Title: Aktivni portfolio menadment
1Aktivni portfolio menadment
2Opti pristupi aktivnim strategijama
- Izbor HoV ili sektora (stock screening)
- Zasnovano na razlicitim aktivnim kvantitativnim
tehnikama - Momentum, stilovi, iznenadenja u vezi dobiti,
relativne tehnike za procenu vrednosti,
optimizacija, i dr.. - Alokacija aktive (asset allocation - AA)
- Alokacija sredstava u okviru jedne klase aktive
ili izmedu vie klasa aktive - Strateka AA (SAA) zasnovana na dugorocnim
predvidanjima, koristi se za utvrdivanje
dugorocnih pozicija klasa aktive - Takticka AA (TAA) zasnovana na kratkorocnim
predvidanjima, koristi se da bi se utvrdilo kada
vriti promenu izmedu razlicitih ili unutar iste
kalse ative - Trini tajming (market timing)
- Odreduje kada izvriti zamenu jedne (klase)
aktive drugom - Sprovodi se na nivou pojedinacne HoV, klase
aktive, segmenta ili celog trita
3Stock screening
- Using screens involves answering questions such
as Are you looking for small cap or large cap
stocks?, What range of PE ratio is acceptable? - By focusing on measurable factors, stock
screening centers around quantitative analysis - Qualitative factors such as management quality,
the competitiveness of the company etc. can be
used, but this is not very common - Ranks or scores are assigned to each qualitative
variable - PRIMER NA BSE
4Example of the Screen
- Say we are looking for a bank that trades on
NYSE, has a PE ratio under 25, has revenue growth
of 25 and profit margins at least 15. Once the
screening filter is implemented, we obtain - Type of Screen Companies Remaining
- Look in banking industry 704
- Trading on NYSE 97
- PE ratio under 25 84
- 1 yr revenue growth at least 25 18
- Profit Margin of at least 15 3
- Note the three companies that made all our
criteria are not necessarily the best buys they
are only as valuable as the searching criteria we
enter in the screener - Predefined screens set up for screening stocks
according to popular investment strategies
5Stilovi investiranja u akcije - klasifikacija
- Investicioni stilovi su nastali kada je primeceno
da grupe akcija koje poseduju jednu ili vie
zajednickih karakteristika imaju tendenciju da se
krecu u istom smeru - Vrednost (value)
- jeftine(u relativnim odnosima), nizak P/E, nizak
P/B, akcije sa visokim ocekivanim prinosom
(yield) - Rast (growth)
- skuplje (u relativnim odnosima), konzistentna
strategija rasta dobiti, strategija momentuma
dobiti (earnings momentum) - Trina orijentacija (market oriented)
- diversifikovaniji portfolio
- opredeljenje za vrednost ili rast
- Niska kapitalizacija
- investicioni fondovi i kompanije su rado
koristili stil investiranja u kompanije sa niskom
kapitalizacijom - u poslednjih 10 godina se pokazalo da su male
kompanije imale loije performanse od velikih
6Vrednost (value style) - opis stila investiranja
- Ovi investitori su zainteresovani za cenovnu
komponentu P/E koeficijenta, kupuju po niskoj
ceni u odnosu na dobit kompanije ocekujuci da ce
cena porasti tokom njihovog investicionog
horizonta i omoguciti im da profitiraju - Pristup zasnovan na nioj proceni vrednosti u
tekom periodu za kompaniju, uz ocekivanje
konsolidacije kontraki pristup - Investitori stila vrednosti investiraju na kratke
staze i ocekuju visoke prihode (dividend yield)
uz umeren ili nizak rast - Istorijski, ove akcije su u proseku imale bolje
performanse od rastucih (growth) akcija - primeri javna preduzeca, bankarski sekor,
ciklicne akcije (cyclical stocks, faze u razvoju
IT industrije)
7Rast (growth style) - opis stila investiranja
- Stil rasta je pragmaticniji i nejasnije definisan
od stila vrednosti - Ovi investitori su zainteresovani za komponentu
dobiti P/E koeficijenta - Konstantna strategija rasta investiranje u
akcije koje imaju konzistentnu stopu rasta
dobiti, obicno razumno vrednovane - Strategija momentuma dobiti investiranje u
kompanije koje su u skorije vreme ostvarile
veliko povecanje rasta dobiti agresivan pristup
stilu rasta - Investitori ocekuju da ce kompanija ostvariti
rast dobiti u buducnosti to ce se odraziti na
rast cene i pruiti mogucnost da se profitira - Investitori stila rasta investiraju na duge staze
ocekujuci nizak ili nikakav prihod od dividendi i
visok rast - Primeri tehnologija, IT, faraceutska industrija
8Selecting Value and Growth stocks
- Pick a universe of stocks (e.g FTSE 100)
- Calculate (or obtain from a data source) a P/E
ratio for each one - Sort stocks according to P/E ratio in ascending
order - Pick stocks from the top of the list until you
have 50 of total number - this represents your
value stocks, the rest are growth stocks - Problem with this method stocks which are
neither pure value nor pure growth are included - Need for creating minimum three portfolios and
very often even more - Alternative stock characteristics used to define
style P/B ratios, dividend yields, earnings
growth estimates, etc.
