Sequential
- Logical
- Protective guard
Inner Mind Beliefs, Habits, Emotions
13Understanding Your Mind
Conscious Mind
Inner Mind
14Understanding Your Mind
Conscious Mind
Inner Mind
15Definition of Hypnosis
- Bypass of the Critical Factor
- Selective Thinking
16Hypnosis is like directing the movies in your mind
- think of a shiny,
- bright red apple
18The subconscious minddoesnt understand negatives
19What does this have to do with weight loss? 1.
Imagining/visualizing your ideal self 2. Mental
rehearsal of positive behaviors 3. Linking and
unlinking thoughts and responses 4. Relaxation
and self-renewal 5. Enhancing motivation 6.
Mind-body response 7. Uncovering hidden reasons
for self-sabotage
20Effective Hypnotic Suggestions 1. Self-care /
balancing energy levels 2. Release the past 3.
Conscious eating habits (separate event) 4.
Awareness of feeling full (stomach size) 5.
Desire healthy foods water (curb cravings) 6.
Enjoy movement and exercise 7. Release stress,
sleep well 8. Hope/desire/intention/focus on goal
21The 7 Steps of Self-Hypnosis 1. Relaxing the
body 2. Imagining a safe place use 5 senses 3.
Deepening (10 1) 4. Imagining your ideal self
5 senses 5. Enhancing with positive emotions 6.
Gratitude / present moment 7. Returning to the
present (1-10)
22(No Transcript)
23Discussion andEvaluations
24Who uses Hypnosis?
- Smart people!
- Hypnosis is used by
- world class performers
- in business, athletics,
- and the arts.
25Proven Success
- Confidence in sales or public speaking
- Weight loss exercise motivation
- Habit release (smoking, nail biting)
- As an aid to self-healing
- Athletic performance
- Relaxation, sleep snoring
- Pain relief
- Memory, attention focus
26Powerful and Effective
- Approved in the 1950s by the British and
American Medical Associations as an effective
complimentary therapy - Traditional counseling months or years
- Hypnotherapy 1 - 6 sessions!
27Sessions with Lauren
- Discuss your goals
- Strategic planning
- Review expectations
- Hypnotic Induction
Plus You take home a CD of your session!
28Contact Information
Lauren Archer, CH Phone 425-881-7082 Email
29(No Transcript)
30Curb Cravings
- Yes, you can have what you desire
- Yes, you deserve to feel good
- Yes, you can feel good in lots of new ways
31Curb Cravings
- Taste is a CHOICE
- If it can be acquired, it can be un-acquired
32Curb Cravings
- Imagine the raw ingredients