9Growth and Value Style
- Appear to be mutually exclusive because investors
have different risk profile and different
emphasis but there is an overlap - A few growth managers would claim they buy
expensive stocks and many value managers will
include in their portfolio a cheap stock with
good growth prospects - Only in their extreme forms these styles are at
the opposite end of investment spectrum - Large number of stocks of on the market exhibits
both value and growth characteristics
10Istorijske performanse akcija koje zadovoljavaju
kriterijume stilova vrednosti i rasta u
Britaniji, 1965.-2003.
11Niska kapitalizacija (Small Cap Style) - opis
stila investiranja
- Investiranje u akicje sa niskom kapitalizacijom
koje mogu da se definiu kao poslednjih 10
akcija sortiranih po kriterijumu trine
kapitalizacije - Razliciti institucionalni investitori mogu da
koriste drugaciji prag niske kapitalizacije koji
obuhvata najmanjih 25 ili 30 trine
kapitalizacije - Istorijski, akcije sa niskom kapitalizacijom, u
proseku, imaju bolje performanse od onih sa
visokom kapitalizacijom, ali je volatilnost pri
nioj kapitalizaciji visoka - Postoje dokazi ciklicnih promena pa u jednom nizu
godina akcije sa niom kapitalizacijom imaju
bolje performanse u od akcija sa visokom
kapitalizacijom, a onda se u narednim godinama
trend promeni - Objanjenje ovog fenomena akcije sa niskom
kapitalizacijom su obicno jeftine, zapostavljene,
sa slabom likvidnocu, visokim betama i sezonskim
oscilacijama - Nema dovoljno jeasanog dokaza da podri ova
12Istorijske performanse akcija sa malom i velikom
trinom kapitalizacijom u Britaniji, 1965.-2003.
13Benchmarks for performance measurement
- Key issue in choosing benchmark if replicated in
a fund, the funds objective is likely to be met
and it will reflect the risk profile of your
funds strategy - Construction of style indices such as FTSE 350
Value, FTSE 350 Growth, FTSE 350 High Yield, FTSE
Small Cap has improved over the years and more
style benchmarks are available nowadays making
them a better guide to performance measurement - Some fund management firms believe that some
style indices are too narrowly based, reflecting
pure value/growth style for example and hence
cant be used as useful benchmarks for broader
funds which include grey area stocks -
14Style Rotation
- In the US and UK, over the long time period,
value stocks have outperformed the growth stocks - In the second half of 1990s - technology boom -
growth outperform value - Therefore, style rotation is used by a number of
managed funds, including hedge funds - Style rotation strategy
- Invest 100 of funds in value when it is expected
to do better and switch all your funds to growth
when growth is expected to do better - Based on forecasts and successful market timing
- General economic indicators such as GDP and
interest rates as well as company specific
factors such as Dividend Yields can be used to
determine when to switch from one style to
another - Bare in mind the transaction costs (this can be a
very expensive strategy)
15Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) With Style
- Style rotation can prove to be expensive strategy
having high transaction costs and turnover of
assets - One should consider that style oriented portfolio
does not have to have all the investment placed
in one style only but rather employ TAA with
style stocks/indexes - TAA approach called active style management
implies - tilting the equity portfolio with either growth
stocks or value stocks in order to capture more
superior return generated by in-favor style - Modest bid 55 - 45
- Aggressive bid 75 - 25
- How aggressive it is going to be depends on the
risk tolerance of the plan sponsor and the
confidence level of the investment manager
16Market Timing Vs Buy-and-Hold
- When equities are expected to do well, market
timers shift from cash equivalents or any other
instruments to common stocks and vice versa - Alternatively, timers could increase the betas of
their portfolios when the equity market is
expected to rise and vice versa - Expensive due to research costs, transaction
costs and turnover - Buy and hold buy high quality stocks and hold
on to them until the end of your investment
horizon - Not a costless strategy as dividends have to be
re-invested and occasional rebalancing is
necessary so transaction costs do occur - Mixed evidence related to superiority of these
two approaches
17Market Timing and Asset Allocation Constant
Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) strategy
- Dynamic asset allocation strategy that involves
market timing - Re-allocation of funds between equities and money
market instrument (T-bill for example) - Feasible only if reallocations are made
frequently and if transaction costs are low
also, there should be continuity in equity prices - It can be illustrated through the formula
- E m (V F)
- where E is value of equity, V is value of equity
and bond portfolio, F is a floor value of a
portfolio, (V-F) is called a cushion and m is a
18CPPI Example
- Value of a portfolio V100m
- Floor F 75m
- Multiplier m2
- Level of market Index 3000
- Then, Equity 2x(100-75) 50m and Bonds 50m
- If index level falls to 2900 or 3.3 it means
that value of equity will fall by 3.3 to 48.33m
and the cushion will fall to 23.33m (C
98.33-75) - Appropriate stock position is now 46.67m
(2x23.33), meaning that we should sell
48.33-46.67 1.67m of equity and place it into
bonds - For summary of different scenarios refer to the
next slide
19(No Transcript)
20CPPI-concluding remarks
- Value of the multiplier depends on the volatility
of the underlying equity market. - Multiplier indicates that the index can drop by
1/m and the value of the portfolio will not fall
below floor even without rebalancing - In our example index could have fallen by ½50
before we would make any losses without any
rebalancing - Strategy works well in rising market but in a
flat market, due to reversals, substantial
transaction costs are generated - Cost of the strategy can be reduced by using
futures contract for stock market index and bonds
rather than actual assets
21Long/Short Investment Strategies Market Neutral
- Market neutral is a strategy very popular with
hedge funds - holding long and short equity portfolio in equal
pound (dollar, euro) balance at all times - buy undervalued and short-sell overvalued
securities - long portfolio has to have the same beta as the
short but of the opposite sign - the effect of such a strategy is creation of
zero-beta portfolio - no co-movement of the portfolio with the overall
market - in effect, the market risk is immunised
- profits are made from the performance spread
between stocks held long and stocks sold short
and from the interest received on proceeds of the
short sale
22Theoretical payoff pattern for Long and Short
- Payoff from a long active portfolio only long
portfolio which is composed of undervalued stocks
has greater return than the market portfolio by
the value of alpha - when the market returns are increasing, portfolio
returns are increasing as well but more than the
market returns - when the market returns are decreasing, portfolio
returns are decreasing as well but less than the
market returns - Payoff from a short active portfolio short
portfolio has greater returns than the short
market portfolio by the value of interest
received on the proceeds from short-sale and the
value of alphas
23Theoretical payoff pattern for Long and Short
- portfolio return portfolio return
- alpha interest alpha
- market market return return
- long short
- market market
- portfolio portfolio
- market alpha long portfolio short market
portfolio interest - market interest
alpha short portfolio
24Theoretical payoff pattern for Market Neutral
- Payoff from a market neutral portfolio
- derived from the long and short portfolio
patterns - payoff line is horisontal and it intercepts the
y-axis at the level of 2 alphas plus the interest
from the proceeds of short-sales - Double alpha one alpha is from the long
portfolio and the other one is from the short one - assumption full amount of capital is invested
both long and short - portfolio return
- market neutral portfolio
- 2alpha interest
- market return
- Long portfolio Short portfolio
25Advantages of market neutral strategy
- Practical advantages
- Maximizes profits while controlling for risk
- Investors benefit from both winner and loser
stocks, earning the full performance spread - Shorts provide greater opportunities than longs
- search for undervalued stocks is very extensive
- few investors are looking for overvalued stocks
priced inefficiently